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  1. Hello, I have one shop running on very old prestashop version: What is the best approach (upgrade path) to migrate it to 8.x? Do I have to upgrade 1.6.x to 1.7.x, then 1.7.x to 8.x? Or it's possible to upgrade 1.6 directly into the newest one? PS. I don't care about plugin...
  2. I tried to upgrade Prestashop to Prestashop 1.7.6 PHP Version 7.0.33 Software Version Apache After upgrade I could view home page and catalog pages but when I tried to view a product page, I would get the following shown in Debug mode: "Fatal error: Access level to ProductCon...
  3. Hey guys, I have this issue after i want to change my default themes Current theme unselected. Please check your theme configuration. at line 117 in file config/config.inc.php Any help Please? 112. /* Initialize the current Shop */ 113. try { 114. $context->shop = Shop::init...
  4. Hey guys I installed: 1 click upgrade v.4.0 beta module to upgrade my site to prestashop I downloaded the module from here: https://github.com/PrestaShop/autoupgrade/releases/tag/v4.0.0-beta.3 Then I installed the module successfully. After tryint to us...
  5. Hi I recently updated Prestashop to version 1.7 and now my website is lost. Everything is gone. Have anyone else experienced this? And how do I get my webshop back? I have a backup file from Prestashop but I can't make it work.
  6. Hi guys, I've been experimenting with upgrading Prestashop through the 1-click module, and the version I upgraded to had many problems( Slider didn't work correctly, save button was endlessly loading, I could't log in as costumer anymore. Maybe even more problems. Issues I have w...
  7. Hello fellow Geeks, so I finally upgraded from 1.4+ to 1.6 and learned a lot. It's a bitch for sure, but worth it. It should be easier, integration shouldn't be that difficult and I know some fellows will loose some customers but whatever. So on the process of upgrading, the products are fine (most...
  8. HELLO Guys, my prestashop website had crashed , so i was restoring my website from backup but i am unable to restore it while restoring i m getting this errors any suggestions , idea, solutions will be appreciated a lot. Require help from you guys Fatal error: Uncaught --> Smarty Compiler...
  9. Hi, After upgrading to Prestashop 1.5.6, I am facing the following trouble : In back office, Advanced Parameters > Configuration Information > View I have : Missing files (21) admin925/autoupgrade/index.php override/index.php override/classes/index.php override/classes/cache/index...
  10. Hi: I got the following error trying to update modules and also when trying to deactivate a module: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module gamification: Method Gamification::__call() must take exactly 2 arguments After that, I lost access to the backoffice. I have the latest version of P...
  11. Hi, while i try upgrading my eshop based on prestashop 1.5.6 with 1-click upgrade to prestashop the instalation stuck at upgrading addons. And when I try acsess shop I get: Link to database cannot be established: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user 's8x6attc'@'
  12. Hi, I've altered both module and core .tpl files within a prestashop theme how do I go about then updating a site once I've done this. The client wanted specific things on each page so I had to alter the actual .tpl files. Can I simply update prestashop and then overwrite the files I altered bac...
  13. hey, its been ages since iv been on the forums, or done anything with my site, so i decided to get back on task and continue with my store. I liked the look of the backoffice in prestashop 1.6 so i upgraded my store from 1.5.2 to 1.6, and now my sits all over the place im aware this is due to me...
  14. Hi, I recently upgraded my prestashop from 1.4 to 1.6 via 1 click upgrade. I enabled Multishop option. There were many issues that i have fixed, but I am not able to edit products in admin, when i save details for all shops it doesnot work, and when i save from one site it saves some det...
  15. It's been a couple of days that I'm trying to upgrade my PS 1.5 to 1.6 and i think that apart of a couple of issues everything is working as intended. I'm upgrading using 1 click update because manual update did not produce any descent results. Some issues I'm really concerned abut (i'm work...
  16. Hi all, I have a Presta Shop version as old as myself Version - 0.188s Do you think this version can be upgraded? Are will I just bin site? Was working great until it crashed the other day and hosting company said site was effecting their servers and that I had to upgrade site? http://w...
  17. hi guys, just upgraded my presta shop from 1.5.4 to after successful upgrade my product images are not showing up. kindly can someone help me to resolve this please? (file attached for reference) Regards Niyaz
  18. Hallo thier I have a PS, that i want to upgrade or make a fresh doing to some errors in the code. I have a database with lots of order/customer and products, that i want with in the new PS. So what i need is the following: How do i get all my prestashop informati...
  19. Good day, i have upgraded PrestaShop to version and now i have the following problems: 1) i can not see the newsletter module. Does not appear in the main page and does not appear in the live editor. 2) i have entered in the "block contact information" module data company but upo...
  20. Hi Techies, I am using prestashop version I am in need of upgrading it to version (minor release) by using 1-Click Upgrade. My 1-Click Upgrade module is updated to latest version. While upgrading on prestashop, I got this error. I tried twice, I got same error twice....
  21. Hi I have a Prestashop store on a development URL running which is working perfectly. I decided it would be a good idea to install a fresh version of the latest Prestashop ( before going live so I was up to date. The fresh install goes fine, but when it comes to connecting the d...
  22. After upgrading with the auto upgrade I'm getting a white screen and the massage.. Fatal error: Class 'Db' not found in /home/verfkeuze.nl/www/classes/Configuration.php on line 116 what can I do?
  23. Hi Fellow members, I need your help in resolving a strange issue on my portal : www.acmahabazaar.com " I can not get the products edited from the back end. While I try to edit any of the products, they don`t seem to reflect the edits applied, instead they retain their original values....
  24. Im about to upgrade my store from 1.5.3 to 1.5.6 and then also going to add a number of other languages. To avoid downtime ive made a fresh install and configured everything so I just need to redirect my shop domain. However since I reinstalled everything all my products and categories has new...
  25. Hello! I have a serious problem with editing products short and full descriptions in my BO. When I try to add a new product after saving it the description is empty, I mean after saving there is no description, it isn't saved. From time to time, maybe once for dozen tries saving description is s...
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