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  1. Bonjour, je voudrais optimiser ma boutique prestashop creme-tahara.fr j'ai installer un plugin de cache (jpresta) j'ai installé un CDN je suis sur un VPS formule 2 de chez lws avec isp config j'ai optimisé la taille des images, configurer cloudfare et prestahsop...
  2. Hej za jakiś czas będę musiał podjąć decyzję czy zostawać na VPS w OVH czy przejść na coś innego. Myślę czy przejść na VPS zarządzany czy może na hosting. I tak wogóle na jaki? Jestem w trakcie kończenia budowy sklepu na Prestashop 1.7 i przeniesienia się ze sky-shop. Parametry sklepu:...
  3. Hi, I have been having a lot of problems with file ownership and permissions with my test site (ps1.7.4), unable to update, not having access to folder contents on file manager and theme elements now missing from my site. My hosting have tried a few things (one having file ownership set as...
  4. Hola, que tal? Estamos teniendo un problema con la configuración del Presta, tenemos la version Hace poco migramos a un vps desde un hosting compartido. Seguimos todas las instrucciones de migración de la ayuda, sin embargo se tuvieron que hacer algunos retoques en la configuració...
  5. Pacchetto configurare un nuovo server/vps per prestashop - configurazione server/vps con Centos 7 - installazione di un pannello di controllo per il vs. dominio e spazio web - poter scegliere in fase di installazione Apache, Apache + Nginx (come reverse proxy) o solo Nginx + P...
  6. Hello, I have moved my 1.4x shop to a new VPS server ready for a new 1.7x shop that I am currently building. Since migration of the servers (shared to VPS) no orders can be created in the front or back office. I feel this is a server setting/mode as apparently all da...
  7. Hello, I have a problem I recently moved from my small domain to a Goddady VPS, before I changed everything worked perfectly with the emails. But since I moved I've had complaints that the emails with the sold accounts take a long time to arrive, I've checked them and some arrive immediately, othe...
  8. Bonjour, Depuis hier j'ai lancé la procédure pour passer ma boutique avec le protocole SSL et j'ai de nombreux bugs. J'ai du lire une bonne vingtaine de topics relatifs aux erreurs que je rencontre et appliquer les différentes préconisations, mais pour la plupart sans succès (j'ai passé plusieu...
  9. Hi, I transfered my previously working PS from shared hosting to VPS. I downloaded all the files, ziped them and unziped on VPS, changed the parameters.php to connect to new database, so basically it is an exact copy of the PS on previous hosting... Nearly everything works, I can place...
  10. Hello! I will try PrestaShop for first time :-) and I need to ask your advice. Do you suggest to install it at a shared hosting and start testing...? and if needed I will migrate it to a new VPS server later... or I have to install it a new VPS server directly? Thanks!
  11. Witam Chciałbym zainstalować Prestashop na serwerze VPS, pliki wrzucone, odpalam stronę i komunikat taki jak na screen shocie. Prosił bym o pomoc, co z tym zrobić. Pozdrawiam
  12. Witam, Mam pytanie odnośnie oferty nazwa.pl a dokładnie VPSów NVMe Speed Biznes za 29 netto na miesiąc. Powiem szczerze, że po rozmowie z jednym użytkownikiem który mi je podrzucił na PW ich oferta wygląda całkiem ciekawie w tej kolejnej opcji Speed Biznes (nie tej pierwszej). W zestawie je...
  13. ¡Buenos días! Como muchos tenemos/tenéis servicios contratados con OVH os aviso antes de que os volváis locos que hay una caída generalizada de hosting, VPS y servidores. Por el momento están afectados: - Roubaix - Strasbourg Por el momento no tienen hora ni tiempo de finalizació...
  14. Utilizo a versão do Prestashop em uma hospedagem compartilhada. Coloquei ele em uma VPS e quando fui acessar retornou o erro 500. O que poderia ser?
  15. Hi everyone, Can anyone please help me; I did transfer my second website from a sharing hosting onto VPS, I was doing everything exactly the same as with the previous transfer of my other website, but unfortunately now getting this message; Fatal error: Call to undefined function mcrypt_enc...
  16. Postanowiłem uruchomić serwer VPS SSD z preinstalowanym Prestashopem, wszystko sobie poprzenosiłem i nie mogę podpiąć domeny na serwer VPS (albo raczej nie wiem jak to do końca zrobić). Domena też jest zarejestrowana w Ovh. W managerze VPS na Ovh w sekcji DNS Secondary ustawiłem domenę którą chce pr...
  17. Bom dia, eu já troquei de host umas 3 vezes, eu já pesquisei aqui no fórum e no google sobre o serviço mais indicado para o prestashop, mais só vejo pessoas falando de empresas sem ser BR, gostaria de saber qual empresa aqui no brasil e melhor pra poder trabalhar com o prestashop, e também qual tipo...
  18. witam, nie znam się kompletnie na serwerach VPS, zastanawiam się nad przeniesieniem sklepu ze współdzielonego serwera na VPS, który będzie lepszy? Hetzner ma serwerownie w Niemczech, IQ w Gdańsku 1. https://www.hetzner.de/de/hosting/produkte_vserver/cx40 2. Root 2 https://www.iq.pl/ofert...
  19. Hi, I'm using 1.4.11 and have my own vps (ubuntu 12.04) + Apache 2.2 I'm trying to setup the media servers in BO but with no luck. I even followed this tutorial and did not worked http://blog.dh42.com...-media-servers/ Does anyone know how to setup step by step? I created a subdomain li...
  20. In preparation to "go live" I recently upgraded from a shared service account to a dedicated VPS. I mistakenly thought that when they migrated my site they would migrate the setup that I was using on the Shared server to ensure no loss of functionality/compatibility however I have had nothing but tr...
  21. Hello, I've been running successful prestashop 1.6.0 store since March of this year using tsohost as a server but it has grown so much that we're thinking about better offer or even VPS. We have about 300 unique visits and 10 high value orders daily, growing very fast. Linux VPS £70 is what we defi...
  22. boa tarde, já passei por varias empresas de hospedagem br e nunca tive sucesso. vi muito se falar da OVH, eu andei olhando os planos deles e to pensando em contratar o OpenStack KVM 99.99% SLA 4 vCores 2,4 Ghz min / 3,1 GHz max 8 GB RAM 100 GB High Availability NVMe (Ceph) $33.49 /month VP...
  23. Après mon tuto pour debian 7 et apache, je vous propose un tout nouveau tutoriel pour créer votre propre serveur VPS mais sous Nginx cette fois ci. Pourquoi nginx ? Car il est dit que nginx est de 3 à 4 fois plus reactif qu'apache, (mais aussi bien plus complexe à mettre en oeuvre). Avec mon serve...
  24. Hi All, I've had multiple problems with using a shared server with a maximum of 128mb. I can install the default theme, and it runs with no issues. But when I install a new theme it creates memory problems / blank page loads. Should I just upgrade to VPS? Can I reduce the memory usage? (I hav...
  25. Sauvegarde sur serveur FTP distant Prérequis ​Un serveur FTP avec des identifiants les droits d'écriture Un serveur Web contenant votre site et un accés ssh à celui-ci Vos identifiants de connexion à votre BDD pour réaliser un DUMP de celle-ci Environ le double d'espace disponible sur le serveu...
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