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  1. Tutorial: product tabs in 1.6 As you probably noticed - in prestashop 1.6 tabs on product page are displayed as a wide horizontal bars. These sections don't look like real tabs (like it was in prestashop 1.5 and in other old releases of prestashop). In this guide i want to show you how to change t...
  2. I've create a parent tab and 3 child tabs on my module with controllers for every tab. But when I click to a tab appears an error: Warning: Attempt to read property "smarty" on null. it seems that context is null This is my install function: public function install() {...
  3. Hello, I create new sub-menu in BO customer menu as -- Customers -- Customers -- Addresses -- MySubmenu I displayed when user click in "MySubmenu" the same page as Customers, I put in the class_name of the tab : $tab->class_name = 'Admin...
  4. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The prestashop addon helps to add extra unlimited tabs on the product details page. We can add YouTube videos and useful content with the image using the HTML editor in the extra tabs Optimize product content for buyers to more easily find your product...
  5. Amigos, dese agregar una nueva pestaña de producto pero solo para una categoría específica (es decir tengo 5 categorías, pero solo deseo que la pestaña aparezca en los productos de cierta categoría)... De anteman Gracias
  6. Hola Gente, Estoy teniendo un problema con las pestañas de la página del producto, adjunto foto. Al hacer clic por encima de estas pestañas se queda mostrando la descripción por defecto. no cambia quedan bloqueadas. Solo ocurre si estoy iniciado como cliente, si cierro la ses...
  7. Is it possible to add just some text to the product details tab? I have put the info in the "description field", but it feels wrong. For example when you have food, it should be logical that you put some ingrediant-info. This shoudl be under the 'product details'-tab, and not in the "descr...
  8. Hi, I am new to prestashop. I want to set specific prices for a customer group in the catalog. I always set prices with tax included, but when I try to set a specific price for a product, I need to manually calculate the tax excluded price. Then the system calculates the tax included price. Is...
  9. Hi, would you help me solve a problem with the administration panel? There are no tabs in my admin panel. Please look at attachment. This view was happend two weeks after using PrestaShop.
  10. Hi ! I am creating a module for Prestashop 1.7.6 I would like to : _create an Admin page with my own html code, _and have a tab registered on the left pannel to access that Admin page. I have to use these res...
  11. Witam serdecznie! Wstawiłem pole input do strony dodawania/modyfikacji produktu oraz dodałem kolumnę do ps_product, lecz nie mam pojęcia co zrobić by po kliknięciu 'zapisz' wywołać funkcję, która zapisze dane do bazy. Formularz dodałem przez views/templates/hook/ <div class="m-b-1...
  12. Hello, I added to product page an input field and I added a column to ps_product in database, but I don't have any idea to save the value of this input to database. Where I can do the SQL query to add this value to databse? I added a form by views/templates/hook/ <div class="m-b-1 m-...
  13. hi i migrate product from 1.6 to 1.7.5 for some products a really strange tabs appears in the footer, online only. What does it mean? How can i remove it? please see attached screenshot
  14. Hello! I want to modify a little bit the backend. I have a lot of information describing the products - as given by the manufacturer, and i want to split this information in 5 tabs. I have looked everywhere for the description and short_description tabs which are already available when you...
  15. Prestashop module de Youtube Tabs + dernier bloc vidéo YouTube Les images sont ennuyeux, laissez vos clients regardent vos produits en cours d'utilisation. Ajouter vidéo Youtube vidéos hébergées localement et facilement sur vos pages de produits. Caractéristiques: - Admin pouvez ajouter un n...
  16. Hello, I am trying to install multiple tabs to the Backoffice of Prestashop. The main tab with the id_parent = 0 appears in the database. The other tabs aren't even installed. Here is my code: In install() method of the module: // Install admin tab if (!$this->installTab('AdminKon...
  17. Witajcie, chciałbym się dowiedzieć jak mozna rozszerzyć panel/sekcję z zakładkami opis i szczegóły w domyślnym szablonie? Oto strona ja wygląda to teraz - link, a mogło by być na całej szerokości strony. Btw - mozna jakoś rozszerzyć funkcje std edytora czy trzeba klepać większo...
  18. Bonjour à tous, je suis en train de développer plusieurs modules pour un projet prestashop 1.7. Ceux ci sont regroupés dans un tab que j'ai développé sur le back office. J'ai créé un profil d'employé avec des permissions sur ces différents tabs. Lorsque je me loggue sur le BO ave...
  19. How to make Sales & Specials products show up as a 1st thing when customer loads the page? It's easy to change TABs order but it still shows New products 1st , if I turn off module New products, ti shows Popular first :-( How to change the priorities of those tabs / categories? ( no the TAB ord...
  20. Hey, how can i remove the tabs in product page. I want just display my text and blocks, one below the other. I want to do this without module, if it's not too much cumbersome. I use prestashop, classic theme. thank you for reading larrson
  21. hello i'd like to remove some unnecessary tabs in admin product edit page. i want to remove customization, attachment, supplier tabs , but was unable to detect which file to edit. if anyone knows please help. Thanks
  22. Please help! It was working properly but then this error appeared when I try to modify any product on the backend: " A server error occurred while loading the tabs: some tabs could not be loaded. Please try again by refreshing the page. If you are still encountering this problem,...
  23. PS Version - Theme - Default Bootstrap 1.0 Website - www.totalfancydress.com ----- Searched and searched for this but can't seem to find an answer. On the Homepage, I'm already using the Theme Configurator above my Featured/New/Bestsellers product tabs to display 3 boxes....
  24. I have made a shop and translated all the tabs. Now I want to export the file to import it to another shop. Is this possible? SOLUTION: As vekia mentioned, translation file is in tab_lang table. You have to extract it then truncate the other table and then import the file. Thanx Vekia!
  25. Hello, I want to hire a writer who will be responsible for quality descriptions of products in my store. This person should see only product catalog and be able to modify: - product description (short & long), - seo fields. Other tabs should be hidden. I don't want this person to know wha...
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