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  1. Allow customer magnify product images when hover on desktop or tap on mobile phone on every pages. Perfect Work On Mobile, Tablet and any Browser Merchant Benefit Improve conversions on your Prestashop Store Zoom product images with a nice effect on your store Making a pro...
  2. Gentlemen, good afternoon. Would someone help me finding the problem that, unfortunately, disables my zoom function on my page? Already tried another zoom module, caused other conflict. Chrome Console only accuses 3 errors that seems not to be connected with my problem, i guess....
  3. Make it easy for users to view your product images with the magnifying glass of the Zoom Product Pro + 360° module. Supported PrestaShop versions: 1.6.X & 1.7.X Demo: https://demo.presteamshop.com/zpp/ More info: https://www.presteamshop.com/en/prestashop-modules/zoom-product-pro.h...
  4. Hello everyone! I need help, I have an ecommerce Prestahop 1.7 with theme 'electrive' , I would like to remove from the product images the zoom functionality automatically implemented by the theme, replacing it with a click that shows only a modal with the enlarged image; Does anyone know and can he...
  5. Ho notato che ingrandendo l'immagine prodotto non sono presenti le frecce per scorrere le altre immagini http://www.betafer.it/it/trolley-portautensili-beta-c41h-4100h/41000002-trolley-porta-attrezzi-utensili-beta-c41h.html Quelle piccole si possono navigare, ingrandendo l'immagine del prodo...
  6. Product Image Zoom Module If you are an eCommerce store owner then product images are much important to you. And, the presentation of the product can only be improved by better product images. Another thing that can be done to improve the user experience of the customer is to provide fea...
  7. Bonjour à toutes et tous, J'ai un léger soucis de zoom sur ma boutique : lorsque je clique sur l'image principale, l'image zoomée s'ouvre en décalée vers le bas et non centrée au milieu de la fenêtre (voir capture). Si je clique sur les miniatures, l'image zoomée s'ouvre centrée dan...
  8. Salve a tutti, controllando con lo smartphone vedo sugli altri siti realizzati con Prestashop che con le classiche 2 dita si può ingrandire lo zoom della pagina, e per chi come me è un po' accecato è sicuramente comodo per una lettura rapida ed immediata senza dover tutte le volte estrarre gli occhi...
  9. Hi when I change the product color in the product details page, the hover-on-image zoom triggers outside the image (around the breadcrumb area). Anyone who has encountered this? I'm using PrestaShop and the Oreo theme Thanks in advance!
  10. Bonjour, Comment faire pour activer JQZoom au clic plutôt qu'au survol ? J'ai essayer de faire des modification dans jquery.jqzoom.js le problème est que je ne connais pas du tout JS et donc je n'ai pas réussi à résoudre mon problème... Merci de votre aide
  11. Hi guys, i asked in the spanish language section but no one can answer my question. You can see the zoom on my products images or change between the different displayed images. At my bqckoffice i can see it i upload more than one image and it seems to be all ok but at the store front offic...
  12. Hello, I'm using prestashop and i installed the module JQZoom Evolution to show zoom effect on mouse hover in product page, but the module shows the following problems : - On descktop : On hover the zoomed image moves out of the original image frame due to the fixed position...
  13. Hi all, I’m new to PrestaShop and this forum is really great. I have already solved many problems just browsing existing threads. But for this one I haven’t found anything: I want to completely disable the zooming function and remove the zooming button-like additions to the images on all produc...
  14. I noticed that zooming product image is missing the arrows to scroll to other images Those little you can surf, zoom in on an image of the product not the arrows to change image appear. http://www.betafer.it/en/tool-trolley-c41h/41000002-beta-c41h-tool-trolley.html I tried to figure out...
  15. Hola, buenos días, me gustaría poder ampliar la vista de las texturas de los productos de mi tienda online, es decir cuando ponga el cursor sobre las imágenes de las texturas que me realice una vista ampliada con un pop up de las mismas algo así como el jqzoom de las imágenes de los productos pero d...
  16. Salve, sul template base di PS1.7, in relazione al modulo "Prodotti in Vetrina in Homepage", considerando una sola riga di prodotti, esiste un modo e/o intervento per rendere automatico il loro adattarsi in modo che coprano tutta la larghezza della pagina? Considerando ad esempio una pagina web...
  17. Hola, Por más que intento que las imágenes se vean en una ventana grande al clicar, no funciona con ninguna imagen. Está activado thickbox_ default, pero la única opción de ver las imágenes más grandes es activando la lupa con JqZoom. Dejó de funcionar de repente, sólo desactivé el formulario de pre...
  18. Hello, I made an import of products into my site from another shop, including each product image. The problem is that each of the images is very small and after the import Prestashop creates thumbnails with size of 700x879 but the photo itself is the same small photo with big white corners arou...
  19. Hallo zusammen, eine Frage an Euch: Lässt sich der Zoom Faktor der Bildvergrösserung irgendwo einstellen? Ich meine damit, dass die Bilder größer aufgezoomt werden. lg, danke für eure hilfe, Patrick
  20. Bonjour, J’utilise la version PrestaShop avec le thème par défaut. Il y a un bug dans le système de zoom image du produit. Lorsque pour un produit, il y a au moins 2 déclinaisons et que pour chaque déclinaison il y a au moins 2 images. Sur la page produit, on clique sur l’im...
  21. Hi I have a problem with the zoom. It doesn't matter what size of picture i upload for the products displayed, I tried 800x800, or respecting the ration (480x585) as recquired, i ve tried uploading bigger sizes like 1000x820 or 1200x989, it's all the same when i click on the product...
  22. I'm trying to zoom in on an image of a product on the phone, but it does not work. Prestashop uses fancybox. Any idea how to activate zoom in fancybox? I have tried the JqZoom but it is not what I am looking for.
  23. Hi I need the help of you guys. I'm using PS and the Modula Template. In this shop we don't need in the product list the rollover/mouseover zoom function, because we have only one picture per product. I wanna hide the rollover/mousover zoom function, but find no solution. Ano...
  24. Hi All! I have a question, it took several days tinkering with my header viewport in PS1.6, because I need the final user can zoom limitless in my store. So I changed the header like this: ​<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes" /> ​ This system...
  25. Hi, I use the bootstrap-default theme. I have jqZoom enabled in my shop for the product page. I need the Fancybox zoom box to pop up if the product image is clicked on. Alternatively, I have some static text below the product image. It would suffice if clicking on that text launched the Fanc...
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