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  1. Good afternoon, I apologize for all the inconvenience, I would like to ask about an error that I am getting. AIt's my first time installing PrestaShop and I'm using Ubuntu for that, along with apache and MySQL. AAmong several installation guides including in several versions of PrestaShop...
  2. Hi. Please help me resolve small problem. So I wanted set up prestashop ( V 1.7) and when I wanted proceed install, I received this error: (Pls see in pic) Quote:We can't start installation PrestaShop installation requires at least the zip extension to be enabled. You can cont...
  3. Buenas tardes, necesito ayuda en la instalación por favor , me da error en la extensión zip de PHP tengo activada la extensión en PHP y Paquetes PHP PEAR, utilizo cPanel , a ver si me podéis ayudar por favor... ( adjunto imágenes )... Gracias
  4. Buenas tardes, gente, queria saber si hay algo que pueda hacer ya que cuando quiero subir un modulo me da este error. Ya modique el upload tanto desde el htacess como del cpanel en PHPVERSION pero sigue sin actualizar. Ta,bien desde el admin de prestashop en la solapa ADMNISTRACION. Alguna idea?
  5. Hi Everyone, I'm kind of a newbie on using prestashop, as I usually go for woocommerce (do not hate me). I'm trying to add a preexisting theme that i exported from a website and I'm trying to deal with this error that shows up in my administration panel: "The file size exceeds the size allowed...
  6. Hooks modules use seem to have to be defined in their install() methods, and install() seems to be executed only once per module installation. Thus, how do I reinstall a module without reuploading its .zip file? I just want Presta to reparse the existing files in /modules/foo without a hassle.
  7. So... I apologize if this is a widely known thing, but I have scoured the prestashop documentation as well as various Internet resources about this and have come up with bupkiss. The issue is that I am trying to resolve is the problem of entering multiple zip codes per county. I have each county's...
  8. Hello everyone! I use the Prestashop and I have bought following theme: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/electronics-computers-themes/24665-mega-electronics-store.html and installed in my domain emia.shop. Now when I try to install it in localhost but also in my subdomain...
  9. Hi everyone, I used to have a default theme for my e commerce and now I've decided to buy a new one. I've installed it from "design -> theme & logo -> add new theme -> import with FTP" (i've copied the new theme zip in "presta -> themes" with filezilla). When i return to "design -> th...
  10. Hi, i develop some modules and now i try to upload it to the marketplace. I validate it before and the validator "loves me" But when i try to upload my zip it always quit with the message "Your module contains temp files. Clean it with ZipCleaner" I do that but still get the message. I try s...
  11. Buna, dupa o instalare a ultimei versiuni Prestashop la accesare magazin pe domeniu "x" apare o problema: face trimitere la arhiva zip ,desi instalarea a fost terminata cu succes, baza de date este instalata, acces in back admin se face . Mesajul este An error has occured: Unzipping e...
  12. Hallo, habe ein Shop der 3D Druck Dateien verkauft, da diese sehr groß sind uns meist mehrere Datei für ein Produkt ist, habe ich alle gezippt mit 7-Zip. Die Dateien sind alle auf mein PC noch in Ordnung. Erst bei Hochladen und wenn der Kunde es nach Kauf downloadet ist die ZIP fehlerhaft....
  13. I resolve the problem in the Country setting I have activated on "YES" this option "Restrict country selections in front office to those covered by active carriers" Hello I have a problem with my store in the Address, for new customer and registered customers. When I go to ch...
  14. Hi! We sell products with free shipping up to a certain zip code. All others need to pay an extra amount that is different for every product: Does such a module exist or is it possible to achieve? Regards Anders
  15. Hey guys, i searched for some weeks for something like this now and its a shame presta does not have the option built in imho. What i need is a solution that automatically fills in the right state of the country from either the city or Zip. I think i noticed that this works pretty well when i...
  16. hello, i have prestashop , default template Zip code box does not appear when browsing from Mobile Phone !! When you enter the address of the mobile there is no place Add zip code and when pressed to save or continue to appear Note that you must enter zip code,, but there is no place...
  17. Hallo, problem with my site... when someone want to crate account, it is missing ZIP/Postal code field. I tried to apply everything in forum, but it still not working. If I choice to change country and re - select it it appear right away, if not, it gives mistake. How I can make it...
  18. haroldsapparel.com prestashop 1.6 Theme948 I cannot process any orders because customers are unable to fill out the registration form with what it says is required. State is required, but there are no states on the dropdown menu, despite the fact they are listed and assaociated with the US in...
  19. Hallo, ich habe einen neuen Prestashop installiert, nun habe ich festgestellt daß bei der "Kundenregistrierung" und bei "Neuen Adresse" hinzufügen die PLZ-Eingabe fehlt. Ich benutze das default-theme und habe bis auf neue Module zu installieren noch nichts groß gemacht. Hier im Foru...
  20. Moin, Moin! Zur Info: - Apache/2.4.10 - PHP 5.6.0 - Speichergrenze 256M - max_execution_time 300 - PrestaShop-Version - MySQL 5.6 - Aktualisierte Dateien 271 - Fehlende Dateien 2(!) Es sind ".gitignore" und ".gitmodules". Diese waren aber auch nicht in der Original-ZIP des Down...
  21. Hola a todos, estoy montando una tienda con la versión de prestashop y al realizar la instalación del tema http://addons.prestashop.com/demo/FO9324.html me muestra constantemente el texto "Se ha producido un error durante la extracción del archivo zip", aunque me permite acceder a la con...
  22. Hi. If you sold virtual products, like zips, etc. maybe you have some problems with clients that cant download or get an error when download a file. You can try to add this line at the end of you .htaccess SetEnv no-gzip dont-vary AddType application/octet-stream .zip this disable gz...
  23. I've having an issue with the default theme used on prestashop 1.6, the State, and Zip Code fields are missing. My previous theme did offer the two fields. Customers cannot complete the accout setup process due to this problem. How can I get these two missing fields back. I'm not a coder and I am h...
  24. Buenos días, soy nueva en esto de prestashop pero de momento me parece una plataforma de sencilla utilización… Hasta que he pretendido cambiar la plantilla del tema. Tengo la versión y me he descargado de la página oficial de prestashop la plantilla New Bike de pago. Primero me pid...
  25. Hello, I'm using PS without any problems and recently started working in PS for a new shop. But customers can not complete registration in PS, because the required fields Postcode/ZIP and Country are missing on the registration form. In PS I'm working with the de...
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