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Found 15 results

  1. Hi all, i have a strange problem. For b2b sales in the EU i need to add the customers VAT number on the invoices. I already selected in Localisation --> Countries --> Adress the vat_number. Now the strange thing: On the delivery slip the VAT number is there, but on the invoice it isnt......
  2. Hello Prestashop users.. I`m seller based in EU and would like to have option that if buyer is from EU and enters his VAT number invoice automatically is calculated with 0% VAT. Can you please advise if there is any modules for this? Regars, Moon
  3. Hello, Can you help me? I´m creating a shop on Prestashop 1.6 and I need to include on registration form a field named Vat number under Company Information block. I already comment SIRET and APE fiels as I don´t need them (in fact I even don´t know what they are as I am in Portugal and they are...
  4. Hola estoy buscando modificar el formulario de registro de prestashop 1.7 necesito que pida al cliente el DNI y el vat number. pero deberian de ser los campos nativos de prestashop.
  5. Привет коллеги. назрел сложный вопрос, возможно кто то натолкнет на решение в ходе обсуждения, либо захочет платно поучаствовать в решении вопроса, итак суть: компания с магазином на prestashop 1.6 они имеют свой налоговый номер VAT, (пример nnnnnnnnn1), там все легально....
  6. hi , i have difficult question : company with store at prestashop 1.6 have VAT number, (example nnnnnnnn1), all legal. client from customer group - make order with this business info, all good. company have b2b group clients, of course they have his vat numbers (99%). but 1% this...
  7. Like the title, when i go to the Back Office -> Customers -> Addresses, and i try to add a new address, in this case of a company, when i reach the point where i have to select the country and i pick one, the vat number just disappaer. The store is italian and in this case i'm selecting san marino a...
  8. Hi, In prestashop the vat number appears only if i fill "campany", but i need it show always. I have the module vat number--> portugal Someone can help me?
  9. Hi All Just noticed this issue. If a customer uses guest checkout there is a non-obligatory field for "Company" However, if the customer populates that field, another field drops down with "VAT Number" We are in Australia and don't have VAT numbers and I'd like to remove this non-f...
  10. Hello, I would to know if there is a way to make the VAT Number field appear in the "Guest check out" and "New account" forms, but without being required (because some countries doesn't have VAT Number). I tried to remove "VAT Number" from some countries in the Localization tab in the dashboard, b...
  11. Salve, sto configurando un sito e-commerce su Prestashop e nel momento di abilitare il campo partita Iva, non riesco a trovare il Modulo nella lista del mio back office, nonostante il modulo si trovi nella cartella Modules del sito. Come posso risolvere il problema? Grazie
  12. Hello, I´m creating a shop on Prestashop 1.6 and I need to add a VAT Number (required field) on registration form under Company information. I already hide Siret and APE fields on authentication.tpl file (as i don´t need them) but I need to replace them by Vat number (required field). Ca...
  13. Hello everybody! I am new in the PrestaShop world, and I need some help: I would like to set a special price in all the products that could only be seen by registered users with their personal VAT Number (in Italy is called "Partita Iva / P.IVA"). The products will be the same, but for these...
  14. I am using European VAT number checking module and currently using option: Enable checking of the VAT number with the WebService. What I need to do is: if VAT number is valid, I want the user to become a member of a specific group. If somebody can do this, please provide me with a quote....
  15. hi, my friends, this is my shop, and I can not do the registration on form, please help, I've deactivated Vat module, anyway. does not result, sorry my english...
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