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  1. Dear, I have got problem, on some computers (I have only one PC where this error is - Win10 home 32bit, Firefox 56.0.2 (32 bit)) after click add to cart button, Presta shows me that product was added to cart, after click on cart, cart is empty. I have no other computer where it do the s...
  2. Hello everyone, i'm facing a weird problem with my ps_1.7.8 Close to the 'add to cart' button (and also in the cart checkout and cart itself) I have 2 squares instead of the arrows for increase or decrease quantities. Squares in which i can't really read but looks like FT06 (up) and F...
  3. create "add to cart" and "quantity" field in PrestaShop 1.7.x product list I wrote easy in use guide that creates "quantity" field and "add to cart" button on each products listing in PrestaShop 1.7.x like category pages, search results, manufacturers, homepage modules with products etc. goa...
  4. Bonjour à tous, je suis confronté à un problème étrange avec mon ps_1.7.8 À côté du bouton "ajouter au panier" (et également dans le cart checkout et le panier lui-même) J'ai 2 carrés à la place des flèches pour augmenter ou diminuer les quantités. Carrés dans lesquels je ne peux pas...
  5. Witam, Presta Szablon classic dodane przyciski dodaj do koszyka na głównej stronie wg. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/605047-product-list-quantity-add-to-cart-button-in-prestashop-17/ ---- Wszystko ładnie działało i nagle przestało Po wejsciu nowego kl...
  6. I add the product to cart from my custom module by using the following code. It's working. My Javascript file var pid = $('#product_id').val(); $.ajax({ url : url+'&action=savecustomdataAction', type : "POST", data : { customdata : customdata, qty : 1, pid : pid }, success : fun...
  7. Hello, I've been developing a module to add a "Daily Limit" to customer purchase and basically prevent them from completely adding any product in their shopping cart if it surpass that daily limit. It all went mostly smoothly, except 2 problem I encountered, How do I prevent the item...
  8. Buenos días abro este post porque estoy teniendo un problema en la version 1.7 de prestashop. El botón añadir al carrito me funciona si entro como cliente no registrado, en caso de iniciar sesion no me deja añadir al carrito... alguien me puede echar un cable con este problema???
  9. esiste un modo per far visualizzare il pulsante aggiungi al carrello anche con le miniature in home page e nelle categorie senza dovere aprire la pagina prodotto? o quantomeno modificare la scritta "anteprima" con "acquisto rapido"?
  10. Bonjour, J'aurais besoin d'aide. J'aimerais utiliser le mode catalogue, et de ce fait, faire disparaître de tout mon site Web le bouton "add to cart". Je pensais qu'il disparaissait automatiquement en mode catalogue. J'utilise la dernière version stable de prestashop. J'ai es...
  11. Hi, I am an one-month newbie in prestashop. I have read lots of topics here for solving my problems, so here is my contribution. I found there is no such topic talking about multiple add combinations/attributes of products to cart in ps1.7 version, after one week trying and failure, I finally f...
  12. Hello, i want to know how i can modify/replace the add to cart button via the module i will create ? I already know how to place link, text or wathever below the add to cart button with the productActions hook , but now i want to remove the add to cart button directly from my module (when he is...
  13. I am facing a strange issue, when I click on the 'Add to Cart' button, the product gets added to the Cart BUT the same is not shown till at a time I reload the page? I mean I have to reload the page [probably ajax issue?] to see the updated cart.
  14. while I'm add to cart my product and then when i click continue shopping I'm getting error : An error occurred while processing your request Does anyone have idea how to solve it,
  15. Many e-shop owners, which use Prestashop store in 1.5.x versions said, that the standard template "add to cart" button located in product page is very small. I think exactly the same, so i decided to write little tutorial realted to this case. I will show you how to change button size and layout. I...
  16. Hi everyone, As title says, sometimes adding to cart does nothing - not even a pop up window with confirmation of it opens up. I sometimes manage to test-buy something with newly created users, but after that order buying from that user doesn't work anymore. Can't buy anything with unregistered...
  17. Buongiorno a tutti E' accaduta una cosa strana sul nostro shop PS thema Warehouse. Il problema si verifica quando i clienti che navigano da SAFARI e CHROME su MAC aggiungono prodotti al carrello.. Mi spiego meglio: il cliente MAC entra sul sito, crea un account (ok), fa l...
  18. I have an ajax add to cart button on my product page but would like to create another one for Buy Now. It'll be same as Add to Cart but after adding the product to the cart, user will be redirected to the cart page. This question has been discussed before but not recently and their solutions did...
  19. Hello everyone! I am having quite the trouble. As everyone knows, this piece of code is used to hide the Add to Cart button in the product.tpl when the applied conditions are met: <div{if (!$allow_oosp && $product->quantity <= 0) || !$product->available_for_order || (isset($restricted_count...
  20. Hi, in my shop when the costumer looks at product details page and product list, the pictures show clearly the product combinations costs less than the price per unit (for example if the unit is kilogram). And the costumer sees correctly the prices/kilo correspondant to each of the combination price...
  21. Hi, I'm trying to use the ajax add to cart function to add a Add to Cart button in my module. I've used the same code from homefeatured.tpl and it generates the correct url: http://www.banditbirds.co.uk/cart?qty=1&id_product=89&token=78324173a44f0692704f811c31e2c8f1&add But this doe...
  22. Hello Prestashop users, I’m working on an e-shop for a french clothing brand and I’m strugguling with the same problem for a couple weeks. I’m using Prestashop 1.7. What I’m trying to do is to display the available sizes on the items in the product miniatures while hovering it. Then, when...
  23. Hello, I am new user of PrestaShop software for its eCommerce application. Very recent, I have encountered some issues after installing and configuration store setup with it. I am using PrestaShop v. with its Classic (default) theme for the shop. The store was fully functional and...
  24. Hello. In prestashop 1.7 I want to do product customization. To this end, in my module when adding a product to the basket, I want to add my values as a customization. As far as I know, prestashop 1.7 has changed a bit and you can add customization associated with the module. How to make the product...
  25. Hi, I am not really familiar with Prestashop. I would like to show the "Add to cart" button on some of the products pages only. I have tried to tick off the "Available for order" options and change the quantity to 0, but the button is still showing. Can anyone help me with it?...
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