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  1. Tengo una duda a la hora de mostrar las vistas desde un módulo anclado en un hook determinado: Resulta que los hooks de display, como normalmente van en las plantillas del tema, a veces no están situados exactamente donde queremos mostrar la vista de un módulo. Me explico mejor con un ejem...
  2. Hi, I am new to prestashop and i need an help in combining checkout page blocks. Like Personal Information and Addresses should be in one block Is thery any possible way to do it? What are the files or blocks i need to change. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hola compañer@s, a ver si me podéis echar una mano para solventar esto. Necesito ordenar los links que aparecen a pie de página dentro de un bloque "Link Widget" Dentro de este bloque hay dos tipos de enlaces: Enlaces a la paginas de contenido (tipo política de privacidad, quienes so...
  4. Hello, I added module "New products blocks" to my homepage but I want to change it a little bit. I configured it to display 12 items and they display in 4 columns and in 3 lines. I want to display all items in one line which moving automatic or by clicking on the arrow. Can you help...
  5. Hallo Community! Ich benötige einmal Euren Sachverstand, beziehungsweise Eure Erfahrung. Wie Ihr sicherlich wisst, habe ich mir vor kurzem ein Template zugelegt, was auch nicht gerade so kostengünstig war. Es klaffen Welten zwischen dem, was in ich in der Demo gesehen habe, und was ich da als E...
  6. Hi guys, I'm looking for a module that displays every time the page is loaded a different image in a block. To better explain you can fin and example below. 1:https://gyazo.com/8806bcf6aa21a53b5aec639350dcbde5 2:https://gyazo.com/2e2efe8b8de55091032a4497e4f65bdc Tha...
  7. Is there any way to fill in the gap by moving things around a bit. As you see the more info needs moved up with description under the image items and we wanted to know if that is possible. Thank you.
  8. Hi I am trying to add a link to my blockperminentlinks module however it doesn't give the option to configure it. I do not have a top header module, can you please advise. If you need any more information please let me know. thanks
  9. Good morning, Using PS 1.4.7 How do I change the default colour of grey in the header of modules/blocks, for example, categories, news letter, top sellers etc. I assume this is not in global CSS, is it in module CSS or module tpl file? If I am correct could you please let me know which fil...
  10. Hello community, I have a really serious question. How I can disable the option of "auto-enabling" blocks in hooks when a theme is enabled? For example, I have the footer based on only one block, coming from a module. So, when I switch to a new theme, the theme adds its blocks in footer hook, re...
  11. Un saluto a tutti i membri di questa splendida comunità! Vorrei approfittare della vostra gentilezza per chiedere un aiuto su un problema assai frustrante: con il live edit ho cancellato alcuni blocchi della sidebar di sinistra (categorie, filtra per prezzo, produttori, attributi) ma ora ho bisogno...
  12. Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone could help me out with a problem I'd like to fix. I have Stripe installed and configured (in test mode) to display on my store. At the end of the checkout process, it all works fine and dandy. However, whenever you get an error or any kind of message a...
  13. Hallo zusammen, ich teste eben presta für ein kleines Projekt und mir fehlt ein Lösungsansatz. Es ist sicher ganz simple nur ich komme nicht drauf. zum Ist-Zustand: - bestseller und newproducts habe ich in DisplayHome content (ohne Taps) eingehangen bekommen. - Je Block soll nur ein Artikel an...
  14. Hi I'm looking for a way to display four blocks on the frontpage, where each block contains 6 products from each category. The frontpage is a one-column page. I was thinking if it is easy to make it myself or if anyone knows a free module for this task?
  15. Got a small problem I was trying to work out by myself but I'm kinda a newby so it was a no go. I was hoping someone could help me. On the default bootstrap template in prestashop 1.6 I made a left column. See here: http://www.jolieschaussures.com/ but the left column extended all the way down....
  16. Hi guys, can anyone shed light on my problem. I want to edit the modules showing in DisplayLeftColumn in order to determine which one should show up on specific pages. When I click on edit all that happens is a blank screen. Using the latest Firefox browser......and latest Prestashop version...
  17. Hello! I´ve done some research, and I cant seem to find an answer for this little problem. I want to have three boxex under my homeslider block on the frontpage. the blocks are: newsletter, advertiser and contact-info. I´ve tried to add a html/text block and make a simple html table (3x1) wit...
  18. Hello everyone! Anyone could help about how to resize the footer columns? (keeping it responsive) Thanks for helping one more time! (Presta 1.6, theme default)
  19. How do I use the friendly URL to access my CMS block e.g. I've added a new element to a block and I want to access it. I can take the url that is created when I preview the new page but I would like to use the friendly url to access it. How do I achieve this?
  20. Hy, I have a website: http://www.danielafashion.ro, and i want to add left colunm on categories pages with there subcategories. Left column blocks, it was made but, dosent apperar on the categories pages. Please help me, i am beginer in prestashop. Thx in advanced,
  21. Hi, I have developed a simple module and I have made hook that in both left and right column. Its working fine in both columns. But the problem is in frontend both columns the module is showing at last point, means after tags, categories, viewed product, manufacturer, information, newsletter. I...
  22. Hey guys! The small icons on prestashop (such as the home icon, print page icon, left/right arrows to navigate pictures on products, etc.) are black. My template I have installed right now is black and you can't see them. How can I change their colors to white? I did use presta-theme...
  23. Good evening, My Prestashop design has black background color. I would like that my product blocks have white background. This is what I have changed in global.css LOCK .block ******************************************************************************** */ .block_content { background:#F...
  24. Hi Anyone can advice I have a problem in prestashop new template 1.4.5. The cart block is not in the right place. Please see the attachment I solved it. throw models then positions
  25. Good Day, I have an odd problem where a couple of my blocks are not showing on my Right Column even though they show in the Positions menu & in the Live Edit. I also noticed that if I delete a module from my Live Edit and try to bring it back it wont show on the Live site even though it show...
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