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Found 22 results

  1. Здравствуйте! Установил Prestashop с кодировкой UTF-8 /classes/db/DbPDO.php База данных utf8_general_ci и utf8_unicode_ci импортирована из Prestashop 1.6. В бэк-офисе русский текст отображает вопросы : Каталог / Категории Клиенты / Клиенты (Управление клиентами)...
  2. Hi guys, trying to import products into Prestashop 1.7.6 with a built Import function. Everything is running fine, but if the URL of the Image has s backspace in URL address, import process fails and product image does not load/save image. Example: https://lucide.sk/foto_shop_big/7929...
  3. Hallo zusammen, ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Kontaktformular. Immer wenn ein Kunde mir zurückschreibt, erhalte ich die Nachricht teilweise codiert zugestellt. Im Anhang ein Bild, wie es aussieht im Prestashop. Woran liegt das? Wie könnte ich das beheben?
  4. Hola tengo un problema con los acentos y ñ cuando he migrado mi sitio al servidor remoto, todo migro bien, el problema esta cuando entro a un apartado que tenga acentos y guardo en ese momento los acentos los cambia por un carácter raro. alguna idea? (lo he comentado con el servi...
  5. Dans PS 1.6 (, j'avais un bug d'affichage de certains message, du à l'encodage lors de la récupération des messages. Ils étaient donc stockés avec le mauvais encodage dans la base de données. Après quelques tests, il s'avère que ça concerne les messages en utf-8. J'ai donc mis en place...
  6. Prestashop version: I have imported categories using CSV with utf-8 encoding without any errors. The categories all show in "Catalog-->Categories" but I cannot add the imported categories to manually added products. When I go into "Catalog-->Product-->Associations-->Associated Catego...
  7. In preparation to "go live" I recently upgraded from a shared service account to a dedicated VPS. I mistakenly thought that when they migrated my site they would migrate the setup that I was using on the Shared server to ensure no loss of functionality/compatibility however I have had nothing but tr...
  8. Hello there, I am trying to dynamically create an order through PrestaShop's webservice. First I create a customer, then address, then cart and finally an order. However, an error that I get when trying to create a new order, looks like this: HTTP XML response is not parsable: array (...
  9. Bonjour tout le monde, Je mets une touche d'honneur à respecter les standards du web W3C (au mieux). Comme vous l'avez constaté le CMS natif (1.5.4 pour moi) n'est pas dépourvu d'erreurs. J'essaie donc de les éliminer petit à petit. Toutefois je suis bloqué avec ce soucis d'encodage, je suis en...
  10. Dans google analytics le nom des produits est particulièrement malformés (problème utf8 et +) Dans la section: Google Analytics: Conversion / Ecommerce / Shopping Analysis / Product Performance le nom des produits apparait comme suit: Th%C3%A9+Cho+Yung+Minceur+%3A+le+Pack+de+60+sachets+pour+30+...
  11. Hello, I have problem with pdf invoice encoding - instead polish font eg. ęółąśłżźćń I see only some random charsm which doesn't look very good... How to modify prestashop, to get UTF-8 encoding & display Polish chars properly?
  12. Hola a todos, Utilizo Prestashop, y tengo el siguiente inconveniente: Cuando el texto se corta (truncate) justo adonde hay un acento o 'ñ', aparece parte del código del caracter (entidad), en lugar de aparecer el caracter correspondiente. La codificación del sitio creo que está bien...
  13. Okay here goes (again)... If you can't tell the theme of some of my posts lately they are all about utf8 support and why does my data start getting littered with garbage characters? I've been working for over three weeks on trying to understand the process of character sets, collation and chara...
  14. Hey guys & girls Although I've found what I believe to be a few threads already on this topic, they are not in English, which isn't quite so useful for me. The problem is this: lots of text in our database contains double byte UTF-8 characters but PrestaShop does not display these characters...
  15. Salve a tutti, vi chiedo aiuto poichè ormai non so più a chi rivolgermi!!! sono 2 giorni che il nostro ecommerce (raggiungibile al sito www.coverstop.it) sistematicamente ogni ora va in blocco per superamento delle query/ora "max_questions" oltre 35000 In questo link il nostro hosting parla del...
  16. Hi all , sorry for my bad english, I ask for help because I no longer know where to turn ! are two days that our e-commerce (within the site www.coverstop.it ) systematically shuts down every hour for exceeding query / Time " max_questions " over 35000 This link talks about our hosting of the p...
  17. Hi I try import category from csv file. And if first latter are not latina (Š,Ą,Į and etc.) I lose this letter and from Šalmas i get almas. Any know solution?
  18. Muy buenas! Estoy modificando el módulo de mailalerts para que además de los envíos principales, me haga uno al servidor, adjuntando un fichero .txt con los datos de la compra del cliente. El caso es que todo va genial hasta que nos topamos con la codificación en php... La parte de creac...
  19. Here's some of the code found in the begging of my webpage: <!DOCTYPE html> <!--[if lt IE 7 ]><html class="ie ie6" lang="bg"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 7 ]><html class="ie ie7" lang="bg"> <![endif]--> <!--[if IE 8 ]><html class="ie ie8" lang="bg"> <![endif]--> <!--[if (gte IE 9)|!(IE)]><!--><ht...
  20. Hi all, we've almost completed our online shop in Presta but there are still few small issues and I'd like to ask for your help since this is our first Presta project. There is a problem with url creation when Manufacturer or Filter name has: "žćčđš" characters. Problematic character is jus...
  21. Hi, this is a older post for emails problem which I didn’t get any answer so I post it again. I will try to describe my problem as good as I can. My host provider uses Web Site Administrator URL (CPANEL) which for emails has 3mail clients, horde, roundcube, squirellmail. I create a test...
  22. Bonjour, Par défaut PS supprime le formatage du texte de la description courte (description_short) dans le module de comparaison comme dans la liste produits. Que faut-il supprimer/ajouter pour conserver le formatage du texte de la description courte dans "comparaison"? La solution pour...
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