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After upgrading Prestashop I was missing the little language images (country flags) on store frontpage. Instead only the language description was displayed. I replaced the following two instances of code in /themes/default-bootstrap/modules/blocklanguages/blocklanguages.tpl <span>{$|regex_replace:"/\s.*$/":""}</span> both with <span><img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code}" width="16" height="11" /> {$|regex_replace:"/\s.*$/":""}</span> Hope it is usefull to you.
Hi, I have PS 1.3.6, how I can adapting blocklanguages for do it this: - when I click on a language flag I would open a custom URL (external) this is the code of blocklanguages <!-- Block languages module --> <div id="languages_block_top"> <label>{l s='Languages' mod='blocklanguages'}:</label> <ul id="first-languages"> {foreach from=$languages key=k item=language name="languages"} <li {if $language.iso_code == $lang_iso}class="selected_language"{/if}> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso}<a href="{$link->getLanguageLink($language.id_lang, $}" title="{$}">{/if} <img src="{$img_lang_dir}{$language.id_lang}.jpg" alt="{$language.iso_code}" width="16" height="11" /> {if $language.iso_code != $lang_iso}</a>{/if} </li> {/foreach} </ul> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $('ul#first-languages li:not(.selected_language)').css('opacity', 0.55); $('ul#first-languages li:not(.selected_language)').hover(function(){ldelim} $(this).css('opacity', 1); {rdelim}, function(){ldelim} $(this).css('opacity', 0.55); {rdelim}); </script> <!-- /Block languages module --> thanks
Hi, I'm new to Prestashop, using version and I've seen many times the same issue. When I want to override the css of the a core module like "homefeatured" it simply doesn't have any effect. I've copied the .css and modified it on mytheme/css/ no effect (cleared all cache and smarty compile) I've also tried to put "homefeatured.css" in: - mytheme/css/modules - mytheme/css/modules/homefeatured/views/templates/front/ - I've even tried: mytheme/modules/homefeatured/ Nothing seems to override the core module css. I've been oblige to modify the core itself but I hate to do that. Note: the change/override in mytheme/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl worked just fine. Note 2: I've seen the same issue with the following modules: blockcurrencies, blocklanguages, blocktopmenu Is it me missing something or is it a bug?
- 3 replies
- override
- blocktopmenu
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Hola, he reiniciado el modulo bloque de idiomas y se me ha descuadrado la posicion de este, antes me aparecia en la cabecera, pegado arriba del todo y ahora me aparece entre la columna de categorias y el menu horizontal. ¿Cómo puedo volver a ponerlo en su sitio? La url es Gracias.