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Found 16 results

  1. Use our SMS shipping solution to deliver the right information at the right time. Give your customers a superior experience! You can download the latest version from github Description Why use SMS Notifications? Simple - it is the simplest and handy channel through which you can...
  2. Bonjour, Salutations de la journée. Ce module intègre le widget Twitter Feeds sur votre boutique. Vous pouvez facilement ajouter un widget Twitter à votre page d'accueil, pied de page, colonne gauche et droite. Twitter est l'une des plus grandes plateformes de marketing du monde des...
  3. Hi guys, I'm trying to install the Adroll pixel in my website but when I add it into footer.tpl (as for example the GA Script) it makes the footer and some areas to disappear. The code is this <script type="text/javascript"> adroll_adv_id = "BDPQAKSV7VCTNJ22FSOUGM"; adroll_pix_id =...
  4. On the home page, we are just using the New Items block. Since we are just starting, only have a couple of products and do not want the tabbed content on home page to be the entire width across. We would like to put Block Advertising to the right of the New Products block. I've reduced the numbe...
  5. Hello Prestashop team, Dear I install new prestashop 1.5 and in the frontend it showing advertising as in image below. How to remove this add. Regards umer kakar
  6. Jednoduché odporúčanie na Facebooku (Easy facebook referral) Tento modul zvýši prevádzku na vašich stránkach prostredníctvom aktivity vašich návštevníkov! S tímto modulom získate 1, Facebooku modul 2, platobný modul 3, referral modul 4, podporu a aktualizácie 5, mnoho nových zákazní...
  7. tengo problemas con el rich menu. cuando estoy creando los elementos de menu, en la sección de advertising solo me deja crear correctamente el primer advertising, cuando intento crear un advertising para otros elementos del menu se crean pero no se guarda la información, no se guarda ni el titulo ni...
  8. Hi, We are looking for shops who would like to get their products shown for free on www.addwish.com. If you have great products that people would add to a wish list then you're welcome to contact me at bp@addwish.com - We would really like to show great products as suggestions to our users....
  9. Bonjour, J'ai récemment activé le module publicité (blockadvertising), inclu par défaut, que j'ai un peu customisé en CSS… Jusque là tout allait bien, mais le module a soudainement disparu il y a quelques jours après avoir fonctionné pendant quelque semaines. Il est accroché dans le hook de...
  10. Salve, Innanzi tutto voglio ringraziare tutti quelli che hanno permesso a semplici utenti come me di poter utilizzare questo fantastico CMS in italiano, e per il lavoro che continuare a fare e il supporto che fornite. Spero riuscite a fornirmi una soluzione a questo problema, che ho visto es...
  11. Un programme de parrainage Facebook d’une simplicité extrême (Easy facebook referral) Grâce aux visiteurs présents sur votre site, « boostez », à l’aide du présent module, votre trafic ! Grâce au présent module, vous obtiendrez 1, Facebook module 2, Module de paiement 3, Module...
  12. Referencia fácil de Facebook (Easy facebook referral) ¡Este módulo aumentará su tráfico con el esfuerzo de sus visitantes! Con este módulo usted obtiene 1, Facebook módulo 2, módulo de pago 3, referencia del módulo 4, soporte y actualizaciones 5, muchos clientes nuevos Con este...
  13. Snadné doporučování na Facebooku Tento modul zvýší provoz na vašich stránkách prostřednictvím aktivit vašich návštěvníků! S tímto modulem získáte 1, Facebooku modul 2, platební modul 3,referral modul 4, podporu a aktualizace 5, mnoho nových zákazníků Díky tomuto komplexnímu a uživ...
  14. Riferimento facile a facebook (Easy facebook referral) Il presente modulo incrementerà il volume di visite grazie allo sforzo dei vostri clienti! Il modulo offre 1, facebook modulo 2, modulo di pagamento 3, referral modulo 4, assistenza e aggiornamenti 5, tanti nuovi clienti Graz...
  15. WHAT IT DOES: Social Updater is a PrestaShop module created based on recent studies in social marketing areas. It one of the PrestaShop modules intended to help owners in promoting their e-commerce websites, by automatically sending shop updates to the most widely used social networks:Facebook a...
  16. Now it is really very easy to attract new customers to your online store! Use Advertising & Marketing Modules from Belvg and start to increase sales right now. We offer the following advertising & marketing modules: Prestashop Facebook and Twitter Connect Prestashop Twitter connect Prestasho...
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