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  1. In certain situations it would be very helpful, if I could enter an extra text on my product attributes, that I can also hook/show on the product page, if that attribute is selected. An example: The customer chooses "silver" as a color for their poster. In this case, it is important for me to le...
  2. hello friends when add a product with combination on cart, I think it was busy. is it possible to remove only attribute name (not value) on cart and invoice?
  3. Ahoj na Prestashopu šablona Pascal se mi vždy na detailu produktu objeví jen jedna skupina atributů. Pro další skupiny se tam select box objeví, ale je prázdný. Možnost náhledu zde: https://sewingdevelopment.cz/domu/272-1996-testovaci-2.html#/122-barvy_pytlu-seda Netušíte někdo? Zda je...
  4. Bonjour, Lorsque j'active le mode debug sur la page catégorie, j'obtiens l'erreur fatale suivante (+ screenshot ci-joint) mais je comprends pas à quel endroit la corriger... Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée ? Merci pour votre aide ! [PrestaShopDatabaseException] You have an error i...
  5. Hello everyone, I noticed that by creating a product using the Webservice API a record into "product_attribute" is generated with NULL values in it. This happens with a simple product and also on products with combination. Also I didn't find a way to retrieve this NULL attribute through the A...
  6. Hello Friends, Greetings of the day. I have created some video tutorials regarding how to do the below tasks in PrestaShop versions 1.5, 1.6 and 1.7 These video tutorials help to understand, complete tasks, and easily work with PrestaShop. [1]. Prestashop how to set a 10% discoun...
  7. I have a product with different combinations/attributes, so one drop-down menu with different values. If you select a value, the price does not change and after 2 seconds the drop-down value change again to the default value. But in quick view it works, i can choose the value and the price chan...
  8. Hallo, ich muss zuerst gestehen das ich noch relativ neu in der Prestashopthematik als solche und in der angesprochenen Thematik im Speziellen bin. Für ein anstehendes B2B - Projekt habe ich aktuell die als Basis herangezogen, allerdings sind die Wünsche bei der Preisgebung nicht g...
  9. Hi, I have added Attributes to product but on creating combinations its bulk action is only showing quantity and not showing "Impact on Price" Attached Images will give the clear picture of what is required as edition price for each and every combination is very time consuming. I also...
  10. Bonjour, Je rencontre des difficultés concernant le récap produit dans la page de confirmation d'ajout au panier. Lorsque les produits ont des déclinaisons, ces dernières s'affichent bien mais le type est remplacé par %marque%. Par exemple : %marque% Taille Unique %marque% Ta...
  11. Recently I discovered a problem with combinations in multishop context. First of all, the error : Duplicate entry '339-1' for key 'product_default' UPDATE ps_product_attribute a INNER JOIN ps_product_attribute_shop product_attribute_shop ON (product_attribute_shop.id_product_at...
  12. [MODULE] Advanced product customization-Reuse attribute display Module Overview Expand the built-in product customization and add many form controllers: Select (Drop-down list), Radio, Color or texture, Email and other H5 elements. Supports the reference of product attribute combina...
  13. Is there a way for me to get every single combination's attribute id from a product? Say I have a product named MyProduct with an ID = 1, which has 3 attributes A, B, and C, each attribute with 3 options. So there will be around 27 possible combinations, all of them I can see on Catalog > produ...
  14. I have created a module in Prestashop 1.7.6 which update products + product attribute stocks by 2 ways : In the back office (the settings of the module) it works perfectly From a cron by the server every night using a declared service called by this kind of command line : php /var/www...
  15. Hello all, (and happy new year) I have a prestashop v1.7.6.8 with this theme : https://www.leotheme.com/guides/prestashop17/at_gucci/ Some products have variants (color & size), first i need to select one color and after i need to choose one size. I try to add « Please select » option...
  16. Module Display Related Products by combination and combination features offers you to associate or link the related products to combinations of combinations products also allows you to add features to a combination. Module Display related Products by combination and combination features it is a...
  17. Hello, I was wondering where I should look into if I wish to implement a "combination" for products which would have 2 buttons (decrement & increment), incremented units also increase the price & decrementing decreases the price. Basically my client needs to sell some items (curtain...
  18. Hi, As is the case on the product template, I want display the selected the texture/color of attribute for each product in the basket (not only they names). After several days looking for a solution, I dare to ask if anyone would be able to help me... The only ones properties that which...
  19. Hi, i've Prestashop, Is it possible to set a imageurl in the csv import file to set the texture file? i have 1120 attributes that has different colors thanks Stefano
  20. Hi, I am using PS 1.7.. I want to know like I have 40 combinations and want to have same images for 7 combinations & I want to do it all together then how can I do it. Selecting Images individually is killing lot of time. Thanks, Gaurav
  21. Hi, Is there a way to have different description and/or technical sheet for a product for each attribute? thank you.
  22. Hello! I want to create a separate product for each attribute of a product. How can i create this? This is something that Prestashop really needs, alot stores use this. Goal: Display all the combinations in the product list (can be done with guide below) But still be able to use stock...
  23. Hello , Any one knows any module that can organize my attribute colors like that photo? I want a full cell color with the name attribute, and option + or - to the cart.
  24. Hello guys, my customer wants me to implement a function for their website that links the user directly to another page whenever the length attribute on a product page gets changed. Their goal is to display different information for each of the available lengths of a product while now the websi...
  25. Bonjour la communauté ! Je rencontre des difficultés pour mettre en place un besoin particulier : Je travaille sur une boutique de vente d'épices qui se fait au poids (20g, 50g, 100g, etc...), et à chaque poids son propre prix (jusque là je pense être bien). Ce que je n'arrive pas à faire...
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