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  1. Buenos días comunidad: Desde hace unos días no podemos acceder al Backoffice del Prestashop. Al introducir las credenciales, se queda el cuadro del login en blanco, sin los campos y no hay manera de poder acceder. ¿Cómo podríamos solucionarlo? Muchas g...
  2. Hello, I explained my problem in the title. Selectable list boxes do not work in the configuration settings (For example: Parameter Settings) in the admin panel. I cannot make any comments. This problem needs to be solved I shared the error in the attachment
  3. I am using prestashop 1.7 and when we go to the admin panel to upload new products it is working fine in desktop version BUT NOT IN MOBILE VERSION. In mobile version it is simply not redirecting to the add new product page. The console is also clear. No errors whatsoever. When I check in networks ta...
  4. Hi, would you help me solve a problem with the administration panel? There are no tabs in my admin panel. Please look at attachment. This view was happend two weeks after using PrestaShop.
  5. Hallo zusammen, ich habe soeben die Version installiert. In der Admin Panel werden bei mir die Comboboxen nicht richtig angezeigt, Der Inhalt ist nicht in in der Combobox auswähltbar, sondern alle Informationen werden so auf der Seite angezeigt Hier ein Beispiel:...
  6. Hi. I have problem with not working select in my prestashop admin panel. Just take look on screens. Why is this render like that? When I edit code it seems to be working properly.
  7. Hi, im working on adding additional info in the back panel of my shop, in order view panel to be exact, im starting to get it, found out how to edit template file to add my panel, but i need to query additional data from MySQL Database to fill this panel and pass this data to Smarty template. How ca...
  8. Hi! How to create new fields and new button on product tab? And how create new action for this button? What to use and where to write code? I am a beginner who needs to quickly figure out. Thanks a lot in advance!
  9. Hello Guys, I was having this subjected issue for BO once in a while but since last 3 to 4 days now i am experiencing this problem constantly, whenever i try to login in BO i face this, I was using Cloudflare switched them off tried again but nothing happened. images are attached as reference...
  10. Hi Support and Community. I have tried research this and can't find a solution.I hope someone can help me. We have had our shop running for years and suddenly last week we can't login to the admin. We get the error message below in FF and Chrome. Any ideas on why it has suddenly stopped wo...
  11. Hello! I got problem with prestashop 1,7. I did installation, everything was OK. Then i putted my adress on google chrome and it doesn't work. www.mysite.com/admin - OOOPS 404 ERROR www.mysite.com - I can see my shop Do anyone of You guys know what i should do to fix it? Please help me....
  12. There is an error 502 - Bad Gateway when I click the "Catalog> Products" link in the admin panel.
  13. Paylaşımlı host kullanıyorum. Sorunsuz bir biçimde kurulumu yaptım ama ne admin panele giriş sayfası, ne de mağaza sayfası açılmıyor?
  14. Hello, I installed prestashop for the first time on 1and1. Installation goes well and front office is accessible but once i try to access back office i recieve an error 500. Can anyone help me with that issue? Prestashop version
  15. Bonjour, J'ai changé d'hébergeur pour ovh, le site fonctionne parfaitement bien, mais je n'arrive plus à accéder à l'interface admin, j'ai une erreur 500. Curieusement, j'arrive à y accéder en activant le mode debug par ftp, qui ne m'indique d'ailleurs aucune erreur. Ensuite tout fonctionn...
  16. Hello everyone Before i started sorry for my English I've installed PrestaShop on my MacOS High Sierra, successfully. Deleted "install" file and changed "admin" file's name as suggested. After all of these steps, front office worked fine on localhost but i can not reach the backoff...
  17. Prestashop Inside admin panel when i pressed any pagination link in catalog->products page after 5 sec loading in browser appears - "The site has redirected too many times ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" URL - mySite/adm_page/index.php?controller=AdminProducts&token=776564214b6f27c83fa2a98ae186...
  18. Merhaba, Prestashop sitemin dosyalarını "subdomain"den, ana domaine, public_html nin içine atdım. Veritabanı deyişimlerini yaptım, lakin admin panelde hiç bir menuya giremiyorum. Dışarı atıb yeniken parola istiyor. Her defasında parolayı girip açıyorum, ancaq yine dashboard penceresi geliyor....
  19. dash panel has some duplicated submenu items and improper naming after uploading new theme
  20. Hello. Since 2 days ago I have not been able to access my Prestashop admin panel at https://gaialusa.org/Velharias/admin123/ , the page just does not show . I have created another address, to be sure the problem was not with prestashops update or something of the sort, https://gaialusa.org/presta1...
  21. Ciao a tutti, effettuando il login del pannello di controllo, vengo reindirizzato ad una pagina bianca. Ho impostato a true _PS_MODE_DEV_ nel file defines.inc.php Ed ottengo questi errori. Premessa, prima di questo errore ho attivato il servizio ssl e stavo lavorando sulle posiz...
  22. I installed prestashop via the softaculous installer in my cpanel. The installation gives me a success info and I can access the admin login page. After I filled in the login information I get this error: #Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was un...
  23. hello how can make bigges photo in productline ( in order_) --------------------------- 1. for pc 2. for mobile (show and more bigges) ------------------------------
  24. Hi all, After some manipulations I got following problem: site is working and I have access to BO, but I can't change anything in it. I am getting white screen or, while trying to use PrestaShop cleaner, I am getting back this message:[PrestaShop] Fatal error in module smarty_internal_cacheresource...
  25. Good morning everybody. I need to add a translatable field in my Prestashop v1.4 backoffice panel. Here's what I did: (1) added a new field "info_url" into ps_product_lang table (varchar 250) (2) added a block of code inside /tabs/AdminProducts.php <tr> <td class="col-left">'.$this->l('More...
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