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Found 19 results

  1. Hi, first i want to apologize for bad English... So.. I have big troubles with PS 1.7. ... Problems was in version 1.7.0, now also in 1.7.2. Sometime, when i click to Add product to cart, nothing happens (empty modal shows). To explain it: First is called ajax for adding to cart. -> res...
  2. hello the add to cart button is not working only for one of the items. how can I solve this issue? https://www.oliocasanoa.it/en/10-our-oil you cannot click on the add to cart for the third item, but it is available in the stocks section. please help
  3. Hi guys, somebody knows how to configure facebook pixel properly? I use width facebook free module for prestashop and: - pixel does not work properly (i have configured personalizad events from business manager), example: https://hippiesoul.shop/en/wedge-sandals/25-138...
  4. Hello guys I am really new to prestashop and i'm just playing around with it and trying to get some tutorials done. Now i have an idea, for which i could not find any solution yet, although it seems really simple to me. I would like to calculate something and show the calculated value...
  5. Hi, Funny thing, my "add to cart" button only responds when my shop is in safe mode. also removing products from the cart is not responding. Pressing button does nothing. Running the shop in safe mode fixes the problem, but do not want it in safe mode allthe time. I tried deactivating modules t...
  6. Ciao a tutti, ho un problema che non ho risolto su: https://puglisishop.com In alcuni prodotti, al pulsante aggiungi-carrello non è più un pulsante e non mi piace clic sul pulsante mi reindirizza al carrello tu vuoi. Ho provato un prezzo prova cambiando la classe cooke con ma non penso c...
  7. Hi, i cant add products to the cart any more. i tried to debug and get an empty array when i log the jsonData in the ajax-cart.js file. Where can i find the controller=cart&add ? Prestashop Version 1.6 URL: https://www.anno1940.at/ Best Regards
  8. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to provide multiple Add to Cart buttons on a single product page corresponding to each combination of the product. For instance, if a product has two variations: Small and Large, then there will be two separate buttons to add each into the cart. I've managed to p...
  9. Hi everybody, I'm Ludovic, newbie in Prestashop's univers. Till now, I fixed all problem on my own, but I met a serious issue with Presta right now. When I click on the addtocart button, the loop is infinite, nothing happens, no reaction. If a refresh the page, the product is w...
  10. Bonjour tout le monde, Je me présente, Ludovic, nouveau dans l'univers Prestashop :-) Jusqu'ici je me suis bien débrouillé, mais, depuis peu, j'ai un souci avec mon Presta. Lorsque je clique sur le bouton ajouter panier, il tourne en loop infini ... aucune réaction du bouton, alors q...
  11. bonjour svp j'ai besoin de la procedure pour trouver au niveau du code la button add ot cart et l'afficher parceque j'ai essayé de la faire manuellement au back office mais rien ne change !! j'ai trouver au niveau css product et product list ce code la : .ajax_add_to_cart_product_button...
  12. Hi, I'm newbie to prestashop and when I try to click on add to cart its not posting any data and show 404 page in networks tab. Neither classic theme nor my purchased theme are adding add to cart option. here is the link: Can some one help me on this...
  13. Hello, I have issue in my website that when i click add to cart button then it shows product image fly from its position to bottom left side and get in cart. so i want to remove that effect and bring back the default popup which displayed after add to cart ajax button. i'm using prest...
  14. Hello everyone I need help in a module block viewed products . I need Add to cart button in Block viewed product module , I have added same add to cart code which is in product-list.tpl file in blockview.tpl. But issue is when I add a product, product is added but price get added twice. I am ge...
  15. How do I add Checkout button under add to cart button ? or make checkout button appear after they add the product to the cart?
  16. Is this enable to change text name "add to cart" to others without changing class name? thank you for your cooperation..
  17. Hi My 'add to cart button' is no longer showing. The last action before this disappeared was to add discount to cart function, totally unrelated. The catalogue mode is not activated, and it was working previously. Im not very familiar with any coding editing on prestashop as i find there...
  18. Heeft iemand een idee hoe je de actieve Add to Cart uit kunt zetten als je je producten laat zien? Ik bedoel dat als je je product in home ziet, je een layer krijgt met de volgende opties QUICK VIEW / AAN WINKELWAGEN TOEVOEGEN / MEER. Ik wil een vaste Add-to-Cart button hebben net zoals in Prest...
  19. Hi all, I've made the following: On each product page I display a table with the attributes of the product in which you get to see the price and you get a 'requested amount' input box. Customers can order multiple items 'at once', so if they want 10 items of the first attribute and 20 of th...
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