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  1. Here as small how to for Layered Navigation module. I found too much people asking for that mod, so i wrote this how to and it is also available in portuguese here: http://goo.gl/CCMjA7 So here we go. Block Layered works with product attributes filter (like size, color, etc) and when you have on...
  2. Hello friends. I want to add block layered filter and features to manufacturers products page on the left or right block. Is it possible in prestashop? Please help if anybody knows. Thanks in advance.
  3. Hi there I want to add an infinite scroll type script to my webshop. All is going well on normal pages (category, manufacturer, search etc) but i want to do this on layered navigation too, which currently is not possible, as this module replaces the pagination with it's own code, and has ajax in...
  4. Hello everyone, I use block layered to transform category name, but I try to replace part of product name in product-list.tpl as well, but it doesnt work, any reason why? Example: Category name: Tools => use filter=> get "Tools > small" I wat same in product name in product-list in products....
  5. Hello! I am having a problem with the "blocklayered" module. http://www.adidasi-haine.ro/70-barbati#/price-52-164 as you can see in the link above, the prices shuld be in between 52-164, but the product listings show other prices too.. Prestashop BlockLayered: 1.10.3 Does a...
  6. Hi all, I have a big problem with the block layered. When I copy-paste the URL of filtered categories and brands, the result is a empty URL after # and the filtered products are reset. Any ideas what can cause this? I already reset the module, reindex all URLS, i am using the default TPL (not th...
  7. Hi, I have a problem with the Block Layered module, it only works with my Default Currency and it disappears when I change currency on my site. Anyone knows how to solve this issue? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hello everybody, I see that in one of my store is not showing attribute color and size. I check the db and I sow that the table ps_layered_product_attribute is empty. Filling it manually the filter appears on block layer. My question is: how can I fill this table with products attributes data?...
  9. Подскажите, пожалуйста, заметил, что страница категорий стала очень долго грузиться(порядка 6 секунд). Попробовал отключить блок многоуровневой навигации(он же Layered navigation block) и страница стала грузиться секунд за 2. Как можно изменить этот модуль, чтобы он так не нагружал систему или возмо...
  10. >>>> POST RESOLU !!! VOIR LE TUTO ICI !!! Bonjour les amis, voici ma question, qui, je l'espère, intéressera plus d'un: Sur Prestashop 1.6, j'ai configuré mon menu a facette en colonne de gauche, mais je ne suis pes trsè satisfait du résultat visuel: 1) Question 01: J'ai par exemple...
  11. Hy all, I want to make my layered block without any checkbox, radios or dropdown. Atributes/Features to be as simple text and when clicked to load the products matching the filter. I want this for the design. Checkboxes are not so pretty Anyone ? THX !
  12. Hello, There is a small JavaScript that runs on page load on the Product-List tpl file. But when I use the Block Layared to filter products from the list it reloads the resulted product list without the JavaScript running after. Can someone please help me with finding where to put the Javascrip...
  13. Bonjour, J'utilise le module "navigation à facettes" sur mon site prestashop et je souhaiterais faire une légère modification sur celui-ci. J'aimerai que lorsqu'on charge une page d'un site prestashop sur laquelle se trouve un bloc avec la navigation à facette, les onglets des filtres soit...
  14. Bonjour, Dans la navigation à facette, les curseurs de sélection de la tranche de prix ne fonctionnent pas sur les mobiles/tablettes. Impossible de sélectionner une tranche de prix. Avez vous le même problème ? J'ai testé le thème default-bootstrap ainsi que: http://demo.prestashop.com/fr/?v...
  15. I have a problem with page navigation and block layered module. If there are for example 50 products in a category, the pagination show up. If i filter for example "blue color" (with 10 products) the 10 products show up and the pagination disappear, and this is ok. When I deselect the filter "blue...
  16. Hi, For a long time i'm trying to solve an issue with block layered and nGinx. Everything works as expected filtering products in categories but trying access urls from block layered without # (hash) directly in browser, i always get an 404 error. This happens cause i dont have nginx rewrite...
  17. Hi, we have aprox. 800 products, with a lot of special prices (total around 30 000), when we run http://eshop.xxx.xxx/modules/blocklayered/blocklayered-price-indexer.php?token=xxx&full=1 in mysql admin processes we can see this script opened around 5 times still opened and it wont close......
  18. Hi, I recently noticed that Google webmaster tools shows duplicate content in all pages with layered navigation results (sizes, colors, etc). Is there any chance to block these results from robots.txt or noindex them. The results use selected_filters attribute. www.domain.com/10-somecategory?n...
  19. Hi Prestashopers) Can you tell me please - at someone ever worked meta title changes when selecting filters in block layered navigation? I saw in module code manipulations with meta-title, but not fully unerstand how it should works, maybe need specific settings? checked in 1.4.x - 1.5.x
  20. Bonjour, Je rencontre un bug sous prestashop 1.5.5 . Quand je suis dans l'administration , je vais dans configurer le module navigation a facette puis à l'étape 1 je clic sur "catégorie spécifiques" ... La une fenetre s'ouvre ... je ne vois que accueil. Impossible d'ouvrir l'arboresc...
  21. Hy all, I want to change from picture 1 like in picture 2 but only color attribute. To be arranged inline. From block layered. Can anyone help me ?
  22. Hi, I recently upgraded from Prestashop to, and I just had a look in the error log. It shows this error repeated thousands of times: [19-Jul-2013 22:27:07 Europe/London] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/duratexc/public_html/www.duratex.co.uk/modu...
  23. Please help masters or anybody know how do it! In the attached picture how to remove red lines and do it as in green place in the left side of web site. Thanks very much.
  24. Hello, Prestashop in combination with block layered module is a great way to better the usability of the site. unfortunately for my shop I got some major issues and I found out this was because the block layered module was built this way. When you sell products that contain sizes like cl...
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