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According to Prestashop Validator requirements, all tpl {$variables} have to be escaped ('htmlall', 'intval', etc.). What if a variable contais HTML code, and needs to be displayed as is, without escaping any tags, quotes ar anything else? Is there any option, like |escape:'none'? Or may be...
Bonjour, J'essaye d'utiliser les deux variable suivantes : {$tpl_dir} ou {$img_dir} soit le répertoire du thème ou des images du thème au sein de mes fichier tpl. Cela fonctionne bien pour "product-list.tpl" (mais ce n'est pas la où j'en ai besoin) , mais pas dans "product-list-colors.tpl" où...
- 6 replies
- tpl
- {$tpl_dir}
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I have a public function in php page like this public function _getProductID($id_product) { return Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->getValue('SELECT `id_product` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'packing_product` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product); } public function hookDisplayProductAddition...
Hola a todos. Me gustaría preguntaros la mejor forma de desglosar el IVA en la factura de cliente. El caso es que tenemos artículos con diferente iva, 4% (libros) y 21% (artículos). Y quisiera que se viera reflejado en diferentes lineas, Artículo 1 con su 4%. Artículo 2 con su 21%. Qu...
- 3 replies
- tpl
- prestashop
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Witam serdecznie. Chciałbym się dowiedzieć w jaki sposób mogę wywołać moduł w pliku TPL? Na przykładzie: {block name='hook_display_reassurance'} {hook h='displayReassurance'} {/block} A chciałbym wywołać inny moduł w innym miejscu w widoku produktu. Czy ktoś orientuje się jak mogę tego dokon...
Hi, I’m trying to get and display a product’s position within a category. The position that you can find in the backend on the right side by filtering products by category. I can’t find anything about this on the internet, can anyone help? I’m using Prestashop
Hello, I was coding my custom listing products in a front controller, i got stack in the sort function this code is from my controller : public function postProcess() { $this->setAuctionOrder(); $this->setAuctionsData(); if (Tools::isSubmit('from-xhr')) {...
- 2 replies
- frontcontroller
- products
- (and 4 more)
Salve, ho necessità di far sì che il logo nelle fatture PDF cambi in base al gruppo cliente di default dell'utente a cui è attribuita. Nello specifico, se il gruppo clienti è il 4, mostra il mio logo alternativo, altrimenti mostra quello di default. Ho usato la stessa logica che ho usato per...
Hello, I'm trying to modify the layout of the frontpage and have for example two columns (hooks) inside the main container where I could attach modules. On the footer or the header it's easy because there are .tpl files (footer.tpl, product.tpl,...) I can edit and change the layout with bo...
- 5 replies
- displayhome
- hooks
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Hello, I want to get a list of data from the table ps_mainmenu, How can I run the query in my custom prestashop page PS version 1.7 Any help or links to tutorials or guide would be greatly appreciated.
- prestashop 1.7
- tpl
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Can't translate strings from included tpl in a custom module
oblik posted a topic in Core developers
Hello, I can't translate strings from an included tpl. My TPL : {if isset($productscoupdecoeur) && $productscoupdecoeur} <div id="exemple-accueil-coupdecoeur"> <h3 class="page-product-heading">- {l s='The' mod='testaccueil'} <span>{l s='favorites' mod='testaccueil'}</span> {l s='of use...- 7 replies
- translation
- include
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Hi, I overrided Product class, added a new attribute and overrided getproducts function from cart class. I need this attribute in cart-detailed-product-line.tpl. I tried to access it with {$product.my_attribute} but it doesn't work. And when I try {var_dump($product)} I can see my attribute, h...
- 11 replies
- class
- controller
- (and 6 more)
I have a task to create some styling in the shopping cart part based on the value of $product.condition.label The problem is, this variable doesn't work when i added it to themes\new\templates\checkout\_partials\cart-detailed-product-line.tpl But it work in other files such as: themes\new\...
Hello, i have this form of adding address to the clients from the admin panel. I want to find its tpl file and make some changes in design but i cant find it. This is what the form originally looks like. I am using PrestaShop 1.6 anyone knows where to find its tpl file in the folder directory?...
How to get delivery address state id variable in pdf/ invoice.tpl file, I have tried State::getNameById({$addresses.invoice->id_state}) but it is not working ... I want to check the customer's delivery state I am using PrestaShop version: ----------------------------------------...
- 17 replies
- 1
- delivery address
- tpl
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Cześć wszystkim Już od jakiegoś czasu, zacząłem dłubać sobie nad swoim własnym, testowym sklepem. Codziennie siedzę, chociaż 10 min nad kodem dodać co jakiś czas coraz to nowsze rzeczy. Ostatnio wpadłem na kilka według mnie ciekawych pomysłów, które może będą w stanie urozmaicić mój sklep. Jednym...
- 2 replies
- php
- programowanie
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Hola, En mi web quiero que si hay colores o variantes se muestre a paritr de 2 se muestre el texto mas colores. Ahora se muestra el + colores para todos los productos con combinaciones, he puesto este codigo: {if $product.main_variants} <a href="{$produ...
- 3 replies
- variantes
- combinaciones
(and 3 more)
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