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  1. Greetings, i'm fairly new to prestashop, and I've been trying to implement a feature to the website I'm currently working on, and I'm stuck with a few issues I can't seem to overcome When a new customer registers in the website, he is "by default" disabled, so the admin can verify his account...
  2. hello , guys how to get userid in orders backend in hookDisplayAdminOrder or order reference ? public function hookDisplayAdminOrder() { $order = new Order($params['id_order']); echo $order; }
  3. Ciao a tutti, avrei necessità di fare in modo che il logo del sito cambi in funzione del gruppo dell'utente loggato. Visitatore = Logo 1, Ospite = Logo 2, Cliente = Logo 3, ecc.... Sono nuovissimo di PS quindi non ho proprio idea da dove iniziare, so solo che il logo lo trovo in header.tpl...
  4. Hola, estoy trabajando en un proyecto y recientemente active unos módulos el problema fue que cuando volví a entrar con el usuario administrador al dashboard el servidor me reportaba error 500 , hablando con la clienta me indica que ella con un usuario de nivel 4 podía entrar en el dashboard, cambi...
  5. Salve a tutti. Stavo pensando: sarebbe possibile creare un utente di tipo "fornitore" che vede solo i propri dati? La mia idea: nuovo profilo "fornitore" a cui associare l'utente il profilo può solo accedere ad un modulo ad hoc un admin associa all'utente un "codice for...
  6. Bonjour à tous; Étant nouveau à la fois sur Prestashop et à la fois sur le forum, je suis à la recherche d'une fonctionnalité assez "particulière". Bien qu'ayant fait des recherches sur un éventuel module permettant de réaliser cela, je n'ai rien trouvé... Mon besoin est d'afficher une pag...
  7. Hello, Is there a way to disable new customer registration? My clients are limited and I only want to create accounts myself for them. Thank you!
  8. Prestashop version: After logged in user complete step 1(account) and step 2(addresses) of checkout order, they can't move on to the third step (delivery). When I submit the addresses form, the page reload without doing something. I tried the debug mode but no errors showed up. Did...
  9. Buenos días, No puedo acceder al backoffice porque desconozco el email/nombre de usuario y contraseña que solicita prestashop. Antes tenía otra tienda y la borré dejando abandonado ese dominio y adquiriendo uno nuevo dentro del pack que ofrece IONOS. La primera vez no tuve problema ya que en el...
  10. Upgraded from 1.6.x to, now unable to access General and Order settings under the Shop Parameters... When I select teh option it takes me to the Dashboard. Anyone have an idea what I need to do. I login in with super admin status. thanks
  11. Hello, I'm looking for a module that keep tracking of user's UTM informations from registration. Example: A new user visit our shop from this address https://example.com/?utm_source=facebook&utm_campaign=fb_boost_3 The user orders our product. A customer profil is created....
  12. Hi, I'm trying to understand how to display a message to customers when they login or they register in PRESTASHOP I would rather avoid to use the notification system of prestashop and intercept on tpl but I'm not finding the right variable passed for this events. Can someone help...
  13. Good Morning, Currently trying to dig my way around Prestashop, I understand it a little bit but I wouldn't say I'm experienced. I'm after a way to check if the user is logged in, which I have found examples for this elsewhere using .tpl files. However I need to action a response if t...
  14. Hi! We're using a webservice to load and get all the information from the Prestashop. The developer of the application told us he needs to have the prestashop with the developer mode enabled. We want to know if there it's a way to add a little if on defines.inc.php and add something l...
  15. Good Day all i am wondering is there away i can remove the password from the account creation form so they i can provide them a password once their account has been validated thanks in advance
  16. Hi all, I am getting an error at creation of a new user: no entry in Employee->id_lang. Where can I find the template file for the creation of the new user? What can be the reason for this error? I am using prestashop version 1.7. Regards & Thanks Ömer
  17. Bonjour, J'ai une boutique privée sur prestashop Il est nécessaire de se connecter pour avoir accès aux produits. Mon problème est qu'il est impossible de se connecter sur Safari (mac) et Internet Explorer (windows). Sur Firefox pas de problème, sur Chrome pas de problème, sur Op...
  18. Hi, Are there any options to change the username on the forum? As there is no such option in profile settings. Thanks in advance!
  19. I want to know what shoud i do to change this icons imgs on the right top nav into this
  20. Hello I need to enable a logout for users in my shop (maybe 30 seconds after inactivity)... I have a site that will be visited in a public stand and I dont want that somebody can order with a sesion that other user forgot to log out. Please help! Thanks!! Sharly
  21. Hi guys, This code works for version 1.4 This information is available in the visitor's cookie, you can easily display it in my-account.tpl: {l s='Your e-mail address is:'} {$cookie->email|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} For more details, you can double-check where it is being assigned, in /con...
  22. Bonjour, je viens de m'inscrire et au passage créé un premier sujet concernant un dilem auquel je fais face. Je vous explique un peu la situation. Actuellement, prestashop est hébergé sur un sous nom de domaine (presta.mondomaine.fr), il est donc accessible aussi via l'url mondomaine.fr/presta. Or...
  23. Hello, I want to hire a writer who will be responsible for quality descriptions of products in my store. This person should see only product catalog and be able to modify: - product description (short & long), - seo fields. Other tabs should be hidden. I don't want this person to know wha...
  24. Hi there, I'm using Prestashop 1.6 witht the default theme. Presta has a nice option to select an invoice sorted on date (orders > invoices). The only thing is it shows all the products which are ordered. Is there a trick to select an invoice of products sorted on date and a user group? Does any...
  25. hola buenos dias tengo un problema yo utilizo la variable global $CustomerName en prestashop 1.5 para mostrar el nombre de usuario en el header de la siguiente manera: <div class="item-top"> {if $logged} <span>{$customerName}</span>...
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