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  1. When I do upgrade through 1 click upgrade sometimes I got a warning message saying: Warning detected during upgrade. But the upgrade message is complete. The warning message didn't explain what kind of warning. Where can I find more details about the warning ? Screenshot:
  2. 1-click upgrade how do i install this? Seems to be no way to download or install? I am running in my dashboard backoffice in the bottom corner I have this message "You can update to PrestaShop" You click it or search for it everyone points to this https://addons.prestashop...
  3. Hello everyone, Plz anyone here can help me with this autoupgrade module prestashop error ? issue : fatal error after clicking install free autoupgrade module Thank you.
  4. Hi! I am trying to upgrade from to 1.7.7 but the 1-click upgrade is not working. Everything starts normally and activity log seems ok but after that nothing. I can't upgrade. Any ideas what could be wrong? [edit] So the last thing in activity log is this: "Download directory has been em...
  5. Hi, I have 2 websites, running on PHP7. 1st website is PS1.7.4.2 and when I upgraded to 1.7.6 via the 1 click upgrade module, it works perfectly. However for 2nd website, it is PS and when I try to upgrade to 1.7.6, all the files can upgrade but the error below pop ups during the database...
  6. Hi, I have just upgraded from PS 1.6.20 (yes I know a big jump ...😉) to PS I receive HTTP ERROR 500 for both BO and shop (http://bbhands/test) remark: PHP version is 7.2.33 (inherited), althouth in PHP info I see 7.0.33 Enabling debug mode receive: Warning: renam...
  7. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to figure out how to get the "1-Click Upgrade" module for my shop. Im on and want to upgrade to (it's hosted and I used softalicious to install it initially). I can find it in prestashop marketplace, but there is no download link to actually get...
  8. Hi, I'm trying to upgrade from but 1-click upgrade says that is the latest version. I've verified 1-click said it was the latest version (4.10.1). Will I have to upgrade to 1.7 manually? How do I do that?
  9. Hi all, I have had Prestashop for a long time and never upgraded it, however now due to still running an older version of 1.6, I am getting inundated with the spam bots - and now my host provider is threatening to deactivate my hosting if I don't get it resolved. A basic captcha doesn't work, s...
  10. Tengo instalado la version de prestashop y con el PHP7.2 quiero actualizar a la version y a los pocos minutos me sale esta leyenda (adjunto foto_1.jpg), será problemas de Hosting?? la verdad ni idea El hosting es 1@1 ionos Saludos y gracias por la ayuda de antemano.
  11. Estoy intentando actulizar mi Prestashop a la última version, pero 1-click upgrade no me muestra versiones posteriores a Alguien me puede ayudar?
  12. Tengo instalado la version de prestashop y con el PHP7.1 quiero actualizar a la version y a los 20 MINUTOS Aprox me sale esta leyenda (adjunto foto_1.jpg), no se si a alguien le pasa lo mismo. Saludos y gracias por la ayuda de antemano.
  13. Hej Jeg prøver at opdatere min webshop.Jeg har prøvet mange gange, så det stopper her. "Analyzing the situation...Shop deactivated. Now downloading... (this can take a while)" hvordan kan jeg løse dette problem? Mvh Serkan Kara
  14. Bonjour à tous, PS1.6.1.24 (nativement en PS1.6.1.9, MAJ par le module 1Click upgrade puis désinstallation du module) J'ai fait mes sauvegarde, suis en "SandBox" local avec Wamp (Apache 2.4.46 / php 7.1.33 / Mysql 5.7.31) Mon site tourne parfaitement en local MAIS impossible d'instal...
  15. He actualizado a y cuando pincho en clientes me sale error 500. He cambiado los permisos etc y no puedo solucionarlo de ninguna manera. Gracias
  16. Dear i m getting error as under:- (1/1) UndefinedMethodException Attempted to call an undefined method named "getUsageIndex" of class "Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Session\Session". in AbstractSessionListener.php line 39 at AbstractSessionListener->onKernelRequest(object(GetR...
  17. Prestashop Windows 10 Mon site : nymphcrea.fr (en maintenance) J'essaie désespérément de faire la mise à jour vers la version et tous ce bloc toujours au même niveau. J'ai relancé la mise à jour à mainte reprise. voici le message d'erreur, qui est to...
  18. Le paramètre max_execution_time de PHP a une valeur élevée ou est désactivé (valeur actuelle: 300 secondes) commentaire regle ce probleme perst ovh car du coup impossibleme de metre a jour avec 1 clic merci de votre aide
  19. Bonjour j'ai voulu faire la mise à jour de ma boutique prestashop mais j'ai eu l'erreur suivante: [INTERNAL] /htdocs/vendor/doctrine/annotations/lib/Doctrine/Common/Annotations/AnnotationRegistry.php line 145 - class_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function 'ORM\Table' not...
  20. Hi, I am trying to upgrade a prestashop website with 1 Click module but it gets this error: "Upgrade Fatal Error "Internal Server Error " jqXHR" I am a complete newbie to Prestashop so any help with step by step guides is welcome. If anyone knows please reply. Thanks
  21. Hello tous, Comment faire pour supprimer les sauvegardes anciennes de ce modules qui doivent, je suppose, prendre pas mal de place ! Merci !
  22. Bonjour, je suis sous PS et lorsque je souhaite lancer une mise à jour (via 1 click upgrade) vers la dernière version, l'installation s'arrête et le message suivant apparait: [Ajax / Server Error for action unzip] textStatus: "error " errorThrown:" " jqXHR: " " J'ai cherché su...
  23. This module is not showing in the module list of modules. How do I install it.
  24. Bonjour, Nous avons un petit presta (tout mimi) en 1.6.1. Nous aimerions passer à la version 1.6.9 sans passer à la 1.7. Le site devant être refait entièrement dans quelques mois, inutile de passer cette version 1.7. Nous ferons une install propre et rechargerons les produits. Pa...
  25. I have tried to upgrade my website with 1-click upgrade. As there were errors, I thought better to roll back to previous version.... But now I am not able to get in my prestashop at all. This is a print screen of my admin page. (Module 70 = Auto upgrade module)
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