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  1. Hi everyone, does anyone know where errors are handled in the 'onepagecheckoutps_step_two' box of the onepagechekout module of the PS checkout? The strings for the messages are saved in the back office, but I need the configuration that selects one message over another and in the template, it...
  2. Hello, i am using prestashop 8.1.4. i would like to insert a value in the $data array in PaymentModule.php form my module. This value i need to display on order_conf template to customer, which takes values from this array. But i do not want to override the (validateOrder function) Payme...
  3. Hi! I was trying to add more than one product to my order_conf but when I add more than two products it doesn’t continue on the line below but rather one next to the other. Ideally the products should appear centered and two per row. I don´t know how to fix this as i am working with the var...
  4. Hello guys, ----- Prestashop 1.7.6 I am trying to callout a specific feature, to be more exact: - I have a feature with ID 500 and I want to show it below the Buy Button in Product List - I tried a part of code to show on product.tpl (category products) to show a specific feature...
  5. I want to show certain menu item with an id only for certain language versions. How do I achieve this with Smarty? Can someone please explain or provide an example? Thanks
  6. Hi! Im kinda new using PrestaShop, and i can't find info about this online. I need to find the name of the variables of a product combination, per example the weight. I found out that i can use $product.weight for a simple product, but i didn't found the way to show up the im...
  7. Jeg søger en liste over prisvariabler som kan bruges i mails med f.eks. ordrebekræftelse. I dag står der f.eks. {products_total} som viser den totale ordre produktpris inkl. moms. Her ville jeg gerne have den uden moms. Det samme gælder på produktlinje niveau, hvor i alt prisen på produktlinjen...
  8. Hi there, I'd like to implement something like "First buyer of a product gets a discount-voucher for next buy". So I'd like to access the corresponding variable on the product details etc (and code it in the tpl). As I can't find any good reference on variables of PS, someone here can help me o...
  9. bonjour, à tous je viens d'installer pour la première fois en local prestashop sur php 7.2 wampserver je débute en php depuis quelques mois en autodidacte j'aimerais sur une page cms créer un tableau nommer tableau1 dans lequel s'affiche le nom le p...
  10. Hi, I have a problem when changing order status and sending email to customer with bankwire details. It just doesn't show up in the email, instead of displaying account details it shows {bankwire_details}. When this email goes automatically to customer when order is created, bankwire details a...
  11. Buenas tardes, tengo el siguiente problemita: estoy usando la version de prestashop y en la carpeta mail/es/ que esta dentro del tema tengo un archivo que cree para que se le envie un resumen del pedido al cliente, en el archivo personalizado solo estas variables ({order_name}, {...
  12. I'm new to module dev, and I try to find infos about variables that prestashop gives us. But I can't find anywhere any sort of list of those variables. For example, getProducts() this variable seems interesting, but I can't find any infos about it. Does someone have a good link to...
  13. FIRST OF ALL: Sorry for my not-good english. If something is not understandable let me know, and I will try to explain it better! Good evening, I am having some issues with prestashop 1.7 and an external module. I bought a module to add a fee on cash on delivery, this module got some e-mail va...
  14. Hi, I am using a feedback module that sends an email to customers asking them to write a review about us. A variable called {url_ifb} is used by the module in his email template to generate the URL for each customer so customer data is attached to each review. I would like to use an image with...
  15. Hello, Im trying to create an email template which would trigger on order status "backorder". i have created this but when i try to actually have it list the products we have 0 quantity of that the customer orders, it shows as {products} instead of what i want. I know {produc...
  16. Bonjour, voilà j'ai un souci avec un code de tracking qui visiblement ne remonte pas les infos... 🤔 jai mis 3 variables dynamiques : $total_paid_tax_incl $total_shipping_tax_incl $product_id mais visiblement je ne doit pas avoir la bonne syntaxe, m...
  17. Hola como configuro este script. me pide variables pero no se de donde sacarlas. <script data-cfasync="false"> window.juapp=window.juapp||function(){(window.juapp.q=window.juapp.q||[]).push(arguments)} /* Replace the [order ...] portions below with the actual order information. You...
  18. Buenos días a toda la comunidad. Escribo porque tengo una cuestión a resolver. Quiero enviar un sitemap a search console de los productos de una web de un cliente. Me pide que se indexen tambien los productos con las variables, ya que ahora mismo el unico producto que le indexa google es la var...
  19. Hi, I am developing a module (in PS 1.6) that supports adding multiple different product combinations to the basket with a single click of the add_to_cart button, in order to do this correctly and select all the applicable options i have elected to register a custom hook that replaces the produ...
  20. Bonjour, J'ai une petite question. J'aimerais que quand un utilisateur est sur la sous-catégorie de la catégorie A, ce soit les informations de la catégorie A qui s'affiche et non celles de la sous-catégorie. J'arrive en effet a afficher l'ID de la catégorie parent (qui fonctionne très bien) vi...
  21. Hola, Espero me puedan ayudar o si es el caso darme una guía de como debería hacerlo. Estoy desarrollando un método de pago para PS 1.6, el cual de acuerdo al proveedor de pago tienen un widget para integrarlo al código y realizar el pago, opte por la opción de crear un portal externo a PS...
  22. I've created a new order status used in our company and I need to send an email to the customers when order comes to this status. Problem is that no {variable} works in my new mail template. I would like to include details about order in this email and only thing that works is {order_name} and...
  23. Hi, We provide various printing services. We have an Image gallery where prospect clients can choose from thousands of images. We want to pass the image code or name to the product page (with a code such as ?img=xyz ) so that the client can order a print of that image. It should work like custo...
  24. Estoy modificado una pagina de prestashop, en el tpl he puesto dos radio buttons y lo que quiero hacer es guardar la seleccion en una variable global que pueda usarla en un archivo php. En definitiva lo que quiero hacer es recoger una variable del tempalte y guardarla para poder operar con ella...
  25. Hi All, I'm a new add-on developer and just getting started. I generated class documentation for the prestashop/classes directory. I would like to share this documentation with the community as I hope to become a valuable member and contributor. You can find Prestashop Class Documentatio...
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