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  1. I have looked all most every inch through in Chrome console, to find the bug. I also have searched google empty for informations regarding this problem. I can't find any error, so I hope there's someone here there could help me. The site is: https://shop.hjortsmykker.dk and the problem occu...
  2. Czy istnieje możliwość zmiany głębokości wyświetlenia kategorii, tak aby wyświetlane były tylko np. kategoria + podkategoria, a nie wszystkie przez co nie mieszczą się na ekranie?
  3. When clicking on Top Horizontal Menu while using mobile device the menu appears then disappears and is generally unresponsive. My prestashop is V Website: www.artworldonline.co.uk
  4. Hello all, I wonder if there is a solution to be able to Expand blocktopmenu by default on mobile devices. How we can set the menu (blocktopmenu) to be expanded by default on mobile devices? Thanks
  5. Ciao a tutti, oggi improvvisamente sul sito di cui faccio manutenzione si sono disallineati alcuni componenti, in particolare il TOP MENU, la casella del SEARCH ed anche la parte del carrello è cambiata, addirittura l'iconcina del carrello non è più la stessa. Posso dirvi di sicuro che qualcos...
  6. Hallo, We hebben een probleem met het "blocktopmenu" op onze website ontdekt wanneer de website op een mobiele telefoon of tablet word weergegeven. Het menu wat zich bovenaan de pagina bevind word ingeklapt als de website op een kleiner scherm weergegeven wordt. Door middel van de "+" mo...
  7. Bonjour, J' utilise Prestashop en version et le thème par défaut. Ma question concerne le menu haut horizontal (et le sous-menu) : Je souhaiterai qu' ils soient écrits en minuscules mais, pour l' instant, ils sont en majuscules... Comment puis-je faire cette modification ? Et où...
  8. Bonjour, Je cherche à désactiver l'affichage des infobulles uniquement dans le blocktopmenu. En parcourant le forum je comprends bien qu'il faut supprimer la balise title dans un .tpl mais pour le coup, je ne trouve pas lequel. Sinon il y a la solution globale, https://www.prestasho...
  9. Hello! How can I configure the module "blocktopmenu" to appear expanded (1 level deep) as default on mobile? Please see the picture attached. I have searched forums for the answer but I could find it. Thank you ! ascker
  10. Bonjour je souhaiterais changer de place le module Block top menu. je suis sur Prestashop 1) J'ai créé un nouveau hook ( DisplayUnderTop ) 2) Ensuite dans le header du template j'ai rajouté le hook. {hook h=DisplayUnderTop} 3) j'ai ajouter le fichier blocktopmenu.php dans ov...
  11. Bonjour, J'utilise le module natif Menu Haut horizontal v2.2.4 sur une Prestashop 1.6.10 en multi-boutique. Les catégories de produits n'apparaissent pas dans les fenêtres de paramétrage en BO - ce qui m'oblige à créer des liens manuellement et qui pose d'autres problèmes - notamment lorsque...
  12. Saludos, estoy intentando quitar la lineas del menú horizontal, tengo varios dias intentando y nada que doy con el estilo, he modificado casi todo el archivo superfish y nada, alguien podría ayudar. adjunto imagen mas descriptiva. Gracias de antemano
  13. Dear all, i'm dealing with an issue while using the Blocktopmenu module. Explainations : i used to have lots of categories and no sub-cat, most of all the categories were listed in the blocktopmenu with link to the good place and a useful name. while there were quite lots of categories th...
  14. Hi team! Hope you can help me with this problem, I've been reading the forum for ages and haven't found the solution! I'm using customer groups to assign them a certain discount and it works perfect! Now I'm trying to create certain categories/subcategories only accessible by the users...
  15. Witam, Po zmodyfikowaniu blocktopmenu otrzymałam już coś takiego: w czerwonym prostokącie zaznaczone zostały kategorie, które w pliku blocktopmenu.tpl są przedstawione tylko za pomocą zmiennej $MENU. Jak można edytować zawartość html tej zmiennej? I czy można tą zmienną wykorzystać w in...
  16. Hi everyone, Just wondering if it's possible to disable the sub-category drop down part of the blocktopmenu? Basically I only want the main categories to show on the top menu bar/block and not the sub-categories. If yes and someone has already done this could you please tell me what to m...
  17. Hi, I'm trying to fix blocktopmenu to load different CSS file when switching between LTR and RTL (on PS 1.5.2). I added the following code in blocktopmenu.php, but it does'nt work. Anyone can help? public function hookHeader($params) { $language = new Language($cookie->id_lang); if ($la...
  18. Bonjour à tous, Je travaille avec Prestashop La boutique contenant que très peu de catégories (pas de sous-catégories) et un nombre très faible de produits, je voudrais afficher dans le menu horizontal (module blocktopmenu) mes catégories (comme maintenant) mais en dessous (dans les men...
  19. Hello.... I use prestashop 1.6 and free leo-gamegear prestashop theme (http://www.leotheme.com/prestashop/themes/313-leo-gamegear.html). I have a problem with top horizontal menu. I have a lot of categories and subcategories and they are all displayed in a single column (on PC). How to display th...
  20. Hello, I am working on the default bootstrap theme ( and i think the category thumbnails within the menu are really useful, however i would like to make them clickable and linked to their assigned category. With no luck so far. In the blocktopmenu.php file, I have tried to include the t...
  21. Mi sono arenato su una fesseria. Ho modificato un tema ed ho un menu in alto (blocktopmenu, non modificato). In questo menu vorrei creare un elemento che, al passaggio del mouse, mostri una tendina che si abbassa con delle voci (tipicamente dell'area CMS; del tipo 'info prodotti' > 'banane | mele |...
  22. Hi I am new to Prestashop, been working on a website for two days, but I seem to be facing an issue with the block top menu stacking when the page width is below 922pixels. This makes the block top menu unsightly, I was trying to find ways to get tablet navigation to start at 922pixels, but have...
  23. Hallo, ich nutze das Standardtemplate und die prestashop_1.6.1.4_de und würde die Suche Blocksearch gerne wie auf dem Bild zu sehen neben dem Blocktopmenu anordnen. Kann mir jemand sagen wie ich das am Besten mache? Bei kleinen Bildschirmen sollen Blocktopmenue (Horizontale Navigationsleiste v2.2....
  24. I was having problems with my top horizontal menu not letting me add any links to it or delete links from it, so I attempted to reset the module. An error message showed up briefly, I don't recall what it said, but now my top menu is completely gone. Under modules I have the option to "install" or...
  25. Hola, tengo un problema con el modulo block top menu, cuando se visualiza en un mobil no se despliegan las categorias, no encuentro el fallo de ninguna manera, antes funcionaba pero cambié la tipografía y no funcionó la volví a poner como la original y tampoco funcionaba.. Os dejo un link a m...
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