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  1. Nous rencontrons un problème sur la validation du paiement avec le module UPS. La somme envoyé au système de paiement est correcte. Mais lorsque la banque envoie la confirmation de paiement, l'enregistrement de la commande se fait sans les frais de ports et génère donc une erreur de commande po...
  2. Witajcie! Chcielibyśmy w imieniu całego zespołu GlobKurier.pl zaprezentować Wam nową wersję modułu GlobKurier.pl przygotowanej dla użytkowników platformy PrestaShop! Platforma GlobKurier umożliwia nadawanie przesyłek do 192 krajów świata jednym z 50 kurierów. Obsługujemy zarówno prz...
  3. Salve a tutti e grazie anticipatamente per il supporto che potrete darmi. E' mia intenzione installare PrestaShop in una macchina VPS. Il mio e-commerce opererà con il sistema del dropshipping e con corriere unico (UPS) con il quale ho già chiuso un contratto. Ho avuto modo di vedere che tra i...
  4. I have a commercial UPS account and I am looking for a module that I'll be able to use my negotiated rates. Very new to Prestashop so any help would be greatly appreciated!
  5. Hello - I think i am at wits end here. I have reviewed tons of articles and forum posts, and have not been able to get this resolved. I have not been able to get the my shipping carriers to show up in the front end of the store. My setup is the UPS module which has my account information, as well...
  6. It seems like neither my UPS or USPS real-time shipping modules are working properly. I know shipping has always been an issue since I started using Prestashop but at one point, I had some functionality. Does anyone else have any issues or information about possible changes in APIs, functioning, et...
  7. I have installed and configured the UPS module that comes with prestashop in a prestashop 1.4.9 install. There are no Freight services contained for UPS in the UPS module. Can someone please suggest a module that will allow me to give shipping estimates and allow for UPS Freight to be selecte...
  8. Hello, I have a contract with UPS about "UPS standard". Means not "UPS Express" or other types. When I configure the UPS module the delivery type "UPS standard" is not availble. Has anyone an idea whats wrong? see attachement. Best regards, Toptom
  9. Dobry Czy macie doświadczenie z brokerami i ich integracją pod prestashop, Chodzi o opinię na temat modułów pod PS 1.6 może być darmowy lub płatny. Korzystam z furgonetka.pl i polecam usługi ale moduł od nich nie działa. Kiedyś walczyłem z nimi aby mi pomogli i nic... niedawno odświeżył...
  10. The supplied USPS and UPS modules are worthless and cost way too much money to the store owners for shipping packages. I'm willing to contribute, time and effort to help straighten out the mess not only for Prestashop but the others as well. I'm very good with the USPS API. A shop owner shouldn...
  11. One of our clients has v1.4.8.2 with ups shipping module. The limitation of this shipping module is that it does not give any shipping rates when the total cart weight exceeds 150lb as UPS does not ship packages more than 150lb as ONE single package. What I am looking here is that if some can mo...
  12. Hi guys I am trying to use ups shipping module by prestashop on my shop i had configured everything in ups module correctly but it is not showing up in carrier options in frontend unless i select free shipping for any ups method from carrier tab in prestashop back-office any thoughts will b...
  13. (This is not a technical question and hopefully is the right area) Couriers offer good rates for domestic and international destinations. Domestic and export rates are acceptable, import rates are expensive. So when my company is based in Italy, i find good rates to deliver inside Italy and fro...
  14. I cannot find the Prestashop-developed UPS Carrier module in my Prestashop back-end. I am working from a 3rd party developer's Prestashop install, so it's possible they uninstalled it, but I doubt that. Additionally, I cannot find the UPS Carrier module on the Prestashop module shop pages, n...
  15. Hola Prestashopistas, Espero que mi tienda venda a todo el mundo y por ello estoy mirando los transportistas. A nivel mundial he pensado en UPS y Fedex, y de hecho ya soy cliente de UPS. ¿Alguien ha configurado UPS? ¿Sabe que módulo es? ¿Hay alguna guía? Por lo que he leído, va mediante...
  16. I've configured all 3 modules to their site and such and it seems all happy. When i go to delivery methods on the front office none of them show up though. I feel like i have tried everything but i must be missing something. For the time being i just created my own carrier and named them ups and suc...
  17. I have upgraded from 1.4x to 1.6. lproblem is I did it as an install instead of an upgrade. Consequence was I lost all my images. they are now re loaded, but then I had a problem with shipping, kept getting error message 'cannot deliver to this address'. Got that sorted with help, but now, having un...
  18. Wir haben hier eine Schnittstelle geschrieben für alle, die sich Versandetiketten und Versandabwicklung direkt im Backend wünschen. Ist ein externer Dienst, bringt aber viele Vorteile mit sich, weil sich darüber alle Versanddienstleister bündeln lassen. ________________________________...
  19. Bonjour Y-en-aurait'il parmi vous qui ait implémenté la solution Access Point UPS (ex Kiala) ? J'ai acheté un module de Modulebazaar mais le module est pas vraiment opérationnel (ça fait deux semaines que Modulebazaar est en train de l'adapter à mon PS mais ça marche toujours pas correctement...
  20. Hello All, I have a client that has set a product for free shipping and has defaulted it to a free shipping carrier within the product shipping configuration. He has also integrated with UPS through the Connect to UPS v1.3.4. This interaction works great when the item is added to the cart al...
  21. Hi all, I'm trying to get the UPS and USPS modules to work correctly, but am having some odd issues. 1. Only the first calculation seems to work properly. If I update the quantities or add new products to the cart, the shipping price either doesn't change or only increments by $1 (even if...
  22. Hi everyone, I have been trying to configure the UPS module for shipping for a while. But nothing seems to work. Searched all over the web for solutions. The carrier only seems to appear when it is set as a ''Free'' carrier. If someone would be keen to look on my store, I can give access...
  23. Estimados recurro a ustedes para ver si me pueden apoyar a solucionar un problema que parece ser simple, pero no logro solucionarlo, la web: www.productosdesdemexico.com/store Antecedentes: para los envíos se harán a través de UPS, para tal efecto se adquirió un módulo que según leí ya esta...
  24. Hi community, I'm actually working to update the webstore of a customer to 1.5.2 of PS. All work fine. Really happy. But I didn't see FedEX, UPS or DPD transporter in modules ? Are them missing ? Are them under upgrade ? (for sure I searched this forum and the web... nothing about th...
  25. Hi, I tried everything to configure my UPS module onto my prestashop and nothing seems to work. I really need someone to help me as we are supposed to open our store soon. The website is: www.kayakdetail.com Plus, I can't seem to make taxes work. This is a little bit less important,...
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