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Hi, I would like to change breadcrumb background color (the grey horizontal line) to white. How should I do that?
Buenas, soy bastante nuevo con prestashop, estamos creando una tienda online en prestashop 1.7. EN las paginas de categorias de productos la misgas de pan salen correctamente: Inicio - Categoria X - Categoria Y (categorias anidadas) pero... cuando llegas al detalle del producto... se pierde el rasyt...
- breadcrumbs
- breadcrumb
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I am new to Prestashop and site developing. I have a site with some products. I tried the google "Test URL". It showed a lot of errors with this name "Invalid items are not eligible for advanced Google Search results". I tried looking at different online solutions, but i couldan't understand anythin...
- breadcrumbs
- help
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So yeah, very typical problem here with breadcrumbs. I dont know how to solve it, I followed some ideas i saw here and there but it isnt really working to be honest. Could you guys help me? This is our webpage: breadcrumb.tpl
- breadcrumb
- b
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Hola, Estaba intentando optimizar el data-vocabulary para Google Search Console y he debido de hacer algo mal porque ahora me salen dos barritas de breadcrumbs arriba con el mismo contenido, en vez de una. Obviamente, revertí los cambios e intenté dejarlo como estaba, pero no funcionó. C...
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- breadcrumb
- breadcrumbs
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Bonjour Si vous désirez mettre en oeuvre les microformats de type Breadcrumbs (visibles dans Google dans les résultats de recherche) voici une méthode simple et adaptée à toutes les versions de Prestashop Visuellement ça peut donner ça : Par contre cela nécessite de toucher au core de Pr...
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- 1
- Microformats
- Rich snippet
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How to insert custom breadcrumbs in prestashop theme?
sanjaysingh10 posted a topic in General topics
I want to create custom breadcrumbs in Prestashop default theme. how do I do that? and to use it on category and product page which files should I edit? -
Évaluation de produit + Google Snippets, Breadcrumb, Rich Pins Le module "Product Rating" est facile à utiliser et installer ce qui permet à vos visiteurs de voter pour n'importe quel produit sur votre boutique. Les utilisateurs peuvent évaluer les produits en indiquant leurs meilleurs...
- pins
- breadcrumbs
- (and 5 more)
Hallo, Ben nieuw met het werken met Prestashop 1.7.3 en heb een vraag waarvan ik het antwoord niet kan vinden. Mijn breadcrumbs worden niet goed weergegeven. BV. Als ik via het menu klik op "categorie A" dan opent de pagina en zie ik in de trail: "Home" > "categorie A" Vervolgen...
Buenas compañeros estoy to y trabajando en una web que me trae de cabeza por las múltiples modificaciones a los css que han realizado. En en este caso se empezó a ver mal el breadcrumbs viéndose doble o como si fuera una , pero en realidad es parte otro navegtion pip...
- 5 replies
- configuracion
- breadcrumbs
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Hello, I have a module that add custom message in product front page. I one information to personnalize the message with the product category. I can retreive easily the default category but I need the full path written on the breadcrumbs because the product is in sub category. Breadcrumbs...
- breadcrumbs
- productcontroller
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Currently on my site I have in Prestashop CMS three categories Alcohol Non Alcohol Other I have about 10 items in "Alcohol" On my homepage when I click on Alcohol I got breadcrumbs like this: Home -> Alcohol But when I click for example on "Local wines" in Alcohol category...
Using a filter module I loose the $path and then the breadcrumbs. The only value I found is this array: array ( [isolang] => it [id_lang] => 1 [id_category] => 25 [controller] => category ) 1 With this I need to get the name and the link of the category. Anyone can help me to do this? Tha...
hi i have an issue with my site I have used csv to import 700 products and i have another 5000 to go. Categories have been created and when i uploaded the csv i selected the correct category number for the products and on the live site the product is shown in the c...
- 4 replies
- prestashop 1.6
- bug
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Hi, I need put Home word instead home icon in breadcrumbs. Anybody help me? Thank you in advance.
Доброго времени суток! Подскажите, может есть простой способ изменить вид ссылки в хлебных крошках, для подкатегории. Вот например есть товар в категории: Главная > категория-1 > категория-2 > товар1 Тогда ссылка в хлебных крошках на "категория-2" будет следующиего вида:
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- Breadcrumb
- breadcrumbs
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Does anyone know where to change the MAIN SHOP in the breadcrumb line? i.e. file name? I would like to change it to my shop name.... I attached a photo... Thanks
Hi all! At the moment, when i go through a few categories to get to the product I want, it gives me the full breadcrumb UP UNTIL I get to the product. When on the product, it just display the default category (which i assume is correct and the way it has been configured to work). I need a wa...
- url
- breadcrumbs
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Hey everyone, I have an issue with breadcrumbs: All of them display correctly, unless any of the 3 danish special characters æ, ø or å are part of the path. It works fine in the menu and as title for a category, but within the breadcrumb every path name that includes æ, ø or å is blanked out...
Chcialbym przesunac okruszki w inne miejsce (pod naglowek bezposrednio powyzej lewej kolumny i srodkowego bloku), znalazlem podpowiedz, ale nie do konca zalapalem chyba. Oto rozwiazanie:
Hey, so I am using Prestashop 1.5.5 with multistore, and in one of my shops the breadcrumbs work fine, in the other they are completely random. I have tried looking into product associations and all but can't seem to figure out a solution. Any help or similar issues?
- 1 reply
- breadcrumbs
- random
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Hello, I am currently running a multistore with two different shops. On one store, I have 3 main categories: Enclosure, Power Supply, and Accessories. When I click on any subcategory within "Enclosure" it adds random other category breadcrumbs. Every sub category within "Power Supply" and "Accessori...
- 2 replies
- Image Slider
- Breadcrumbs
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