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  1. Hello, here is a long nice history about an error and the understanding for a newieb like me😄. So the error in fact its just the Status on the back office and front its not working automatically, doing a new installation on the demo website it works automatically. Back-office:...
  2. Hallo Zusammen Ich bin der Stephan und neu hier. Seit gut 3 Wochen läuft mein Frotend vom Shop zwar aber ich komme nicht mehr ins Backoffice. Wenn ich den Adminbereich öffne, kann ich die Anmeldedaten eingeben und nach ein paar Sekunden kommt die Http Error 500 (weiss mittlerweile das dieser ni...
  3. Buongiorno, sto lavorando con uno store PS 1.7.2 da circa 3 mesi e sinceramente sono veramente sconfortato dalla quantità di problemi rilevati e dalla difficoltà a trovare documentazione adeguata per lo sviluppo. Sto lavorando quotidianamente per ottimizzare un negozio che sulla carta doveva portarm...
  4. Hi guys, Every shop with 1.6 version works awfully slow in the backend. Ive tried disabling non native modules and overrides, no change at all. Various ps 1.6 diferrent shops affected, so its something widespread. Any problem out there ?
  5. Changes to the appearance of the Customer table. The module allows you to Add/Hide some columns from the list: Social title Group Newsletter Partner offers ==== VAT_number (siret, NIP) Customer Language ==== Compatible with PrestaSho...
  6. Hello, When we try to add a product image to an item, this error message pops up (see attachment) An error in the Prestashop backend when we try to add a product image to an item. I have tried updating all our modules Can someone please help?
  7. buongiorno a tutti, purtroppo ho un problema che non mi permette di lavorare correttamente: quando modifico un prodotto da BO il pultante salva carica all' infinito e compare l' avviso "impossibile salvare impostazioni", ho già provato a cambiare browser ma stesso problema, online ho trovato guide u...
  8. Hi all. Installed 8.1 version on Ubuntu 22.04 Installation went well, no errors When I entered backend, the dashboard opens but none of the other button links does not work! It directs to shop frontend 404 not found page PhP version 8.1 tried other versions still does not work Any h...
  9. Hola, cómo están? Trataré de ser lo más breve posible. Necesitamos que al momento de cargar un producto en el back office, se permita elegir entre dos moneda USD o $. Actualmente solo se puede hacer en una moneda pero hemos visto que en varias tiendas presenta un celular en $ y un televiso...
  10. Hi all! I trust you're well. After the last automatic upgrade to what I believe it's PS v8.1.1, accessing the backend throws an error-500. The frontend seems to work fine, as long as I don't set the PHP version to something newer than 7.4... The error: Stack trace can be fo...
  11. HOLA soy nuevo en prestashop. trabajo con la version 8.1.2 en la cual importe un par de productos. la importacion por un archivo CSV salia sin errores. Ahora tengo unos 20 productos. Algunos puedo editar, subir foto y agregar categorias, etc... ALGUNOS PRODUCTOS AL EDITAR NO MUESTRA EN EL FOR...
  12. Hello, I added a test_field in /src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductInformation.php public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { . . . ->add('test_field', TranslateType::class, [ 'type' => FormType\TextType::class, 'constraint...
  13. Buenas, Estoy teniendo problemas a la hora de crear usuarios desde el backend, accedo al formulario, relleno los datos del cliente y tras darle a guardar, se queda pensando varios minutos hasta que me lleva a la ruta: https://www.dominio.es/admin*****/index.php/sell/customers/new?_token=***** c...
  14. Bonjour, Ca fait des semaines que j'essaye de trouver une solution, j'espère pouvoir la trouver ici Suite à 3 ans d'utilisation de Prestashop (1.7.8.X) certains clients ressentent de grosses lenteurs et il s'avère que ceci vient de 2 facteurs, (je précise que nous sommes distributeur...
  15. Hello, It's been weeks that I've been trying to find a solution, I hope I can find it here After 3 years of using Prestashop (1.7.8.X), some customers are experiencing slow performance and it turns out that this is due to 2 factors, (I specify that we are a distributor so our customer...
  16. Hi guys, we use Prestashop and we have a strange problem hapenning. When i activate APCu or Memcache(-d) Cache, we have very fast frontend, but we can't work in the backend. For example, i go into one product and change the Meta Title. After i click save in the input field stand...
  17. Having major issues with the slowness of the backend - Takes around 30 seconds to login into the backend accessing any of the the tabs take around 5 - 10 seconds to load make a change in the backend then affects the frontend - slowing the website access sometimes to a point when i...
  18. Buenas, Tenemos instalado un Prestashop y hemos notado que cada ciertos minutos (creo que entre 5-10 minutos) la sesión del bakcend se cierra automáticamente, lo cual nos está resultando algo molesto a la hora de trabajar. Ya que, por ejemplo, si estamos escribiendo un artículo para el...
  19. I have an issue, where my the backend of my shop is somehow broken. I think it happend after I tried installing a free third party module. Orders which don't have a invoice or order form are displayed normal. but orders with it are displayed like in the file i added. somehow there is an error,...
  20. Buenas, Tenemos instalado un Prestashop 1.7.71 desde hace tiempo y nos acabamos de dar cuento de lo que parece ser un error en el backend de Prestashop. Si nos dirigimos a Diseño>Páginas tenemos una categorías principal con 109 subcategorías. Cuando entro para ver las subcategorías creadas el l...
  21. Hello all, J'ai un gros soucis avec mon site, après quelques pages de navigations j'ai une erreur qui m'empeche tout simplement d'aller sur le site : Bad Request Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand. Size of a request header field exceeds server limit....
  22. Hola buenas, soy nuevo en prestashop, y me interesa que en el apartado de Clientes->Clientes, se puedan visualizar los campos añadidos de la base de datos. Añadirlo como un campo que sale en la foto adjunta. He mirado y buscado información, y he seguido los pasos de Víctor R...
  23. Bonjour à toutes et à tous, J'ai modifié mon formulaire de inscription de client, pour déterminer le type de client, professionnel ou particulier. J'ai créé la colonne status_customer dans la table ps_customer. J'ai également créé un override de classes/Customer.php et classes/form/Custome...
  24. Hi Im trying to get PrestaShop installed on server. But when I'm trying to access backend (admin) i see error 500 In PHP error logs i've got this: [06-Dec-2017 16:48:44 Europe/Warsaw] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of AdminDashboardControllerCore::setMedia() must be compatib...
  25. I'm having trouble with the export function on the backend order page. I'd like to export all orders within a certain time period. But for some reason prestashop only allows me to export what is on page 1, while I want all 20 pages of orders that's within my search parameter. If anyone...
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