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  1. Hello everyone ! As my pseudo say, i'm a junior developer and i have some issues with a module i'm creating. When i install my module, and click on the configure button, i have an error : "the controller is missing or invalid". I don't understand why because it's in the right f...
  2. Salve, ricevo una serie di errori relativi all'AdminController che mi manda in errore 500 alcune sezioni del backoffice legate ai carrelli abbandonati. Il problema è saltato fuori grazie ad un modulo di terzi che gestisce i carrelli abbandonati che non riusciva a funzionare. A detta dello svi...
  3. Dear Prestashop people, We are running multiple stores for a couple of years now, and I have always been wishing if I could just see how much each order costs us, So basically I went ahead and changed the codes a little in the way I saw ideal, but I ended up with a total showing only how...
  4. i have created a symfony controller and i added a button in the toolbar , my problem is i want to add attribute like id or class to this button any help ? this is the button
  5. Bonjour, j'ai eu besoin de surchargé un ModuleAdminController contenant une liste et les filtres ne fonctionnaient pas correctement. Une fois une recherche faite, plus moyen de réinitialiser la recherche et le champ de recherche ne contenait pas la valeur du filtre. Si aucun résultat...
  6. Je développe en ce moment un module et j'utilise le controller qui hérite du FrameworkBundleAdminController qui rend une vue avec le moteur de template twig mais la vue de mon template avec twig n'herite pas de celle du tableau de bord admin comme celle de la page de configuration de module, vous au...
  7. Hola a tod@s Estoy haciendo un modulo para Prestashop 1.7. La idea es, dentro del back-office, en el menú: Configuración de Pedidos anidar un nuevo menú y mostrar un template .tpl para mostrar en una tabla el resultado de una consulta sql. Tengo gran parte ya desarrollada: class...
  8. Bonjour à tous, nous avons une problématique à trouver un fichier concernant la modification de la largeur de l'onglet produit (colonne droite) du back office d'un prestasghop 1.7.5. Je pense que le fichier se trouver dans un controller mais je ne sais pas ou chercher spécialement. Merci d...
  9. Hi all After a deep search on forum, I have not found something similar. So, I proceed to explain. I'm developing a little module in and I have a little problem, I think. Mymodule overrides AdminOrdersController.php, it's located in "override/controllers/admin" and it works. In setMed...
  10. Is it possible to create a helperForm on the product editing page under modules tab? Where our module is present. The only access a module has to that page is through a hook. The controller being used there is AdminProducts controller.
  11. Hi everyone, is there a way to turn off debug-mode programmatically? Just temporary. The debug mode helps a lot and I like to use it in my development, but in a most recent case it drives me realy crazy. I just want to (and I have to) handle an easy try catch scenario, wich cannot work du...
  12. Hi everyone! I'm creating my first prestashop e-shop, and now, among other things like theme customization, I've learned in practice the basics of module development, including settings page, front- and backoffice hooks and so on. But I still cant understand how to create an Admin***Controlle...
  13. Hello, I'm developing a custom module and i want to add a clickable link in a column inside a table in a Admin Module Controller. in the example image, i want to add a link that takes me to the client's profile.
  14. I know how to add the export option to any admin list. It is done with `$this->allow_export=true` in the corresponding AdminController. But how can you add it to the group view, which is in fact a list of customers for that group?. If I add `$this->allow_export=true` to AdminGroupsController then th...
  15. Buonasera a tutti, ho acquistato il modulo Product Area Packs Calculator da addons.prestashop http://addons.prestashop.com/it/18522-product-area-packs-calculator.html l'ho installato, ma per ogni cosa io provi a settare mi restituisce sempre lo stesso errore: "[PrestaShop] Fatal erro...
  16. Hello, PS version I need some help ; cannot figure out how to solve my problem. Here it is : I have a new customized module called myanimal. Problem description Module works fine when installing (creation of tables, insertion of resources in architecture...). This mod...
  17. Witam, Potrzebuję zmienić tekst wyświetlany w pasku nagłówka edycji produktu- jak na załączonym obrazku: Domyślnie nazwa pobierana jest z nazwy produktów - chciałbym pobierać ją z meta_title. Który plik muszę edytować, aby osiągnąć zamierzony efekt? Po godzinach grzebania w kodzie doszedłe...
  18. Hola, estoy creando un nuevo controlador para regiones y comunas para chile, tengo el problema al crear un nuevo controller, el nombre del controlador es AdminRegionControllerCore, al entrar por el link index.php?controller=AdminRegion no me muestra nada y en el registro de errores queda esto [13-...
  19. Hi, I'm creating a new driver for regions and municipalities in Chile, I have a problem creating a new controller, the controller name is AdminRegionControllerCore, entering the link index.php?Controller=AdminRegion not show me anything and checking this error is [13-Jan-2016 19:40:59 America/Sant...
  20. I want be able to update data in the corresponding MySQL table.. For example when I disable/enable a product, I want date_upd (update date) to be updated with the date/time of that specific moment.. I have found something but I am not sure how to continue from that point ../classes/controller/A...
  21. We are extending Prestashop 1.6 with a "Parent" AdminTab and multiple "child" AdminTabs referencing separate classes for adding specialist functionality. The tab navigation works successfully, but we have become a little unstuck in defining the images that appear in the menu on the left and the pag...
  22. this is my code: class MyModuleController extends AdminController { public function __construct() { $this->bootstrap = true; parent::__construct(); } public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); }}mymodule.tpl: <h1>Hello world</h1> Now, I want to cli...
  23. Hello, I have a question. I am creating a new module. I understand the MVC and have no issues getting the admin controller and admin class files working. Overall, I like how Prestashop makes it very easy to display data via a custom tab and admin controller file. However, what I cannot see...
  24. Hi all. I need some help or inspiration. I´m making a module for my boss. We want to modify the prices depeding on the destination of the order. For the module I´m using some tabs, and into the tab class I´m using the next code to declare the form to pass the data directly to database: pub...
  25. Buenas gente estoy aprendiendo a armar un admin controller a fuerzas de prueba y error, pero se me presento algo que me esta llevando dias solucionarlo, quizas alguno de todos uds. sepa como solucionarlo. Estoy tratando de meter un codigo script para que en el formulario que creo me agrege selec...
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