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  1. Hello, I'm using prestashop I already made lots of translations with my shop, but i finally had to add one language (australian). Problem is that i'd like to reorganize the flags order in the frontend (i'd like the australian language to be just below the english language), a...
  2. Buongiorno a tutti Qualcuno mi potrebbe aiutare? come da titolo, ho il blocco categorie che da pc va perfetto, ma dal cellulare si vede alla fine di tutti i prodotti, vorrei che si vedrebbe all'inizio della pagina (causa tanti prodotti) e no alla fine , ma che file devo modificare...
  3. Bonjour, j'ai un problème dans mon footer d'origine les blocks ne sont pas alignés sur la même ligne, comment puis-je faire pour qu'ils soient tous alignés ??? Sachant que je suis sous prestashop 8.2 en local avec thème classic-child. Merci Bonne journée
  4. Is there any way possible to block an email address in the back office? Let's say you're getting nasty messages from a visitor who does not register, plus the email is a random address that cannot be tracked... Is there a way to just prevent this person from contacting again through the back...
  5. Hi, I want to add translation support for my field in configure area in module and services section. I am using prestashop version 1.6.x and I made change as per other modules and below documentation link. http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Making+your+module+work+with+Bootstrap...
  6. Hola a todos. He estado buscando y no encuentro este tema. ¿Es posible que el apartado filtros aparezca en el apartado superior con un desplegable? existe algún modulo que haga esto? (he hecho un pequeño apaño con el paint) ¿Es esto posible? o tenemos que adentrarn...
  7. Hi I have upgraded my store to 1.6 all is well except the blocklayered module it won't index (in the configuration area of the module) also when i try to use it on my website it just loads for ever but nothing happens tried to remove it and install it again no luck, be...
  8. Block Bot/User by IP, Country or User Agent The spam traffic and bots are one of the biggest challenges for the eCommerce store owners. Block Bot/User by IP, country or User Agent module is the best solution to block the known spam bots. The store admin can block the spammers based on the IP, C...
  9. Ich plane den Einsatz eines HTML Block modul. Ziel ist es Bilder, Bewertungen o. ä. ohne großen Aufwand an verschiedenen Stellen der Seite einzubinden. Bis jetzt sind in der engeren Auswahl das Custom HTML Block module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/blocks-tabs-banners/13292-custom-html-...
  10. Hi, Who knows, maybe a module that will put these blocks on the home page. Example
  11. Hi im new to Prestahop and hope to find some answers. On the product page I used the customization field to have a customer upload a photos and a comment. I want to move that custom block under the attribute fields instead of above as it is the default. In product.tpl...
  12. Buenas, estoy intentado cambiar el número de teléfono de este bloque de mi página web pero no lo consigo encontrar por ningún sitio. Al hacer clic en el botón desde el smartphone llama a un teléfono que queremos cambiar. La web es: https://maquinariaparalahosteleria.es/ Si me podéis echar una m...
  13. Does anyone know how to do something like this below? Is there a module for this?
  14. Hi all, i want show some block only in specific pages - in some category or some cms page. It is possible or may i use some module?
  15. Buenas Quisiera saber como puedo bloquear mediante .htaccess los bots y crawlers malignos que clonan y scrapean sitios web sin bloquar a los bots buenos de Google,Yahoo,etc...para que moi sitio pueda ser indexado correctamente pero no permita que los bots maliciosos lo recorran. He encontr...
  16. Hi guys, I have a problem with my product page: if I choose a combination of the product the reference code doesn't refresh. Now I think that the problem is with my block code in the template file. I found the method displayAjaxRefresh in ProductController.php where other blocks are "...
  17. i have a site powered by prestashop i want to block non users (visitors and gift) from consulting CMS categories and pages also redirect them to authentification page .
  18. Hello, I have a store built with Prestashop, version In the main page, I have a block with "featured products", and another block with "new products". (The block of "best selling products" is disabled) I would like to add another block showing the products of a specific categ...
  19. Hello, I would like to move my cart block to the top right by the contact and sign in buttons. I have managed to get it in the top bar but failed to align it. I have tried deleting the div class in the BlockCart.tpl and looking at the CSS to float:right but I have had no luck....
  20. I use Prestashop and I have installed a module that allows you to manage attribute groups without creating combinations between them. The form is used from each product configuration page when necessary. For products that do not use this add-on module on the frontend page everything...
  21. Witam serdecznie, Mam problem z ustawieniem wielkości w statick block w sklepie http://arabesque.pl tak aby zdjęcie było mniejsze i zachowane marginesy z lewej i prawej strony oraz responsywność Podaję kod: <div class="static_top"> <div class="container"> <div class="row ho...
  22. Bonsoir, J'ai voulu personnaliser des informations sur le block CMS info client et depuis plus moyen de mettre à jour les informations. Même si je modifie du texte ou des images tout en enregistrant ensuite, et bien rien ne se passe. J'ai vidé le cache, et d'autres manipulation mais rien n...
  23. Bonjour, Le block information client permet de rédiger du contenu pour les visiteurs visible à l'accueil du site. Cependant, je souhaiterai modifier la largeur de celui-ci qu'il puisse prendre toute la largeur du site et non pas la moitié comme sur la capture d'écran. Pourriez-vous m...
  24. Hello prestashop forums. Im new in prestashop and i have a problem that i cannot fix. The main problem is with the top banner of the page isn't full size. In the picture u can see what im talking about. I have read all the the topic https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/330123-solved-block-banner-...
  25. Hi devs, I recently created a store in prestashop using Warehouse template and I realized that need an option that I can't find through modules. I need to create on the homepage a drop-down list in where our professional and wholesale customers (after they logged in) can select and...
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