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  1. Hi all, How can i remove the {shop_name} from the subject of emails? I'm using Prestashop Thanks in advice
  2. Hi! This is an odd one. I noticed that "{carrier}" is used in the order_conf.html email template and new_order.html email template and when emailed, shows the name of the carrier selected for the order. I'd like to include that info in a couple of other emails the customer receives when I up...
  3. Hola a todos, tengo un pequeño problema, a ver si a alguen mas le pasa, tengo prestashop 1.7 con redsys configurado, funciona todo bien, el pago se hace correctamente y el email de pedido le llega al cliente bien, pero a mi no, no me llega email de pedido nuevo, teniendo el modulo de MAIL ALERT inst...
  4. Hello, everyone! For some reason, the download button isn't appearing in the Prestashop Market Place. When I go to the modules catalog in the backoffice, look for the module and click on the "free" buttom, it redirects me to the Marketplace and I have the same problem. Prest...
  5. Hi all: By default, prestashop doesn't send an email notification to shop admin when a customer begins a return proccess. How can I make or activate this option? The mail alerts module don't have it. Thanks in advance. Regards, Roberto
  6. Hi! I've spent hours looking for any info but i've found nothing so far! What I have is a checkout page, where customers input their address details and next step is shipping. What I need is, when in the address section of checkout, when "Country" United Kingdom is selected, at the top of...
  7. Zdravím, potřeboval bych pomoci. Předem se omlouvám, zdali jsem vytvořil další stejné vlákno s tímto problémem, ale nenašel jsem ho. Prestashop a problém je s notifikací naskladnění produktu. Pokud zadám množství u produktu ručně, email se zprávou o dostupnosti normálně zákazníkovi ode...
  8. Hi, Do you know a module to allow to insert text where we want? Example: in the pages: cart, orders, product, category etc ... some examples of useful texts: 1) during the purchase phase, in the couriers tab, it might be useful to insert a text to guide customers in choosing th...
  9. I am just clearing up and marking as solved in case this helps someone else. The email problem was caused by my forgetfulness. I had been running Version 1.6 without a problem on this server so when I installed Version 1.7 and email alerts did not work I immediately suspected Prestashop th...
  10. Hi everyone, I have a products where I need to have a short product description under the product name in the "New order " email alert. This email alert is also supposed to be used as a packing slip by our staff Does anyone know how to do this?
  11. Ciao forum, ho un problema con uno dei miei siti. Non riesco a far visualizzare il messaggio "Non ci sono abbastanza prodotti a magazzino" quando un utente inserisce una quantità maggiore di quella disponibile. In pratica, se di un prodotto ne ho 10 e il cliente cerca di acquistarne 20, cl...
  12. Bonjour, Où trouver le module mail alert sur presta 1.7.4? Il n'est plus par défaut dans presta? Merci
  13. Salve dovrei acquistare un modulo e mi serve un consiglio. Il cliente mi ha chiesto una funzione che lo avvisi quando c'è un nuovo ordine, possibilmente con un pop-up sul browser. Avevo trovato questo modulo che era perfetto, proprio quello che cercavo: https://addons.prestashop.com/it/em...
  14. VERSIONE PRESTASHOP 1.7.2 Nel mio Prestashop attualmente se ricevo un nuovo ordine non compare l'avviso del nuovo ordine in alto. Vicino alla campanella per capirci. I plugin sono tutti aggiornati, e se c'è una nuova iscrizione o un nuovo messaggio essi vengono visualizzati. per il resto l...
  15. Hi Community, Please clarify on the Block newsletter module. once we had notifications in green rectangle appeared after a verification email had been sent: But now it's not shown on the top of the page. Also the red one doesn't appear any more. It was shown well previously, aft...
  16. Bonjour, Je suis sur prestashop 1.6 Je cherche a notifier des personnes différentes en fonction des produits (Marque ou Fournisseur) saisi dans la commande. Commande sur des produits de marque X => Prévenir Aline Commande sur des produits de marque Y => Prévenir Patrick Je...
  17. Bonjour à tous, j'aurais besoin d'un peu d'aide trouver une solution à mon besoin. Je vais ajouter un champ de saisie texte supplémentaire dans la fiche client et je souhaiterais être averti par mail lorsque ce champ est modifié. C'est à dire si il est renseigné alors qu'il était vide avant o...
  18. Hello, I'm developing a module than I use a ActionPaymentConfirmation hook, because, when an admin user confirm the payment of an order, I do something, but, sometime, my functions return an error or a message, and I would like to display to the admin user. How can I do this?
  19. Hola!, creo que hay un bug en el módulo mailalerts, ya que cuando un producto de tipo combinacion se queda sin stock, el email que llega no contiene el nombre del producto. En el archivo mailalerts.php en la funcion que controla el stock hookActionUpdateQuantity se llama a la funcion getProduct...
  20. Hi all, I have PS 1.6.16 with Mailalerts 3.6.1 and I get the following behaviour: New order mails are sent to the merchant OK. Customer notifications (product availability, order change) are not sent. When a customer creates a product availability alert then it cannot...
  21. hi, question about module called: "Email Alerts". Is the Email Alerts module trusworthy or credible ? Or any problems like dump files or any virus, trojans, back doors,etc? thank you!
  22. Hi, I am getting below mail frequently but i dont know why this is getting triggered. Hello, You have received a new log alert Warning: you have received a new log alert in your Back Office. You can check for it in the "Tools" > "Logs" section of your B...
  23. UPDATE: I was told, by the hosting company that the e-mail has to be explicitly configured. I went Advanced Parameters -> E-mail and found what you can see in the screenshot. I was told, by the hosting company, what to put where, but it does not work. The data I am sure of is in the screenshot....
  24. Hello everyone, I would like to know and how to do it, if there is a possibility, to set an alert saying to me the product I'm inserting has price = 0 and don't let me save it in that case, don't let me save the product until price is > 0 . Hope someone could help me. Thank you very much in...
  25. Hi guys, After I upgraded my to I am having various issue with checkout confirmation and with mail alerts. Having also massive issues with product features, more in other topic. On final step of a checkout, where you have to hit last Confirm order button, I got following message...
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