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Hello, I hope everyone is having a splendid day! I am facing an issue that I can't -and after multiple tries- find out how to exactly solve. Everything looks good in the English invoice in my store, but I am not sure why totals are displayed in reverse in the Arabic version in the boxes under the products table (check photo attached). Your help is appreciated, thank you.
Hello , guys how to add prices in delivery slip product pdf i copy paste from invoice but not working
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- delivery
- prestashop 1.7
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Bonjour, Cela fait plusieurs jours maintenant que je m'arrache les cheveux face à l'impossibilité d'afficher sur le bon de livraison PDF (delivery-slip.) le nombre total d'articles sur la commande. L'idée serait de comptabiliser le total de {$product.product_quantity} et de l'afficher mais impossible. Avez-vous des solutions, réponses, astuces? Merci ,
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- delivery slip
- total
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Hello, I have created a custom functionality in which a specific attribute group includes an additional price. EG. Attribute A = +300$ So when the total product price is 500$ (including taxes), then I add 300$ into it both in js files and Product class to be calculated correctly in cart page. We end up with 800$ total price (including the manual value of the attribute). When I click on "Add to cart" button I get the product with 800$ price in my cart. The total price incl vat is being displayed as 800$ but total price excl vat or vat itself is wrong. I think the reason is that the "attribute A (300$)" is being added into the calculated product price which is with VAT. But this 300$ value is not defined with or without tax. It is just a number added to the total price. And I assume by manually adding 300 to total price (500), it shows the total price incl vat correctly (800) but excluding vat is not correct as I am not adding the 300 to the total price excl. vat. How can I manipulate the total price excluding vat or the vat itself? Where does this calculation takes place in cart/basket page or product page? Or an easier solution, how can I use a manual constant price (like 300$) and add it to total price without causing issues on taxes? This "300$" is supposed to be a value including TAX. Any help would be much appreciated, Thank you
hello, friends need help. my shop at is not adding the Tax in the Item Value while checking out. i have followed every method as described in the forum and setup notes. please help.
Hola, me pueden ayudar a encontrar la forma de configurar el carro de compras para que muestre solamente en el valor total el valor con IVA. Actualmente se visualiza el valor con IVA incluido, adicionalmente indica el IVA que incluye como aparece en la imagen adjunta. La idea es que muestre el valor del producto sin IVA, posteriormente el IVA que incluirá y finalmente el total con el IVA incluido. Desde ya muchas gracias por la ayuda. Versión de PrestaShop
- prestashop 1.6
- total
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Hi everyone, I've just installed a shop and everything is going well. The only issues until now are 2, and are based on the cart summary. 1st - when changing manually or with the + and - signs the quantity, the 'Total' doesn't change. The total of the product changes immediately, but the total order doesn't change. Only when I refresh the page it updates the total amount. 2nd - at the same cart page, the 'Total' never sums the taxes. The taxes line is there, it sums everything correctly, even transportation costs, but without taxes. This is kind of annoying because this will mislead the customers when changing the quantity of products and not knowing exactly what they are going to pay because of the taxes. When the customer goes ahead until the payment (step 5) the Total is correct and include taxes. Only at the first stage, step 1, this is not working. Can anyone help me? Thank you very much. ps: I have another prestashop, this one version, and it works fine
Bonjour Petite question sur le cacul TVA . Je sais que c'est un soucis récurrent, qui a beaucoup été discuté (notamment les arrondis). Mais malgré mes très nombreuses recherches et lectures, je n'ai pas de solution a mon problème. Voici mon soucis : > je génere mes facture depuis prestashop. (qui s'occupe du calcul tva et du paiement) > Je reimporte (automatiquement toutes mes factures dans un autre logiciel (odoo) : qui lui recalcule la tva sur le total. (ce que je pense est correct : > Je suis sensé faire le rapprochement entre mes paiement (paypal / autres) et mes factures dans odoo, et la j'ai une différence qui est due à la TVA. Dans prestashop, je suis configuré pour Type d'arrondi : arrondi le total. - prestashop 1.7.3 Voici ce que j'observe dans une facture perstashop qui est incorrect : Détail des taxes ------------------- Taux de taxe Prix de base Taxe totale Produits 21.000 % 35,80 € 7,51 € Livraison 21.000 % 3,50 € 0,73 € ------------------- Total produits 41,50 € Total Réductions - 5,70 € Frais de livraison 3,50 € Total (HT) 39,30 € Taxe totale 8,24 € Total 47,54 € Donc la tva est calculé avec la somme des produits et de la livraison (7.51 + 0.73) => 8.24 Alors que sauf erreur de ma part, celle ci devrait être sur le total HT : 39,30 x 1.21 => 47,553 (j'obtiens 47.56 dans odoo) Pouvez vous me confirmer que l'erreur vient bien de prestashop. Et comment je pourrais la modifier (corriger juste dans l'export PDF de la facture n'est pas suffisant car j'aurai toujours la différence entre le paiement et la facture.) Merci
Bonjour à tous voilà j'ai un soucis que je retrouve dans beaucoup de prestahsop exemple. Lorsque je sélectionne plus d'un filtre dans une page catalogue, le total des produits par filtre ne fonctionne plus. exemple ci dessous Merci d'avance à toute personne qui pourrait me faire avancer sur ce problème
- 8 replies
- prestashop1.7
- facet
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Hi, I need to have the total price in my shop checkout rounded to whole number (in case of the screen to 206). I do need to have 2 decimal places with products, and only the total checkout price as whole number. I've tried all rounding settings at general settings, but it does not affect this value. Does anybody know how to do this? I'm using
Bonjour, Je récupère les produits d'une base de données de comptabilité. Les prix des déclinaisons sont le prix total Exemple Produit maitre (exemple chandail grandeur Medium) : 100$ Déclinaison chandail XXXL : 110$ Déclinaison chandail XS : 90$ Selon ce que je comprends pour la déclinaison XXXL je dois inscrire +10$ pour la déclinaison XS je dois inscrire -10$ Mais c'est trop fastidieux de tout calculer les différences de prix, car moi j'ai le prix total pour la déclinaison et non pas la différence. Est-ce que c'est possible d'entrer le prix des déclinaisons en indiquant le prix total au lieu de la différence avec le produit maitre ? Je sais que nous pouvons le faire par le menu prix et prix spécifiques. Mais je voudrais le faire par l'importation et dans le fichier importation, je n'ai pas trouvé de champ pour un prix spécifique, seulement le champ 'Impact sur le prix' semble disponible, est-ce que je me trompe ? ---- Hello, I retrieve the products from an accounting database. The prices of the combinations are the total price Example Master product (example Medium size sweater): $ 100 Combination XXXL sweater: $ 110 Combination XS Sweater : $ 90 According to what I understand for declination XXXL I must enter + 10 $ for XS declination I have to enter -10 $ But it's too big to calculate every price, because I have only the total price for the combination and not the difference. Is it possible to enter the price of the combination by indicating the total price instead of the difference with the master product? I know we can do it through the price and specific price menu. But I would like to do it by import and in the import file, I have not found a field for a specific price, only the field 'Impact on price', or I miss maybe something ? Eric Montreal, Quebec
- 10 replies
- déclinaison
- prix
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error total Error en el cálculo del total - PS
Alesuri90 posted a topic in Discusión general
Hola buenos días a todos, me ha surgido un problema y espero que me podáis ayudar si sois tan amables. Tengo versión PS y no me calcula correctamente el total con impuestos incluidos. He visto en otros temas que hay compañeros con el mismo problema (pero distinta versión de PS). De todos modos, he comprobado no estar cometiendo los mismos errores que ellos pero aún así sigue sin quedar solucionado. Os dejo una captura de la configuración de los impuestos. Por favor, ¿alguien puede echarme un cable? Muchas gracias de antemano -
Using Prestashop and am experiencing an issue with getting valid sales figures... I know in the Dashboard total sales exclude VAT and in Stats, Sales & Orc=ders the amounts include VAT However, even taking that into account there is still a discrepancy between the two figures! For example: Dashboard sales for 01/05/18-31/05/18 =£34,221.85 Add VAT @20% total should be: £41,066.22 Stats-> Sales & Orders for 01/05/18-31/05/18 shows total as £38,565.39. That's a big difference! Where is the difference coming from - and which figure is correct?? Thanks Baz
Hola a todos!! ¿Alguien sabe como añadir una linea en el carrito de compra para que saque el total de la compra? Es decir, productos con impuestos excluidos + impuestos = TOTAL COMPRA. En mi carrito de compra, no muestra el total de la compra, únicamente el desglose. ADJUNTO CAPTURA DE PANTALLA. Muchas gracias.
Bonjour , je voudrais modifier le prix total de commande , j'ai modifié la variable $('.ajax_block_cart_total').text(; au niveau du fichier ajax-cart.js , même par une valeur constante , mais aucune modification est appliquée . Le fichier modifié ajax-cart.js est t-il le fichier convenable ??
Total exc taxes into the confirmation email
koule posted a topic in Configuring and using PrestaShop
Hi, Im on PS I would like to change the confirmation mail of the client. I would like to add total without taxes, cause now we just have total products with taxes, taxes amount, total paid etc,. so what i have to do, too add the amount of products excluding taxes ? Thank you -
Hello, Maybe this is a bit too complex, but I’m hoping it can be done. I need to display the total amount of orders for each client during the present year in my-account.tpl. What I am trying to achieve, is to give my b2b clients the information for a tax in Spain, called 347. For that, I need my clients to see how much they have spent in my shop during this year, and if possible, reset when the year has ended. I find relevant to say that I am not an expert on java, php, ajax, or any language outside html/css. My PS is Thanks in advance.
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- orders
- my-account
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Hello, I'm experiencing this weird thing after database migration, prestashop 1.4 to 1.6. On Orders page (back office), the column 'Total' shows all zeros. When opening an order the Amount is showing right though. I had a long look in the database and I'm pretty sure its fine. So I have a feeling it might a php file that needs adjustment. Can anyone suggest which php file to look at? Like which file is responsible for this total amount? I think this is related to this other issue too. On Dashboard there is a 'Product and Sales' section which shows the last 10 orders or so. On the 'Total Tax excl.' column again I'm seeing false instead of the right amount. Again if I click on the order everything is right. Attaching two images, one for each screen. Any suggestions appreciated.
I want to edit the cart order total function. Do you know where it's located?
Hola a todos. Tengo un problemita con la configuración del carro, espero puedan ayudarme. uso la versión y en el carrito de compra me aparecen los totales con iva incluido, necesito que me de el precio sin iva y que solo el total general o precio final me lo de ya con iva. como puedo configurar esto? ahh olvido comentarles esto, los precios de los productos en la tienda si deben aparecer con IVA incluido, solo queremos que en el carrito lo desglose.
- 1 reply
- carrito
- precio sin iva
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Bonjour, Je souhaiterai mettre des sous totaux sur mes facture, comment peut on faire cela. Il me faudrai un sous total en fonction des catégories, fabricant ou bien fournisseurs. Peut importe lequel. Si quelqu'un a une idée.Merci bien
- 1 reply
- facture
- fournisseurs
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Buenas tardes! A ver si alguien me puede echar una mano con algo que parece una tontería pero no doy con la solución... Estoy acabando de configurar un prestashop y he realizado un pedido de prueba con un producto de prueba de 2 euros.. El problema es que en el email que se recibe de confirmación de pedido aparece los precios de producto con el IVA incluido, a continuación el resumen de productos con el IVA incluido y el IVA desglosado a continuación, pero claro, el TOTAL de productos y el TOTAL de pedido tienen el mismo importe. Alguna forma de que en la tabla de productos y en el resumen de productos aparezcan los importes sin IVA? Adjunto captura de pantalla para ser un poco mas claro... que me cuesta un montón explicarme! Gracias!
Hi, currently in PS v 1.6 I see that there is only one tax option that applies to product or all combination for that product. What we are trying to achieve is to apply different taxes for each combination inside one product. As we know we can override or increase/decrease prices for combinations and same there should be a way to override tax for combinations. scenario: Product 1 combination A Total (excl VAT): 55,25 DKK VAT: 13,75 DKK Total: 69,00 DKK combination B Total (excl VAT): 147,46 DKK VAT: 38,54 DKK Total: 186,00 DKK Can any expert and developer help us to get this in cart and total at check-out Or can we achieve this with Eco-tax ? Thank You
- 4 replies
- product combinationtaxes
- ecotax
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