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  1. Good morning, I have a problem that sometimes occurs both to me and to clients who enter the website and go through the process of making a purchase. For some reason that I don't know, if customers reach the checkout page and at that moment do not complete the purchase and close the tab in...
  2. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This Prestashop addon helps the administrator to add pop-up ads of products, offers, and promotions from the back office based on the selected language, and showcase them in the front office using an interactive popup on the exit when customers about to leave...
  3. Hi, I want to get unique session id for each new browser session like session_id in normal php function. From other forum posts and below documentation link, I come to know that prestashop using cookie for handling sessions. http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Managing+Cookies...
  4. Since this morning, I have been struggling with the problem that the photos in the categories are pixelated. The problem occurs in browsers based on the Chromium engine (Chrome, Edge, Opera). This problem does not exist with Firefox. In the attachment I am sending a screen from Chrome and Firefox fo...
  5. Salut à tous, Salutations. Le module permet d'afficher une notification sur le nombre de produits que les clients ont ajoutés dans le panier sur la boutique en ligne. Il aide à réduire le panier abandonné, aide les visiteurs à connaître le nombre de chariots et les encourage à terminer la...
  6. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to show notification about the count of products customers added in cart on online stores. It helps to reduce abandoned cart, helps visitors know the count of the cart and encourage them to complete order. Notifications are alerts that i...
  7. Buongiorno a tutti, sono un principiante con prestashop sto lavorando ad un ecommerce realizzato con Prestashop, su server dedicato Ho il seguente problema: 1 - Il Cliente clicca su un prodotto con combinazioni 2 - il cliente cambia colore al prodotto / taglia / altre caratt...
  8. Very odd: I was testing my webshop in different browsers using several devises and most off them show the product price as I set it: including VAT but the Opera Mini browser on Android shows the prices on the same page without VAT....... The normal (full) Opera for Android browser shows it includi...
  9. Ciao ragazzi, ho questo problema che si presenta da pochi giorni. Quando un utente prova a registrarsi o a loggarsi con un email molto lunga, il controllo delle espressioni regolari blocca il sito e spesso è impossibile anche chiudere il browser. Il problema capita solo con Chrome, con Safari...
  10. Salve ragazzi, ho una domanda relativa ai carrelli abbandonati... Praticamente, ho tantissimi guest che creano il carrello e poi si fermano ed escono dal sito. Come posso fare per, ogni volta che chiudono il tab o il browser, farli comparire un pop-up che dica "hai prodotti nel carrel...
  11. I just noticed something very weird (please bear with me, I'm new to PS). I'm using (test shop - nowhere near ready to go live yet) and I've added some cart rules to enable vouchers. Oddly enough, although I can see the voucher box in the cart in IE and Chrome, it doesn't appear when I view...
  12. Hola una consulta por qué en los exploradores me aparece una antigua imagen de categoria si la modifiqué recientemente. tendré que eliminar las caché y las cookies del explorador o tendré que eliminar la caché de la tienda?. saludos
  13. Hi, I am currently installing the new 1.5 Prestashop, the upgrade from 1.1 failed, so I am now building the shop from zero to hero As usual this is not easy while problems stop me from continuing the nice work. What I encounter at the moment is the cart. I cannot add more than one product i...
  14. I have two websites deangelshop.com using prestashop 1.5 and the useestore.com using 1.6 on the same hosting (bluehost) Both websites have the same carrier with state >5000 data On prestashop 1.5, the loading time about 1.2s for showing 5000 data carrier shipping fee setting But why in p...
  15. Hi, I observed a very weird issue. The prestashop mouse over on product list (displaying of price and add to cart option) is not displaying when the browser zoom is 75%. It works fine when zoom is 60% or 90%. Please provide a fix for the issue. Refer the attachment for a better clue.
  16. Hi all, We're running a stock version of Prestashop, which uses product variations in a drop down menu on all products. The variations are for dollar amounts for the gift cards we sell. The drop down menu works fine in all browsers except the Android 'stock' browser on mobile phones - eg...
  17. Bonjour , Nous aimerions ajouter a notre prestashop la solution open source "Outdated Browser" (www.http://outdatedbrowser.com/fr/) ce script détecte si le navigateur est trop ancien pour naviguer sur notre site. Pourriez vous nous aider a le configurer et ajouter les fichier css et javascr...
  18. HI, First thanks to this forum for all the problems it has helped me solve so far without posting! I have managed to get everything working on firefox, but when I view the front end on chrome or IE the products do not display. You can see the prices and a blank photo in catagory view, but th...
  19. when i add a product to the basket and press back in the browser , it won't update the new product it goes to the old cache i think why is that ? and maby for help , when i screen record , it do update 90% of the time :S. example https://www.dropbox.com/s/js3pcfyk4m8pouq/blockcart.mov?dl=0...
  20. Hi all, Thanks for reading my message. I got a big problem with my online shop. Please kindly help!!! The problem is at the order process:- Once a customer enter his/her address and click "Proceed to check out"then the website go to a blank page. There is no error message and just a blank pa...
  21. Hallo zusammen Wie das im Titel schon steht, möchte ich gerne das der Shop automatisch die Sprache wechselt. Wir haben einen Shop in zwei Sprachen. Deutsch und französisch. Wenn französisch sprechen Kunden auf den gehen, wird dieser leider auf deutsch angezeigt. Habe ich eine Möglichkeit, dass...
  22. I just checked out my store on another browser, and im kind of devastated that it looks rather odd. My biggest issue is that on my samsung tablet and mobile the top Nav bar repeats itself, instead of shrinking, but the logo remains normal sized. How can i make it so the header/logo is also respo...
  23. Prestashop-Version: EDIT: fadeToggle(); did the trick, don't need to know the id at this point. I did an onchange-event for the radio-buttons in order-carrier.tpl: <input id="delivery_option_{$id_address}_{$option@index}" class="delivery_option_radio" type="radio" name="de...
  24. Hello. I did a one click install of Prestashop 1.5.4 on Freehostia. My site shows up fine on all browsers except for Firefox. When I got to my site it sends it to Godaddy.com and says the name is parked, but on my iPhone and internet explorer it's as clear as day. Is this a browser issue or is the v...
  25. Hello, I have recently been locked out of the BO of our site: http://www.londonvintagestore.com I have tried many fixes to the files via ftp as advised from the prestashop forums & help pages ,but none have resolved the issue. When I try to login the page is blank & the browser address b...
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