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  1. I have created a child theme (parent: classic theme) but I don't understand what to do about assets and wepack compiling. I'd like to use scss files and compile them to css. Do I have to copy classic/_dev directory to my child theme? Create a _dev directory in my theme and keep only over...
  2. Hello, As you may know soon, or rather in July, all Addons that have not paid for moderation will be disabled. And in September they will be removed. I want to conduct a survey among developers. What do you think about it? Where do you plan to sell your modules next, if you plan...
  3. As in the title. I would like to add a separate template for products to the left column, the one with filters, products on promotion. I edited ps_specials.php adding public function hookDisplayLeftColumn($params) { $this->_clearCache('*'); $this->templateFile = 'module...
  4. Since long time ago, I has been developing ecommerces in prestashop (and other platforms) and something needs to be said: Paid themes and modules are getting low quality, higher price everyday. Its totatly normal latelly to have Paid themes that doesnt work properly, or have...
  5. i have this weird problem in my theme, it work but i have found this inline css style rule that make my product container too long #products .thumbnail-container, .featured-products .thumbnail-container, .product-accessories .thumbnail-container, .product-miniature .thumbnail-container {...
  6. Bonjour, Quel est selon vous le meilleur thème pour prestashop 8.1 qui est rapide et complet. Le thème devra avoir pagebuilder et j'aimerais avoir un thème complet, pas juste des layouts, et bien sûr responsive pour les mobiles. Merci
  7. Merhaba, Varsayılan tema da mobil görünüm de tüm ürünleri göster deyince ürünler birbirine giriyor bunu nasıl düzeltirim Ayrıca mobilde ürünler tek tek görünüyor ikiliye nasıl çevirebilirim. Şimdiden teşekkürler
  8. Hi guys, I'm new to the world of Prestashop and there are a lot of things I don't know. A few days ago I bought the Alysum theme with Creative Elements included and I haven't been able to use it. Every time I try to enter the Creative Elements theme builder it asks me to buy a license, ¿Does it...
  9. Buenas gente! Tengo una dificultad con la plantilla que tengo instalada en mi sitio web. En el menú principal logro configurar he incluir solo artículos de 1 producto y se presentan de esta manera. (ya intenté con 3 a más productos - 1ra foto). Sin embargo, estoy buscando la forma en la q...
  10. Hi everyone 👋 , I am a brand new user to this platform and Prestashop. This company hired me to do some stuff and so far it was fine since it was all client related, whatever. So the problem is, the current theme is not to the taste of my bosses anymore and they would like to change...
  11. Buenas tardes, me podrían ayudar con un tema. Agregué un nuevo store a la nuestra web, pero no puedo aplicar el tema que tenemos para el resto de locales a la misma. El tema general es este (PRSD81) Pero al intentar configurar solo para la nueva tienda creada no tengo un preview del tema,...
  12. After installing the Printful module I now get this message when I try to click on the MODULES AND SERVICES tab. Instead of letting me see all of the modules I have installed this message comes up: [PrestaShop] Fatal error in module file :/home/phasem6/public_html/modules/printful/printful.php: Ar...
  13. Hi there, Can anyone suggest some [paid or free] PS 1.7 themes for fashion cloths store, developed using 'Creative Elements'? - it will help us customize the theme pages easily using this wonderful tool. Thanks for reading!
  14. Can't create a childtheme, I already tried with the actual theme I want to duplicate, and with the classic, same error in both themes. Just installed Prestashop Anyone can send help?
  15. Une de mes boutiques de plusieurs années tourne avec un thème payant mais dont les développeurs ont arrêtés leur activités... donc plus de support et plus de maj. Le site se retrouve avec plein de bugs et devient très lent à charger sur les nouvelles versions de PS. Je vais changer de thèm...
  16. Hola! Soy nuevo por aquí y quería saber si podíais ayudarme en algo relativamente sencillo. Me he descargado un tema de pago en "Envato elements" llamado "Sophie". He instalado sin problemas el tema al completo, pero en el .ZIP principal de descarga, había dos directorios más de actua...
  17. Hello, Everyone I want best food delivery template for my store. If any one have the best theme link or brand name please suggest me. I want that theme which is speed very fast, best quality services, Best Ratings, and much more that we everything want. Thank you
  18. Hello, i'm having a error uploading a theme to prestashop 1.7, the error sais at first time "Locale es-ES does not exists", so i changed the language to English (language of the theme), bit i still can't load the theme. Pleaso can anyone helpe with this error? Thanks a lot.
  19. I'm trying to modify the classic them a little more to my liking, so far I'm only able to add .css to the custom.css file in /themes/my_theme/assets/css/custom.css One of the big things that I'm having difficulty with is making changes to the imageslider, I'm not sure where or how to do this. I...
  20. Hi all, I am trying to upload a theme to my localhost prestashop ,however, the file size is too big, so I tried to upload it to the ftp via the /themes folder in its' zip format , however, it did not appear? Any suggestions? Kind Regards Aiyush
  21. Hi Everyone, I'm kind of a newbie on using prestashop, as I usually go for woocommerce (do not hate me). I'm trying to add a preexisting theme that i exported from a website and I'm trying to deal with this error that shows up in my administration panel: "The file size exceeds the size allowed...
  22. Module Creative Elements - Elementor based PageBuilder Module Ap Page Builder Module Editeur de page web responsive ... Donnez vos avis, expériences, conseils ! Je ne trouve aucun sujet parlant de ces constructeurs de pages pourtant très interessants.
  23. He visto que Prestashop, dentro de las opciones de diseño -> Ajustes de imágenes, permite generar imágenes de alta resolución, para "pantallas retina" o similares (con mayor densidad de píxeles). De hecho, muchas veces cuando se abre una página de Prestashop desde una de esas pantallas se ven imágen...
  24. Hallo, ich habe für meinen geplanten Webshop ein Template (https://themeforest.net/item/optima-multipurpose-responsive-prestashop-theme/7106458) gekauft. Dies wollte ich nun installieren. Allerdings konnte ich das Template erst nicht über die Funktion TEMPLATE-->TEMPLATE HINZUFÜGEN vom PC hochl...
  25. Hi guys, I have come across an issue where I've edited a custom.css file in themes/classic/assets/css. The file path is correct in my browser's developer tools, and I've followed other support forums for this issue ...but no matter how many times I've tried these methods: - cleared th...
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