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  1. I need to set a Feature without value. The reason for that is that I use the features to display flags in product-flags.tpl (like this) {foreach from=$product.features item=vlastnost} <li class="product-flag fl-{$vlastnost.id_feature}">{$vlastnost.name}</li> {/foreach} and the feature name is...
  2. Bonjour à tous, Je reprends un site prestashop et je souhaiterai mettre un default value sur un button radio ( titre civilité présent dans le formulaire checkout ). Version prestashop : Thème : Warehouse Je pense que cela se trouve dans le fichier form-fields.tpl d...
  3. Hello devs, How to add custom (not-predefined) product feature to feature group in already existing product? For example I have: Product = Pretty furniture; and Feature group = Furniture material How to add to this Furniture material group custom value like "asdasdasd" in PHP? I...
  4. Hi there, Currently in Romania is mandatory to show the Tax value per each product on the invoice. I can't achieve this in any matter. Can somebody help me? Thank you!
  5. Dummy question but I cannot seem to find a straightforward answer. I am building a form using the HelperForm class and I want to pass a hidden field with it for which I use: array( 'type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 43, 'name' => 'id_product' ), ) ); Where value seems to i...
  6. Hi prestashopers. I write a module in which I save information in a complex form - serialized. The display of such information is illegible and unedited, which is why I want to display the input form. I just wanted to insert a value: public function renderForm() { $ u...
  7. Good evening to everyone, I apologize if I ask the question in the wrong forum but in fact I could not understand who to turn to, I'm trying to create and manage my first store in prestashop and I ran into a difficulty that at the moment I can not overcome so I hope to receive some advice / sug...
  8. Hello, I am trying define a minimum order value of 10€ without VAT (8.13) (would like for products only, not shipping fees), but PS allow finish the order with 5€ (for example). If I activate debug mode, Front Page don't work and shows the error below. I tryed with default template...
  9. Hi All, I have make a module to add one field in class cart. I have add the input in the form.tpl only for backoffice. Now I must get it in a hook (hookActionCartSave) but nothnig work. I have try Tools::getValue nothing, how to get this input text ? maye there an hidden hook ??...
  10. Hello to everyone, I want to ask if it is possible to increase the limit of the input value for the weight field ? Prestashop strips down long numbers. For example, i want to enter 0.0018 Kg but Prestashop will save the value as 0.002 Kg Thank you, John
  11. Hi!! I would like to show choosen features on product-list.tpl I want to show it on line 120 of product-list.tpl For instance if free shiping or not with an image. Here is part of product.tpl code that works on my web: <td>{if $feature.id_feature==32} {if $feature.value=='Free Shipping'}{html_im...
  12. Hi All, Can anyone tell how can I store the values of check boxes or multiselect in a database. I have created a controller and class in admin section and also a table in database. I need it urgent please help me out with this. Thanks in advance
  13. Hi, I cant save value of textarea public function getContent() { if (Tools::isSubmit('submitSomeModule')) { Configuration::updateValue('some_text', Tools::getValue('some_text'), true); } return $this->renderForm(); } protected function renderForm() array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => $this...
  14. Hello, How I can get feature value by feature ID on blockcontact.php? Thanks.
  15. I am very new to all this. Last week I found a page that listed all my stock, quantity, price of each unit and total value of each item adding to a grand total of my entire stock. I cannot find that page again, please please where do I find it?
  16. I'm trying to make combinations (product size/weight) a required option when ordering from my store. Currently, a customer can proceed through cart with purchase without specifying an exact size or weight of the product. I'm not seeing anywhere to do this within the combinations page anywhere arou...
  17. I've successfully created new attribute values (new colors), however, these does not automatically transfer to the list in the attributes generator, when creating new product combinations. E.g. I created the color 'blue' in the 'attributes and values' section, but it does not show in the 'produc...
  18. I have just created an order from a cart, however the order details do not show on the invoice although the correct price does. The value of the order doesn't show in the cumulative sales on the Dashboard. And the item is still showing as in stock, it should now show as out of stock as it was the...
  19. Dear community, we re currently trying to build some filters with advanced search 4 and within one category we encountered a problem. We´ve got different attributes with values that should be one attribute. But there s been a spelling mistake and so we do have several different attributes meani...
  20. Hello , I have used multiple select input type in my modules configuration but when i submit it gives me only last selected options value inspite of all that are selected value for getting value I have used Tools::getValue() function. please give me some solution so that i can get all selected opt...
  21. Hi! I want work with a variable from input and i don't know how. Is it possible?
  22. Buenas a todos, Necesito operar con el valor de un input que introduce el usuario en product-list.tpl y para ello tengo que asignárselo a una nueva variable. ¿Alguien sabe cómo hacerlo?
  23. By default you can select New, Used and Refurbished in product edit page. I'd like to also add Exibition. I made some changes in /classes/Product.php: 'condition' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'shop' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'values' => array('new', 'used', 'refurbished...
  24. Bonjour, Je m'excuse si je n'ai aps mit le topic dans la bonne catégorie. Je suis actuéllement en train de faire un module avec un formulaire. Je passe donc par Helper form. J'ai des checkbox, mais je ne vois pas comment mettre une valeur aux Chexbox. Je suis sur prestashop Merci...
  25. Bonsoir, Je suis en train de travailler sur l'import de mes produits (plus de 1000). J'ai 5 ou 6 caractéristiques avec chacune entre 5 et 12 valeurs... Lorsque je fais mon fichier, j'aimerai avoir la possibilité de mettre les informations comme ceci : 2:5 pour les caractéristiques (2 étant...
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