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  1. Custom Field Registration Module It is must for the online businesses to develop a strong relationship with the prospective buyers. By collecting more information regarding your customers you can communicate more effectively with the customers and share the information about what actually they...
  2. Bonjour à tous, vous avez peut être vu la dernière nouveauté de prestashop : https://addons.prestashop.com/fr/seller-blog.php?article=1114 Mais c'est quoi exactement ? c'est quoi un plan ? avez vous des informations ? perso j'ai posté un message qui risque d'être sans répons...
  3. Dear community, i am trying to run some PHP Code after a new customer successfully created an account in our onlineshop. my question is where to insert this PHP? i assume the best way is to write a module which calls the CustomerAccountAdd Hook ? (And how does the Code has to Look like)...
  4. Hello, everybody. One of my friend sent a screenshot which shows his account is banned. How to reactivate it? Or how to close it? Thank you.
  5. Hi, is there a way to create website account by mobile phone number instead of email? Thanks.
  6. Dear all, i'm running on with default_bootstrap since months and i notice that since few it's impossible to create a new customer account, we get this TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object Object] Text status: parsererror i tried everything possible i read i...
  7. ciao a tutti, ho installato ps su terzo livello. Cerco modulo di registrazione account con campi obbligatori e con l'attivazione cliente da back office. Se c'è gratuito è meglio; se ci sono impostazioni di ps native da modificare che permettano quanto mi è necessario, bene; se è da acquistare,...
  8. Hi All, I need a feature of different account types for user registration.... for example Personal Account, Business Account, NFP Organization, where in each account I will ask for specific fields needed for invoicing... I think it pretty common need that online shops has.... MY...
  9. Hello, Is there a way to disable new customer registration? My clients are limited and I only want to create accounts myself for them. Thank you!
  10. Hello everybody. My scenario is this: 30-40% of clients call me by phone. This category are most middle age that never use internet and does not have emails. I need to insert order in Presta Shop ( and cannot do it without an email or to use one email that already was used on Presta. I...
  11. HI guys, This has really stumped me. The links on the My Account > My Address page have stopped working. When a customer tries to update, delete, or add a new address the link simply refreshes the page. Nothing happens. Please see images for further info. We have done a lot of trans...
  12. Hi, I am looking to adjust the register form, i want to have the newsletter checkbox below the adress labels. Where can i change this? See screenshot Jurgen
  13. salve a tutti, ho un problema, il mio cliente vorrebbe che la pagina di creazione account fosse tutta in italiano ma non riesco a trovare dove sta la seguente frase in inglese "I agree to the terms and conditions and the privacy policy" da tradurre, vi allego uno screenshot. tutta la pagina è i...
  14. Ciao a tutti Qualcuno sa come modificare / tradurre la scritta My Account in home page? (allego foto). Sono riuscita a tradurre l'interno, ovvero quando clicco sulla freccia accanto a My Account (Accedi etc.), ma non riesco a trovare da nessuna parte la scritta My Account. Vorrei scri...
  15. Hello everyone, Don't why it is happening suddenly! It was working well but now from My Account or Authentication page "Create An Account" is not working. But Creating Account from Checkout Page fine. Note: When entering existing email on Create An Account field error working well. Don't...
  16. Hello, so i have my website with many products. I have stripe module on it so i can buy anything that i want on the website. The problem is that when i try to buy a product with a unlogged account it worked perfectly but with a created account it stucks on the adresses page, so u press continue...
  17. Hi friends, I'm in PS The question I have now is the following: When any customer logs in, prestashop sends them directly to / my-account. What I like is that when doing login go directly for example to the page of the store, any suggestions?
  18. Hello guys, I am having an issue with my checkout form. Once the customer enters a password or creates an account, on the next step to fill out the address form, the system puts the red sentence that says “the address is incomplete, update it “ even if the adress is correct. But everything wil...
  19. Hola! estoy intentando modificar el correo predeterminado de bienvenida de prestashop, he estado mirando por internet y he seguido los pasos. En prestashop 1.7.1 le doy a internacional, traducciones y despues traducciones de correo electronico, modificar account. Hasta ahí todo bien, he modific...
  20. buon giorno , ho un sito creato con prestashop voglio personalizarlo in modalità B2B. vi chiedo come posso modificare la sezione di richiesta per registrazione nuovo cliente. ora trovo solo i campi di registrazione come sig. o sig.ra. nome cognome azienda...
  21. Bonjour, je rencontre un gros problème sur mon site www.mtb-rental-morzine.com ; lorsque mes clients souhaitent s'identifier, accéder à leur compte... impossible pour eux de se connecter ou autre, c'est de suite une page HTTP ERROR 500 qui s'ouvre; je suis sous prestashop je n'ai aucune idée...
  22. Good Day all i am wondering is there away i can remove the password from the account creation form so they i can provide them a password once their account has been validated thanks in advance
  23. Hello, I've change my email adress linked to my account few days ago. Today a problem has appeared : No account linked to this new adress email It's also impossible to connect with the former email adress. To create a ticket, obviously i need to be connected .......
  24. Buongiorno, sto avendo dei problemi col sito creato con prestashop e ho bisogno di aiuto. ho il server su Aruba che sostiene che il sito non funziona a causa di Prestashop e non loro. Il sito risulta in manutenzione, quindi inaccessibile dai clienti. Quando provo a fare l'accesso al backup...
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