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Found 22 results

  1. buenas tardes, desde hace un tiempo tienda ha tenido un error que es al aprobar la compra (independiente del metodo de pago) se coloca una pantalla blanca y al intentar recargar aparece el texto [ERROR] ERROR: ERROR PAGE: Esta compra se encuentra en estado rechazado o cancelado y no se puede aceptar...
  2. Hello, I have this configuration: WINDOWS SERVER 2019 STANDARD IIS 10 MySQL PHP 7.2.16 PHPMYADMIN Prestashop When I go on the back office and I click on: IMPROVE -> PAYMENT -> PAYMENT METHODS IMPROVE -> INTERNATIONAL -...
  3. Hi ! I have an issue with my sitemap page... On front office this page is blank and I do not know how to fix it. I enabled debug mode, you can see full error report on picture attachment. I see that there is an error notice : "Notice: Undefined index: sitemap" Here is the file sitemap...
  4. I'm trying my prestashop ecommerce and know I'm getting the following error when I try to finalize a buying process. Whoops, looks like something went wrong. (1/1) ContextErrorException Notice: Undefined index: tpl_dir in bfef76c77571de1a6cd2e9e4801e1472f4ee8b54_2.module.webpay...
  5. Bonjour, Je débute sur Prestashop et je galère un peu ! Je suis sous 1.6, hébergé chez online.net. J'ai le theme JMS_Cake. Dans le back office, j'ai les erreurs suivantes : Lorsque je clique sur le module JMS Slider : Notice à la ligne 74 du fichier /flex/storage/lasourisdesbois.com/sit...
  6. Hello i'm having an issue with superckeckout and actually some other modules, but the problem or the rror is this: ContextErrorException in supercheckout.php line 561:Notice: Undefined index: page_name in supercheckout.php line 561 at ErrorHandler->handleError('8', 'Undefined index: page_name'...
  7. Hi. I'm running Prestashop v1.7.2.2. I have installed the 'Block Tags' module, which seems to be working fine. It displays correct tags on the left side of products page. However, when I click on one of the tags, I get this error: ContextErrorException in smarty_internal_templatebase.php...
  8. I have the default theme on prestashop 1.7.1, it works well before i had uploaded the new logo in the backoffice. i have this message error when i active the _PS_MODE_DEV_ : Someone can help me please? ContextErrorException in a97d6be5d27ac6a427bb832d59678c8eb5626ed2.file.index.tpl.php lin...
  9. I have a bug in my blockspecial module (PS, module v. 1.0) If I log-in as a foreign user registered with VAT ID, I correctly see the prices without taxes. By the way, if there are products on offer shown in the blockspecial module, i get the error: Notice: Undefined index: priceW...
  10. Hello. I got an error any time I try to add product to cart. Impossible to add the product to the cart. textStatus: 'parsererror' errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data' responseText: Notice: Undefined index: weight_attribute in /var/www/m...
  11. Après avoir uploadé le logo dans l'admin Prestashop 1.7, j'ai l'admin qui crash erreur 500. j'ai vidé tout les cash, ca ne marche pas. Rapport de Bug : ContextErrorException in a97d6be5d27ac6a427bb832d59678c8eb5626ed2.file.index.tpl.php line 573:Notice: Undefined index: page_namein a97d6be5d27...
  12. Hello, I am trying to make a module named 'categorieslist' which displays a list of categories on the home page, here is how I got the array of categories in categorieslist.php. I am using Prestashop public function hookDisplayHome() { $lang = (int)Context::getContext()->lang...
  13. Hello Guys, I have just recovered my website from backup and i m getting errors on best seller tab, the module used is top-seller module. i am getting top seller tab on home page a tab as best seller just next to popular and new arrivals, when i click on best seller's i get images of the prod...
  14. Hello guys, It seams that i got this error when i want to edit a category. I've tried everything... anybody can help me with this? Best regards,
  15. Hi, I am getting an 'Undefined index' notice. The page /addresses (within My Account) What is displayed: Name street City, State Notice: Undefined index: in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/site.net/www/cache/smarty/compile/0a/21/d3/0a21d39e2ec8250e020cf306748602f8d4c832d6.file.addresses.tpl....
  16. Trying to access the order page after I made a 1-click upgrade from 1.4 to 1.6 on local, I have an error displaying in place of the content: Notice: Undefined index: points in C:\wamp\www\prestashop-prod\cache\smarty\compile\c9\29\c7\c929c77002644a8c4a184d69188a2f691d84004d.file.shopping-cart.tpl....
  17. Hi, after installing a new theme, I get these errors under some products: Notice: Undefined index: available_later in ~/cache/smarty/compile/9e/50/30/9e503030e7a29780c98b1b098642c67fdcdd3337.file.product-item.tpl.php on line 146 Notice: Undefined index: ENABLE_WISHLIST in ~/cache/smarty/compile/...
  18. Hello everyone, yesterday i have updated the prestashop from to and i'm having some issues with the paypal module. I'm using the latest one and when a customer pays the products it redirect him to page with the following message. How i can solve it? Thank you Notice: Undefined in...
  19. Hi, I have a Prestashop installed since last month. Everything is working smoothly and I have no mayor concerns except for small troubleshooting. I would appreciate any hint about php notices in Apache Logs, referred to missing indexes/non-objects in single.tpl.php and blockwishlist...
  20. Na de update vandaag van ideal professional van v2 naar v3 geeft ideal checkout ineens onterechte foutmeldingen. Na terugkeer vanuit de bank naar de shop krijgt de klant op het scherm de volgende boodschap te zien: Notice: Undefined index: status in /path_to_root/cache/smarty/compile /815866de...
  21. Hello! After adding second language to PrestaShop, I've got error in any item form. Notice: Undefined index: 2 in httpdocs/tools/smarty/plugins/function.declension.php on line 14 Here is code function smarty_function_declension ($params,&$smarty) { $totl = null; $expressions = exp...
  22. I get an error when adding a new address or when a user signs up for the first time and adds his address. The address adds but with the following error: John Smith Notice: Undefined index: in /home/prestashop/cache/smarty/compile/e056426ff0d662f9368502afdf33d54085f35731.file.addresses.tp...
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