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  1. Good morning, I am currently using the SimpleWatermark module, but there is no new version available. I’m encountering an issue where the watermark appears correctly with the intended opacity over the product images, but there is a noticeable darkening around the watermark itself. I would...
  2. Hi There, I need help on this. My PS 1.7 site got following problem. (Here's testing site can see the problem. https://cop9gun.com/prshop175) WITHOUT Login, every images can show properly, e.g. https://cop9gun.com/prshop175/en/eski/548-tactical-boot-black.html After login, the...
  3. Hola a todos! Estoy tratando de localizar el modulo de Watermark en la version 1.7 de prestashop y no lo encuentro...¿Han quitado este modulo gratuito? Solo encuentro modulos de pago. De ser así...conoceis algun modulo gratuito para gestionar marcas de agua? Gracias por adelantado. Un salu...
  4. Prestashop-ban készítek egy üzletet. Sehol nem találom a vízjel modult. Ezt kivették ebből a presta-ból, vagy én ügyetlenkedem? Kérdés: át lehet-e venni egy előbbi verzióból a vízjel modult, és ha igen, hogyan? Köszönöm, ha segít valaki!
  5. Fac un site în Prestashop Nu găsesc nicăieri modulul de watermark. Întrebare: nu se mai află în versiunea aceasta, sau eu nu fac ceva bine; Poate fi transferat un modul de dintr-o versiune anterioară și, dacă da, cum? Mulțumesc pentru ajutor! Vă rog să-mi trimiteți link-ul, de und...
  6. Hi, I'm trying to activate the Prestashop Watermark module, but after activation it causes an 500 Internal server error. The following code is added to the .htaccess file: The module starts working only after disabling the line: Options +FollowSymLinks with a # symbol. Also, some sor...
  7. Hi guys, I have a question regarding our product pictures. When we upload pictures in 800px-800px we see strange watermarks in our productphotos. Watermarks in the form of strange tables and squares. Please see attachement: photo** ** when you can't see the watermark, turn your computerd...
  8. have the default watermark module that came with the fresh Prestashop installation. I have only updated it to the latest version. I recently change my watermark image (.gif) and i wanted to apply it to all of my products (around 4000). I've uploaded the new .gif image and started regenerating all...
  9. Buenas a todos. Les comento un problema que tengo. Instalé un Prestashop e importé una base de datos que preparé de manera local junto con la carpeta de las imágenes de productos (img/p/). Todo andá bien hasta ahora. Ya van varios días de prueba y no había notado nada raro. Hasta ahora, que...
  10. Hi, I have tried to insert a watermark into images through the webservice but without success. I've seen several related topics but still did not get the resolution to my problem. I'm using the Watermark Prestashop Module. Here is the code I use to upload the image in the webservice:...
  11. Ciao a tutti, si richiede una vostra gentile assistenza a seguito di un problema riscontrato al sito (25/04/2015 09:00 ca.) Versione Prestashop (www.grandelupo.net). Dopo aver installato correttamente il modulo "watermark" (filigrana nelle immagini), e configurato, avevo un messaggio di aggi...
  12. When I upload an image of a product with the webservice on prestashop, the image don't have a watermark automatically. I use the official Watermark addon develeped by Prestashop. A similar bug was explain and fixed on prestashop : http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-2642
  13. Hi, I'm having a problem with the watermark module, when I activate him the site gives the "500 Internal Server Error". I need to change the .htaccess to get my website up again. I comment the follow line and all work well. "Options +FollowSymLinks" The code from my .htaccess:...
  14. Hello all, I'm trying to add webp support for my store. Now, I'd like to create the required images immediately after upload via the hookWatermark. For some reason, however, these fail to materialise: the jpgs show up perfectly, but no webp images can be found in the image directory. This is...
  15. First, im sorry if i post in wrong place forum. I have a problem in my website and forum in Brazil nobody knows how to solve. I enabled the module "Watermark" 0.3 but not working properly, now I want to remove the watermark on the images created, but even disabling the module, they continue to app...
  16. Hi Today I was installing watermark module on my PS 1.6 and as I clicked on INSTALL , BO disappeared! Just a white page with this message: Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server ad...
  17. hello people, im running new presta upgraded from 1.5.x.x and my image regeneration doesnt generate watermark on my images.. I tried to uninstall and install, removed it and installed again but n luck. I also tried changing watermark image size, tried 300x300px, 900x900, ...no luck...wha...
  18. Buenas, tengo un problema que nunca antes me había ocurrido y no se cual puede ser el problema. Es con el módulo marca de agua, que lo configuro, regenero las imágenes y nada, no aparece. La imagen está en 600x600 en gif. ¿Puede influir que esté la tienda en modo mantenimiento? Gracias
  19. Ciao ragazzi, Provo ad installare il modulo Image Watermark v0.9 - by Prestashop ma appena clicco il tasto "INSTALLA" ecco quello che mi dice: Fortunatamente avevo fatto un backup 5 minuti prima e ho riprostinato tutto, ma vorrei utilizzare questo modulo. Come posso fare? Grazie Michele
  20. I have done anything with watermark, but all of sudden I see my products pictures is with prestashop watermark….why does this happen and how can I disable the watermark? I went to module - tried to disable watermark there….didn't help at all. I uninstall the watermark module, didn't change anything...
  21. Bonjour, Voici le probleme : J'ai installé et utilisé le module watermark. La genération de la nouvelle l'image avec le filigrane fonctionne correctement sur les nouveaux produits crées. J'ai donc lancé la regeneration des miniatures et la, malheureusement, nombre d'images ne s'affiche...
  22. hi, Im really angry because since I updated to 1.6, Im heading many problems and one of them is watermark. I have something over 300 products now and I tried to regenerate maybe 500x and nothing happens...like what?! im freaking out...server times out infinite times....impossible to regenerate image...
  23. Кто-нибудь знает как сделать, чтобы можно было поставить .PNG в качестве водяного знака?? GIF - это же издевательство. Рубленые края и убогий вид Можно было бы конечно пакетно сначала ставить водяной знак на изображения, а потом уже их загружать не используя модуль - но тогда он будет на всех коп...
  24. Tengo un problema con la multitienda, tengo 2 tiendas y aunque cada tienda tiene su propia marca de agua (watermark o filigrana) si selecciono cualquiera de las dos tiendas y regenero las imágenes se incluye la imagen de la marca de agua en las 2 tiendas, es decir se pone la marca de agua de la tien...
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