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  1. Hello Is there an solution to change country to all my clients automatically? For example before it was a Country "A" with States and zones Now I create a new Country "B" with new zones but same states. Thanks
  2. Hello, do you hnow some module, that can add additional info to CATEGORY (or FEATURES) ? Like have auto-moto shops. I attached image. thank you
  3. Hey everyone! Does anyone happen to have an experience regarding head-less uploading themes/addons/modules to the market? Let me be more specific: I have an idea to upload my stuff without logging in into the market directly, I want to use some things like PHP, Python or something like that...
  4. Hi PrestaShop Developers & Community , What if you could add in PrestaShop 1.7.x.x the function to be able to update automatically based on per day or per week or per monthly or per year the database of MaxMind GeoLiteCity in order to increase the safety and accuracy of geolocation in PrestaShop....
  5. Hi PrestaShop Developers & Community , What if you could add in PrestaShop 1.6.x.x the function to be able to update automatically based on per day or per week or per monthly or per year the database of MaxMind GeoLiteCity in order to increase the safety and accuracy of geolocation in PrestaShop....
  6. I want certain customers to automatically be logged out when I change their password from the back office. Present scenario -> back office customer password changed -> page static and customer can still view the product Required scenario -> back office customer password changed -> front offi...
  7. Hi Does anyone know, if there's an existing module that allows Prestashop to print new orders automaticly out on a printer? Thanks.
  8. Hello everybody, I am looking for a module to enable or disable products by time, for example, enable a product from Monday 00.00 and disable it on Tuesday 00.00, Countdown special timer is only for product sales and it is not exactly what I'm looking for, does anybody know if exists something like...
  9. Bonjour, Je dois réaliser un site ecommerce avec Prestashop version 1.5.6 où sur ce site il y aura des pièces automobiles à vendre. Ces pièces automobile correspondent à une année. Une pièce peut correspondre à une ou plusieurs année. Donc si l'internaute clique par exemple dans mon...
  10. My product image are different sizes. One is a vertical pitcture, and another is horizontal. My product images can't all be a set size. If I set the image sizes in the admin (it forces you a pixel hight and width), then when I upload a vertical image, I get whitespace in my picture. i...
  11. I manage to install the vehiclefits module (http://vehiclefits.com/) on my site (prestashop and I need som help to integreate this into the theme layout and I dont know how to do it. I did not find any tpl and css files to try to edit them and I am not able to add those files. I will real...
  12. Salve a tutti, Ho bisogno di importare automaticamente ogni ora un file csv per aggiornare il catalogo prodotti. C'è un modo per farlo? Utilizzo Prestashop Grazie
  13. Bonjour, Je suis sur PS et lorsque je souhaite modifier dans le back office le numéro de ma prochaine facture (Dans COMMANDES > FACTURES > option des factures > numéro de facture), le nouveau numéro n'est pas pris en compte et la facture suit la numérotation classique. Je n'ai rien t...
  14. Hi everyone! I have a problem with payment and I need your help. Almost orders are added payment automatically when orders are placed form BO or FO. So I have to minus same amount of that payment to set payment to zero. But there some orders don't have this problem. I just use bankwire pa...
  15. Hola, estoy haciendo una tienda y como no tengo muchos conocimientos de Prestashop espero que me puedan ayudar, resulta que quiero minizar la informacion que pido a los clientes, sobretodo lo que supongo la tecnologia me puede proporcionar, en este caso necesito detectar automaticamente el pais del...
  16. Hola y muy buenas a todos. He estado comiendome un poco la cabeza con el tema y no me surge ninguna idea y no encuntro ningún módulo al respecto. Se trata que tengo un producto en Oferta, que regala otro producto. Con cupones regalo es bastante sencillo crear una regla para que solo cuando...
  17. Titulo del modulo: Prestamodules Deluxe Bank Draft Tipo de modulo: Pago mediante giro bancario Descripción completa del modulo: Módulo para prestashop para permitir al cliente el pago por domiciliación bancaria en su cuenta. El módulo solicita los datos bancarios del cliente y permite...
  18. Titulo del modulo: Prestamodules Deluxe Bank Draft Tipo de modulo: Pago mediante giro bancario Descripción completa del modulo: Módulo para prestashop para permitir al cliente el pago por domiciliación bancaria en su cuenta. El módulo solicita los datos bancarios del cliente y permite...
  19. Bonjour, Nouveau sur prestashop. Apres install je check bien les droits ecriture et les corrigent si necessaire. Le probleme est que apres un certain temps (..?..) je check et constate quil ya des fichiers qui sont crees dans le cache avec comme chmod 777 !! ... c'est dans /theme/default/c...
  20. Salve a tutti, Apre questo nuovo Topic nella speranza che qualcuno possa risolvere questo mio problema (magari è molto semplice, ma sono nuovo nell'ambiente). Ho un sito realizzato con Prestashop 1.5.3 (aggiornandolo dalla precedente versione 1.4), >>>www.lightia.it/STORE<<< Il sito in se...
  21. We are a company that specializes in a web developing. We are interested for a module or prestashop extension that can automatically create copies of an already installed prestashop. Per example, through my admin panel with a simple click and with the declaration of a domain name automatically crea...
  22. Un diseño simple para coches y comprar piezas de repuesto, 3 columnas con un carrusel de imágenes. Tiene los colores rojo y negro para dar un toque moderno. La presentación es configurable desde el back office. Características: Slideshow de imágenes 3 columnas Multilingüe Cross browser Dem...
  23. After uploading the Prestashop files to my server, I am unable to launch the auto installer. When I go to my domain name in my browser I see the Prestashop logo in full color. Ironically enough it states: 'The best E-shop experience' When I click on the logo I get redirected to the same page with...
  24. Via de Plesk server van mijn webhost heb ik Prestashop geïnstalleerd. Ik kan goed bij mijn database en bij de 'achterkant' van de shop, alleen krijg ik de auto installer niet werkend en als ik naar mijn domein ga zie ik daar alleen mijn logo en het paypal logo, verder niets. Ik heb al bij mijn w...
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