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  1. hi guys, I got question to ask here about OUR STORES, In my countries Working day start from Sunday onward. where should i change label make it start from Sunday not Monday and also wanna resize the table and wanna make picture on store look bigger then before. Thanks guys.
  2. Witajcie, mam problem z modułem blocktopmenu (Górne menu poziome) Wiem jak dodać do niego pozycje w postaci utworzonych stron CMS ale w jaki sposób mogę utworzyć pozycje menu otwierające standardowe strony np. Kontakt(z formularzem) oraz np. Nowości Czyli mniej więcej te pozycje które są w mo...
  3. When we browse our shop with mobile device, everything seems finde with the exception of the cms pages. The friendly urls are not resolved, instead we see something like this. Despite of spending hours in reading similar posts, we could not find a solution. Any help would be appreciated. Example...
  4. Hi, I added the blockcms module to my prestashop website and configured it to show 3 page links in the footer block. One link is to contact-form.php page and it works greatly (it is correctly shown in both languages available). This is the related line in the blockcms.tpl file: <li class="ite...
  5. Собственно сабж. В шаблоне есть вывод: {foreach from=$cms_title.categories item=cms_page} {if isset($cms_page.link)} <li class="bullet"> <a href="{$cms_page.link|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{$cms_page.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"> {$cms_page.name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}...
  6. Was trying to edit the footer information in the BlockCMS section under Localization > Translations and after I hit save, I was hit with a 403 Forbidden. I checked the permissions and .htaccess files to make sure everything was fine and it seemed like it was. It happens when I also try to modify...
  7. Prestashop Hi Two questions, both related; 1. How can I show menu options in blockpermanentlinks-header.tpl in a different language? 2. How can I show menu options in blockcms.tpl in a different language? The reason I ask is because there is no backoffice method to add/ed...
  8. Hi all, I would like to reorder the blockcms link that I have in the footer module. How can I do???
  9. One of the links in my Block CMS section is not working. When you click on it the user is sent to a 404 page. The file exists. I've been testing it on my test server using another copy of the site. I thought I matched up the applicable files for the test but it appears to work fine on the test ser...
  10. It seems that I am not able to configure custom pages in PrestaShop 1.6 the way I want. 1. I want a CMS block to appear in the displayRightColumn, but try as I might, it does not go into the Right Blocks in the modules configuration. I cannot add in the Left Blocks either. I tried editing the "I...
  11. Hello, I've can't insert html in "BLOCKCMSINFO" it doesn't save the changes. Any idea about it?
  12. Hi there, I install Prestashop an have three stores. Only one store will work the module "blockcms" correctly. Searching on internet and found that i need to delete the articles and make new articles on each store. Only i can now don't make new articles. When i like to save the article t...
  13. Bonjour, J'aimerai changer le lien du titre d'un de mes bloc CMS qui me renvoie pour l'instant à l'adresse : ".../content/category/1-home". J'ai essayé mainte fois de modifier le fichier blockcms.tpl mais rien ne change ... Je pense que la ligne à modifier est celle situé en rouge mais je n'y...
  14. Salve a tutti, i famosi link che si hanno nel modulo blockcms nel footer come posso riordinarli?
  15. Hi there, I snicked a link to an external forum inside the blockcms module, it looks like this: <li class="item"><a href="http://domain.com/forum/">{l s='Technical Forum' mod='blockcms'}</a></li> I am using PS1.5.6.1 and I have two languages English and Spanish. The forum is also in those two...
  16. Hi all, I'm next in the row of people having trouble with the configuration of the blockCSM footer. I found lots of topics about the issue but none of them about my special one. I created a CMS page for the footer and it surprised me by actually showing up in my front office! Then later on...
  17. Hallo liebe Forumsmitglieder, ich arbeite seit einigen Wochen mit Prestashop, alles was ich bisher weiß hab ich mir aus diesem Forum angelernt wofür ich euch allen ersteinmal ein ganz dickes Lob aussprechen muss! Meine Seite, bzw. mein OnlineShop ist bereits online, trotzdem gibt es hier und...
  18. El problema con el que me encuentro es que no puedo eliminar los enlaces del bloquecms en prestashop promociones especiales Novedades Mejores ventas Contacte con nosotros Bloque CMS footer prestashop Tengo otros enlaces como podreis observar los cuales he creado desde preferenc...
  19. Hola, tengo un problemilla con una de las traducciones del blockcms. El título del bloque lo tengo traducido correctamente en el fichero es.php correspondiente, pero no me lo pilla y me sigue saliendo en inglés: Information. La línea del fichero de traducción: $_MODULE['<{blockcms}prestashop>b...
  20. Hola comunidad: Tenemos una instalación en 2 idiomas (ENG y ESP) y al hacer click en los links del blockcms (en el footer del sitio) correspondientes al español, se enlaza hacia los textos en inglés. Se puede ver aqui. Alguien sabe si es un bug del PS ? En Preferencias>CMS están los text...
  21. Hi, I need to add the content of a cmd page, in the content include a image, but i don't know how obtain it. That the image of the code and where i want to put the content.. I try to used {$cms_page.content} but it not work
  22. Witam, Na jednym silniku prestashop 1.5 mam założone dwa sklepu (MULTISTORE) na dwóch różnych domenach. Problem mam z wyświetlaniem linków bloku CMS. W backoffice ustawione jest które mają się w którym sklepie wyświetlać i przeglądając ustawienia modułu wszystko jest ok. Natomiast w na st...
  23. Hallo Zusammen, in meinem Prestashop sind die Useful Links (BlockCMS) zwar super Übersetzt, aber er zeigt mir im Frontend dennoch immer die englische Version an. Er will die Übersetzung einfach nicht schlucken... Jemand ne Idee woran das liegen könnte? Dank euch ;o) Gruß Alex
  24. Me gustaría saber como volver a instalar el modulo blockcms v1.1 que he suprimido de mi web sin querer
  25. I try to place in header section of my site, links to CMS pages. I guess I must do it using BlockCMS but this doesn't let me place in that position (only left_column, right_column and footer) What am I doing wrong? Any idea? Regards
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