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  1. Buen día. Espero que alguien me pueda ayudar con la situación que se me esta presentando en este momento. Anteriormente venia trabajando en PrestaShop, en su versión Pero estoy intentando actualizar mi sistema, entonces pensé en utilizar PrestaShop 8, por lo cual realice la instalación en un servidor de pruebas, en el cual instale la versión 8.0.4 En mi sistema anterior tenia una modificación en los archivos base, para que el modulo de proveedor almacenara un par de campos mas que necesitaba. Ahora en esta nueva versión quiero volver a hacer lo mismo, pero al modificar los mismos archivos no veo que sea efectivo el nuevo campos en mi formulario de creación y edición de proveedor, como si sucedía antes. No se por que pasa esto, pero a continuación doy un ejemplo de como lo conseguí en la anterior versión de PrestaShop. Supplier.php: Agregue mis campos nuevos en los atributos de la clase Y adicione los mismos nuevos campos al objeto definition. AdminSuppliersController.php: Dentro de la funcion renderForm(), hay un atributo que se llena el cual se llama "fields_form", que se llena con arreglos. En este apartado agrego la información referente a mis nuevos campos. Ademas de esto, es necesario que los nuevos ca,pos existan en la tabla suppliers en la base de datos. Agradezco su ayuda...
  2. I used version 1.6 and when registering the product I was able to register supplier reference codes and different prices for each supplier, but now in version 8.1 I can only associate suppliers with my products, but the screen does not open for me to register references and prices from each suppliers, how do I fix this bug?
  3. Tengo una tienda en PrestaShop, e incluí hace poco las referencias de proveedor a todos mis productos, pero al cabo de unos días, note que las referencias de proveedor de ciertos productos se están eliminando solas. Al observar los productos donde ocurre esta situación veo que no siguen un patrón, es algo de manera aleatoria, e inclusive hay días donde los productos que pierden la referencia del proveedor se repiten de un día para otro (a pesar de haberla corregido). ¿Alguien tiene idea de por qué pasa esto?
  4. Currently I am modifying the feeder module because my client wants to display a list of certain values. However, one of these values is the name of the supplier(s), but it doesn't seem to display the name. What I have already tried is adding the following smarty variable to rss.tpl: {$product->supplier_name} With the use of a print_r or debug_print_var I just get: <b>Array (0)</b> Does anyone know how to solve this? I'm also aware that there is a controller that I can modify (rss.php) Any help would be appreciated.
  5. Καλησπέρα. Θέλω να βάλω το faceted search στης σελίδες του Manufacturer, του Supplier και του Search page. Ακόμη θέλω να βάλω στο faceted search να κάνει φίλτρο τους Suppliers (όπως κάνει τους manufacturers). Υπάρχει κάποιος που να το έχει κάνει ή έχει να προτείνει κάποιο module δοκιμασμένο? Prestashop 1.7.5
  6. I need that when a client makes an order from several suppliers, the shipping costs of each supplier add up. Example: an order for a product that weighs 1kg from the supplier Biedma Ferreteria (BF ..) charges a cost of 4.84 If the order is for a barbecue that weighs 30kg, it charges you 16.94 If the two products are from the same supplier you do not have to do anything, the price is calculated by prestashop according to the total weight that are 30 + 1 = 31kg But if they are 2 suppliers, the total size would be 4.84 + 16.94 As if it were two different orders I have been modifying the file (classes / cart.php) and the functions (getPackageShippingCost, getTotalWeight). But I have not had any results so I left it as it was, what functions do I have to modify?, am I wrong in modifying these functions?
  7. Is a copy of order or order notification supposed to be sent to seller ? as a matter of course by Prestashop ????! As I am not getting any emails only when paid via Paypal. I have found and installed Mail alerts module v3.6.1 But this does not cure my problem. Anybody any advice.
  8. Dear all, I need a Shipping cost module: The cost based on: - Matrix of Iso code (State). From State of Supplier to State of Customer - Weight There is no modules on Addons market can do that. Why? In our country, noone cares zipcode/postalcode, they only know state_name in address. Do you know any module can do like that? Tks,
  9. I already know it is possible to have multiple suppliers for one product, but is it possible to reflect what quantity each of them has (either delivered or in stock). So basically what I am asking is: Is it possible to keep track of how much 2 different suppliers have supplied of the same product?
  10. Good day We are looking for Prestashop Developer I need an adjustment. Shopping cart dividing orders for each supplier transport separately. If shopping cart products from one vendor combine transport as a pre-selected prestashop. If there is more than one supplier in the basket, the transport will be selected for each individual. Prestashop version Sincerely thanks
  11. Salut à tous, Salutations du jour. Une URL conviviale est une adresse Web facile à lire et qui comprend des mots décrivant le contenu de la page Web. Ce type d'URL aide les visiteurs à se souvenir de l'adresse Web et à décrire la page aux moteurs de recherche. Une bonne structure peut aider le processus d'indexation de votre site Web. Garder les URL aussi simples, pertinentes, convaincantes et précises que possible est essentiel pour que vos utilisateurs et les moteurs de recherche les comprennent. Google recommande que la structure d'URL d'un site Web soit aussi simple que possible. - Les URL avec une hiérarchie structurée sont préférées par Google Bot, car des URL plus cohérentes facilitent l'exploration des pages sur le site. - Les nouvelles pages seront indexées et affichées dans les résultats de recherche plus rapidement chez Google, ce qui signifie que les mises à jour / modifications des pages ou des produits existants peuvent être réindexées en moins de temps. - Avoir une structure d'URL optimisée optimisée pour le référencement signifie également qu'il peut être plus facile pour d'autres de promouvoir votre site et votre contenu en partageant des liens sur d'autres sites Web et réseaux de médias sociaux. - Réduisez les dépenses en utilisant des dépenses de marketing plus faibles. - Il permet de se démarquer des concurrents. - Commodité en temps réel pour les clients. - Avantages concurrentiels. Redirigez également automatiquement l'ancienne URL vers la nouvelle URL et évitez les 404 pages qui n'ont pas trouvé d'erreur. Le module aide à une navigation plus rapide des pages du magasin. Le module aide à trouver les URL en double des boutiques en ligne. Traits : - Il contribue à améliorer la visibilité et la recherche naturelle (SEO) sur tous les moteurs de recherche. - Aide à améliorer le classement des pages des magasins sur tous les moteurs de recherche, augmentant ainsi le trafic en magasin. - Aide le client à trouver facilement un magasin et le bon produit, les pages de catégorie permettent de gagner du temps. - Aide à l'augmentation des ventes en utilisant des visiteurs ciblés et de qualité. - Entièrement réactif à 100%. - SEO convivial. - Redirigez toutes les URL des anciennes pages vers de nouvelles URL. - Prise en charge de tous les navigateurs: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Safari, etc. - Poids léger. (Taille de fichier plus petite qui se charge plus rapidement.) - Augmentez les ventes, les taux de conversion et les promotions de produits. - Maintenir les clients existants et attirer de nouveaux clients. - Diminution des dépenses marketing, exposition aux clients potentiels, atteindre des publics ciblés. - Compatible avec PrestaShop 1.6.x - Compatibilité de plusieurs navigateurs (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome et Edge). - Mobile, tablette et tous les appareils compatibles. - Compatible multilingue et multi-magasins. - Le module fonctionne sans modifier les fichiers existants sur les versions de la boutique PrestaShop. - Support 24 * 7. - Bonne documentation. Avantages pour les clients: - Aide à trouver la bonne page en utilisant des mots-clés sur le moteur de recherche permet de gagner du temps. - Il aide à accroître la compréhension et les connaissances des clients sur le magasin. - Aide à trouver un magasin sur le moteur de recherche en utilisant des mots clés en langue maternelle. - URL de page facile à retenir. Installation: Étape 1: Téléchargez le fichier zip du module à partir de l'onglet de menu Module et services de back-office. Zone du gestionnaire de modules à l'aide du bouton de téléchargement. Après le menu du module d'installation réussie, le lien apparaîtra dans le menu de gauche ou le menu supérieur dans la zone back-office plus. Étape 2: installez le module à l'aide du bouton d'installation. Étape 3: Visitez la page de gestion du module dans la zone "Plus" du back-office (section) dans le menu de gauche du back-office. Étape 4: Le processus d'installation du module est très simple, le fonctionnement de la configuration du module peut être vu dans l'instance de démonstration. Étape 5: Veuillez visiter notre instance de démonstration pour la configuration du module et la démonstration d'utilisation. - Le module fonctionne sans apporter de modification dans le fichier PrestaShop existant afin que la personnalisation existante et le changement de thème n'affectent pas. - Nous fournissons un support technique et fonctionnel gratuit lors de l'installation, de la configuration, ainsi que l'accès aux mises à jour disponibles pour ce produit. - Support gratuit sur l'installation, la configuration et la personnalisation selon les exigences du magasin, par exemple, l'ajout de nouveaux crochets sur votre magasin Pour une liste des modules sur PrestaShop Addons Marketplace. https://addons.prestashop.com/en/2_community-developer?contributor=301729 N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour toute assistance concernant l'installation, la configuration et la personnalisation du module selon les exigences de votre magasin. ACHETER DES ADDONS PRESTASHOP UTILES POUR LES MAGASINS EN LIGNE https://www.presta-addons-modules.com/en/ URL de démonstration du front-office => https://www.hrms-systems.com/presta-addons/en/ URL de démonstration du back-office => https://www.hrms-systems.com/presta-addons/admin619j6kpbb/index.php Vidéo de démonstration sur Youtube
  12. Hi i need show products from supplier on product page. I create override ProductController like <?php class ProductController extends ProductControllerCore { public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); if ((int)$this->product->id_supplier) { $this->context->smarty->assign( 'product_supplier', new Supplier((int)$this->product->id_supplier, (int)$this->context->language->id) ); } } } But this works only for desc, name, and others info. But didnt work for products. In product tpl i try with: {if isset($product_supplier)} {if $products} {include file="./product-list.tpl" products=$products} {/if} {/if} Its look similar to supplier.tpl Any idea how to include products from supplier?
  13. Hello , I'm trying to increase the number of items I can put in my supplier references. Currently we are limited at 64 , but we need more than that (At least 85) We have tried to make chnages in varchar(128) in ps_product in our database, and in product.php (classes/product) but it doesn't work... Can't we put more than 64 ? Do we have to change anything else ? Thank you for your precious help
  14. Dobrý den, pokouším se přidat název dodavatele a odkaz na stránku s výpisem produktů tohoto dodavatele na stránku produktu. Překopíroval jsem kód zobrazení výrobce: {if isset($product_manufacturer->id)} <dt class="name">{l s='Brand' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}</dt> <dd class="value"> <span> <a href="{$product_brand_url}">{$product_manufacturer->name}</a> </span></dd> {/if} a pokoušel jej editovat s proměnnými $product_supplier->name; $product.supplier_name ... atd, ale nezobrazí se ani název dodavatele, natož odkaz. Pro testování jsem smazal i podmínku, že dodavatel musí u produktu existovat. Poradíte mi prosím?
  15. Hi! I'm testing a local installation of Prestashop with default theme. I'm getting this errors when I try to create a new supplier. I've disabled the B2B mode, but it doesn't resolve this issue. I've also disable the obligatoriness of fiscal code inside Localization -> Nation -> Italy I read in the italian forum that this issue is present also in the latest version of Prestashop. Maybe I missed some settings? Any idea on what can I try? Thanks in advance
  16. Scenario: An employee creates a supplier order into Warehouse -> Supplier Order back office page. When the order phisically arrives, the employee updates its status to delivered to our warehouse or partially delivered. So far, everything ok. The problem kicks in when the order is partially delivered to our warehouse and there is a related customer order available and waiting for supplying. For example, if the customer ordered 20x Product A, and we discover to have received 24x Product A, so 4 more of what we expected, when we update the related supplier order with 24x Product A, we lose the extra 4 quantities, and the Employee needs to add them manually after the supplier order closure. This happens everytime we encounter such errors (they can also be external supplier order changes after the creation of the supply order into back office, that the Employee couldn't know). I guess we need a sort of check for such cases. Anyone with the same problem and/or with a fix?
  17. Bonsoir, les benevoles excuse moi d'abord de ma mauvaise langue je veux ajouter un menu deroulant codepostal a la page product.tpl et du code php a la page controllers/front/productcontrol.php afin de traiter le choix du magazin(entrepot - warehouse) que le client a choisi du menu. 1 - chaque ville il a 3 entrepot (table ps_address) magazin (entrepot) regional => champ address2 = 0 (choix par default) magazin (entrepot) centrale => champ address2 = 1 magazin (entrepot) fournisseur=>champ address2 = 2 2 - apres la connexion du client le choix du magazin (entrepot) par default (regional) est determiner selon son codepostal pour afficher la qte des 3 magazin de sa ville pour le produit X apres le choix on affecte dans la page cart.php une valeur au variable id_warehouse et on l'insere a la table ps_cart la valeur cocher a traver le menu (une colone id_warehouse doit etre ajoute a la table ps_cart de notre base donnee) on compare les qte sur chaque magazin_warehouse si il y a un manque de stock "regional" on passe au "centrale" sinon on passe au magazin "frs" (on utilise le retrait au magazin comme transporteur1 par default ou bien la livraison a domicille par nos propre livreur (transporteur2) par contre le magazin frs utilise une societe tiers(transporteur3)). 3 - on modifier le code du class des pages classe/order.php et classe/payementmodule.php ma version de boutique ps 1.5.1 a - ma premiere question comment je peux inserer l id_warehouse "y" dans la table ps_order_detail et deminuer le stock de ce warehouse "y" sans toucher un autre stock du warehouse "x"? b - ma deuxieme question comment diviser la commande (3produit A + 5produit du client "C" de la ville "V" sur plusieurs warehouse de la meme ville "V" lorsque un produit A existe sur "wh 1" et n'existe pas sur "wh 2" et un produit B existe sur "wh 2" et n'existe pas sur "wh 1"? 4 - voici la 1er modif dans le fichier "productcontroller.php" ou j'ai ajoute une petite modif apres if (!$this->errors) (environ la ligne 150) dans la fonction initcontent : ----------------------------------------- if (!$this->errors) 150 { debut modif $id_product = (int)Tools::getValue('id_product'); $warehouses = WarehouseCore::getWarehousesByProductId($id_product); foreach($warehouses as $qty) $warehouse_qte[]=ProductCore::getRealQuantity($id_product,'',$qty['id_warehouse']); $sql1 = 'SELECT `city`, `postcode` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` a WHERE `id_customer` = '.(int)$this->context->customer->id; $result1 = Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql1); $city = $result1['ville']; $cpregion = $result1['postcode']; $sql2 = 'SELECT `city`, `postcode` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `adresse2` = "1" AND `ville` = '.(int)$city; $result2 = Db::getInstance()->Execute($sql2); $cpville = $result2['postcode']; $sqlsup = 'SELECT `id_supplier` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` WHERE `id_product` ='.(int)$this->product->id; $resultsup = Db::getInstance()->getvalue($sqlsup); $id_supplier = $resultsup['id_supplier']; $sql3 = 'SELECT `postcode` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `id_supplier` ='.(int)$id_supplier; $result3 = Db::getInstance()->getvalue($sql3); $cpvillesup = $result3['postcode']; $sqlidwhregion = 'SELECT `id_warehouse` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `lastname` = "warehouse" AND `postcode` ='.(int)$cpregion; $resultidwhregion = Db::getInstance()->getvalue($sqlidwhregion); $idwhregion = $resultidwhregion['id_warehouse']; $sqlidwhville = 'SELECT `id_warehouse` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `lastname` = "warehouse" AND `postcode` ='.(int)$cpville; $resultidwhville = Db::getInstance()->getvalue($sqlidwhville); $idwhville = $resultidwhville['id_warehouse']; $sqlidwhsup= 'SELECT `id_warehouse` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'address` WHERE `lastname` = "warehouse" AND `adresse2` = "2" AND `postcode` ='.(int)$cpvillesup; $resultidwhsup = Db::getInstance()->getvalue($sqlidwhsup); $idwhsup = $resultidwhsup['id_warehouse']; $sqlqteproduct= 'SELECT `id_warehouse`, `usable_quantity` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock` WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND `id_warehouse` = '.(int)$idwhregion.' OR `id_warehouse` = '.(int)$idwhville.' OR `id_warehouse` ='.(int)$idwhsup.''; //la requette dans le cas ou nous voulons recupere la quantite d'un seul entrepot (par defaut du client) // $sqlqteproduct= 'SELECT `id_warehouse`, `usable_quantity` FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'stock` // WHERE `id_product` = '.(int)$id_product.' AND `id_warehouse` = '.(int)$idwhregion.''; $resultqteproduct = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sqlqteproduct); //$id_warehouse[] = $resultqteproduct['id_warehouse']; //$qteproduct[] = $resultqteproduct['usable_quantity']; foreach ($resultqteproduct as $Key => $qteproduct) { $id_entrepot[] = $qteproduct['id_warehouse']; $qte_entrepot[] = $qteproduct['usable_quantity']; $wq[]= $row; $array_wq[] = array('wq'=>$wq['id_warehouse'], 'wq_qte'=>$wq['usable_quantity']); } $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'warehousecp' => $id_entrepot, 'warehouseqte' => $qte_entrepot )); //fin de modif je veux modifier la fonction getPackageList() pour avoir le resultat de mes deux question le code qui doit etre inserer dans les autres page pour l'inserer a la table order_detail //Product::getQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute = null, $cache_is_pack = null); // This will consider a specific warehouse //Product::getRealQuantity($id_product, $id_product_attribute = 0, $id_warehouse = 0, $id_shop = null) //They both return the product’s quantity, but the latter is to be preferred with advanced stock management in mind. // Gets the quantity in stock for the specific warehouse ID //$quantity = Product::getRealQuantity(3, 0, $choixwh); //$quantity = Product::getRealQuantity(3, 0, 1); // foreach ($warehouses as $w) // $entrepot = $w['name']; // $choixwh = 1; // menu deroulant de choix warehouse un grand merci au developpeur qui va m'aider a creuser dans ce piste (j'ai du gros probleme avec le corp du ps) Coordialement,
  18. Hello, if anyone might know how could the product page show more suppliers who have the same product with different prices? Regards.
  19. Hi, I'm a complete newbie to PrestaShop and OOP and would appreciate some help. I am trying to write a override to the mailalerts module to be able to send a notification email to either the supplier or the manufacturer of the product which is ordered. I know you can add a merchant email but the problem is that we will have many different manufacturers and suppliers from which the customer can order directly and I don't want to send everyone the email only the specific Supplier/manufacturer. So far I made overrides for MailAlerts.php and mailalerts.php in a mailalerts folder, deleted cache and it all works fine. In the MailAlert.php override I'm trying to use the product-id to first get either the supplier_id or the manufacturer_id and then use that to go to address database to get the correct email (I made a custom field for that and that all works fine) First problem is here....... how do I echo out the variables I created here to see if that it actually makes the call to the database and get the right values? I have tried : $Mail = new Mail (); $Mail->manufacturer_mails; $Mail->supplier_mails; ---- nothing -because it needs the product_id, I think? also tried echo'ing from within the class and even tried making a function but I'm not sure how to call that function so ....still... nothing. MailAlert.php Second problem: I then went and modified alerts.php and basically copied everything that was done to merchants_mails to try and get it to work here...mainly because I have very little idea of how this is supposed to be.... I did manage to echo out the variables from the __construct functions and it does give me the merchant_mails but my $manufacturer_mails and $supplier_mails are empty. mailalerts.php At the moment or before I started messing everything up the code would run but gives me a: Fatal error: Undefined class constant 'TYPE_TEXT' in /blah blah/site/classes/PaymentModule.php on line 506 which is.. if (count($product_var_tpl_list) > 0) { $product_list_txt = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.txt', Mail::TYPE_TEXT, $product_var_tpl_list); $product_list_html = $this->getEmailTemplateContent('order_conf_product_list.tpl', Mail::TYPE_HTML, $product_var_tpl_list); } Sorry the code is very messy as I've tried about a hundred different ways to get the values...... I would greatly apprecciate any help! Thank you Ari
  20. Hello, In my new PrestaShop website I have 5 different suppliers for all the products I sell. Actually, my new ecommerce will be a dropshipping ecommerce (I have no stock, everything I sell will be shipped directly by the supplier on my behalf). Every supplier has its own shipping costs. Let's say there will be just one courier for each supplier and every supplier has its own pricelist for shipping (ie. supp1 has 7€ for orders until 50€, 3€ for orders from 50,01 to 100€ and free otherwise; supp2 has 8€ for orders until 200€ and free otehrwise, etc...). How could I manage these shipping rates on PrestaShop? Any suggestion? Thank you, regards.
  21. Hi, im trying to solve this "problem" for 3 days.... but no luck. I searched the forum... stil no solutions. I whant to show supplier description on pruduct page under the tab. I successfully add supplier name, supplier reference. I have used this for description in .tpl {$product->supplier_description|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'} - but no luck im using prestashop thnx for any ideas or help Regards, Juhy
  22. Hello,My website is about coupon and deal website i.e running through affiliate program.So I am suppose to display suppliers logo on product.I tried on product-list.tpl and it's working fine but not working on the module"HomeCategorieById".The code I used to display Supplier logo is <img src="{$img_sup_dir}{$homeproducby.id_supplier}-medium.jpg" alt="{$homeproducby.supplier_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$homeproducby.supplier_name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" /> is showing question mark on the product image as shown in the attachment .Here I am suppose to edit module PHP file to acquire suppliers list from DataBase and I am not aware of it to do such thing myself.Kindly please anyone help me to solve this problem with PHP code to obtain supplier logo on product list on this module only. homecategoriebyid.zip The module that I used also enclosed below. Best Regards
  23. Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to add the supplier details like (phone, name, address) into the order_conf.html template that goes out to the customer. for example: {supplier_name} = 'Supplier' {supplier_address} = 'Prestashop lane 231' etc... In classes/PaymentModule.php i tried to add the following code in the $data array (after line 560) $address_id=Address::getAddressIdBySupplierId($this->product->id_supplier); $data = array ( {supplier} => '$supplier->name', It is a wish of one of our customers, but we can't find a module, and i'm pretty new with prestashop, so any suggestions would be helpful Thanx!
  24. Please read carefully Since we released the first version of our integration tool we have meet many people struggling on creating a products catalogue, therefore we decide to add here some tips on what you need to have and the steps to need to follow to create your shops catalogue as you want it and really fast, time is really expensive these days. It doesn’t matter if you are a developer or a shop owner, this helps all people that have troubles on setting up the web shop catalogue. Every day we receive tons of emails from web developers that have been hired to setup a shop to help them with this. First you need to know that there is no magical tool that will do everything for you, that’s one of the biggest errors that many people have, they think that there is a tool that will automatically do everything by a click of a mouse. Actually they are not complete wrong, but to achieve that click of a mouse solution, you need to develop a tool and then to configure it to do the things that you want, we already have develop that tool for you, you just need to configure as you want it. Any good import tool will create a catalogue on a few second by a click of a mouse, but before you click to create that catalogue, there are a few things that you need to do if you want it to get it right, the tool will do what you tell it to do, let me remind you it doesn’t do any magic, that’s why it is important that you continue reading if you want to achieve that magic. What you need to create a catalogue 1.- An empty clean PrestaShop installation If you already imported products on your shop, you need to make sure that: They were correctly imported. No empty fields on the products back office; they must have the correct information. It should never be missing the manufacturer, reference and products category. 2.- A file with the products information Mostly this file should be provided by your suppliers with their products. In order to sell products, you need to buy the products somewhere, unless you are a manufacturer. You can find a list of suppliers on the web for the products that you want to sell on your country or regions. The file can be on any format, it depends on the supplier, if you create the products’ file yourself, make sure to make a csv, it’s the easiest to handle and less resources needed. The products’ file need at least these fields: Reference Manufacturer Products name or short description Supplier reference Stock Buying price Category id or category name (supplied in most cases) 3.- A tool to import all products into your shop’s database If you want to import more that 1k products into you shop, we don’t recommend you to use the PrestaShop default tool. There are many import tools available that you can use to import the products for the first time, but tools like ours, to integrate the shop with your supplier and keep your data automatically updated, almost none. 4.- A products content supplier Many people think, that the products file is everything that they need, but the products on the file have only the main information to create your catalogue, you will need the products data sheets to complete the products information, that can be only inserted after you create your catalogue and structure. The products data sheet is where you have the product‘s technical information, marketing information and images. If you input this manually, it takes on average 30 minutes per product, if you have thousands of products it will take ages. With our tools you can the data sheets from ICEcat, it takes on average from 2-5 seconds per product as all images must be downloaded on your server. There are different content suppliers that offer the data sheets, but only ICEcat offers coverage of almost 60% of the products catalogue of many European countries for free, for the rest 40% you need to pay. 5.- And finally a clear Idea on how you want the structure of your catalogue to be We have seen many stores that don’t even bother on changing the order of the default PrestaShop installation blocks, they buy some extra front office modules and that’s it, please invest on a template, they are not so expensive. The front office is your shop, like your fiscal shop, your image, what people will see. If you don’t know how your shop should be, nobody can help you out. You need to have a good and clear idea of what you want to achieve and how your shop should look like, this is how your shop will differentiate from all others that offer the same as you. Steps to follow to create your catalogue Just after you have the tool to import the products, the complete products file and a clear idea of what you want to do, you can start on creating your catalogue; if you follow these steps and don’t go to next until you are sure that you have the one you are right, you can have a complete and perfect catalogue for your shop sooner as you think: 1.- Don’t install anything on your store before you get your catalogue the way you want it. Avoid installing anything else while creating your catalogue. If you had setup a template, make sure you can recover you shop where you are at all times. 2.- Make sure your database is clean and not corrupted If by any change you have deleted anything from your shop, then just reinstall PrestaShop, don’t ask me why just do it. If you don’t it you will have plenty of errors on your shop. You should never delete anything from your shop. A Database is relational, when you delete something you break the relations and you corrupt the data, there is plenty of information on the web about this. If your data base is ok, never deleted anything, then make a backup, you’ll probably need to recover to this backup many times while testing. 3.- Reset your shop to clean the categories, products and manufacturers installed by PrestaShop There are some tools that you can use for this; the tools should clean the needed tables. Please as explained before don’t delete this data manually. If you know the PrestaShop database structure and you know your way around on MySQL, you can truncate the needed tables. If you are using our integration tool, there is an add-on that you can add to the solution to reset the store, the tool will also delete all extra added files. 4.- Make a database backup each time you are happy with your current development Make sure you make a backup of your installation when you finish each step successfully, so you don’t have to reset the store each time or reinstall PrestaShop. 5.- Create your Categories structure This is where you need to apply the structure that you have planed, and the whole idea for your shop. Unless you have a really clear idea on how your categories should be, you can expend many hours even days on this. This step is what takes most of your effort and what will make you to reset/reinstall PrestaShop many times, be prepare for that! You can either create your categories manually, one by one, or automatically by the import tool. If you chose to create the category tree manually, you will need that the import tool allows you to relate your shop categories with the supplier categories. If you want to create the category tree automatically according to your supplier’s categories, you have to consider the following: When you have more than one supplier, first you need to make the first import just from the supplier that you want the category tree. To make the firsts import, you just select the categories that you want to be imported, when the tool that you are using allows it, if not, make sure that the products file just contains the categories that you need. Before importing any extra supplier products, you need to manually relate the early created categories on your shop with all your extra suppliers’ categories that you need, in that way the import tool will know where to import any new product. After all needed supplier categories are related, you can continue importing the products of all extra suppliers. With our tool if the suppliers offer the same products, it can automatically create the category relations with each different supplier, you can try it, with each supplier one at a time, it will take a few seconds, if it doesn’t create any new category, then make a backup and try the next supplier, but if new categories are created then go to step 3 or 4 and this time relate manually that supplier. It should not take more that 40 seconds to import 30K products, when you are done importing all supplier, then you have your products’ catalogue ready on the structure that you want. [*]If you only have one supplier, then you just need to select the categories that you want to import into your shop, as explained before the import tool that you are using must allow you to do that, otherwise make sure that the product file has only the categories that you need to import, remember you don’t want to delete anything after the import is done. The import shouldn’t take more that 40 seconds on 30k products. [*]If you are not happy with the categories structure, please never delete anything, you need to go back to step 3 or 4. You’ll probably need to do this a couple of times until you get the desire categories structure. [*]After you finish the imports you can rename the categories or reorganize them as you prefer, soon we are going to offer a tool for that, you can also move products from one category to another. 6.- Import the products data sheets At this point you already have the catalogue in the structure that you want, as you have experience if you have follow the steps carefully, it was really fast, it was a matter of seconds to create the catalogue of thousands of products, when you know exactly how you want it. If you are going to use a personalize template with a different image settings, we recommend you to continue with this step after you have finish your template, so the images can be imported according to your new template, otherwise most probably you’ll need to regenerate your images, and you can lose them. Now we really strongly recommend you to start with ICEcat, and to use our WICEAT PRO module for the ICEcat integration, we know now there are couple of new tools out there for the ICEcat integration, but believe me, the WICECAT PRO does everything that you need an even more. The procedure is what will take the longest but worth it, as it will import the complete products information into your shop, it takes on average 2-5 seconds per product, to import the data sheets of 30k products will take on average 25hrs more or less. Now you’ll see why we leave this step to be the last one, and just to be done when you have everything else set, if you see the difference, to create the whole catalogue of 30k products it takes around 40 seconds and to import the datasheets it takes around 25hrs, if you do this before and you are not happy, you need to go to step 3 or 4 ad you’ll have lost one day and many people do this and that’s why they expend even months on the development. As you have seen it is really easy to setup your catalogue, if you follow these steps you can do it really fast, our integration tool offer all features that you need to integrate with your suppliers, and it works directly from your store back office, you can access it from any computer with an internet connection from where you can enter your back office. Before finishing this small tutorial, I just want to emphasize that you should never delete anything from your shop, if you don’t want something to show up on the front office you have the option to disable it, when your database gets full of obsolete data you just need to purge it. If you, like may does, do delete things your shop will become with the time unstable and slow, and there is not an easy way available to properly recover it afterwards. If you need more information on how to integrate your shop with your supplier please don’t hesitate to contact us directly on our website: We have done this small tutorial really fast and probably we have missed something, this tutorial is based on this article that we publish on our website: http://www.wasato.co...nline-shop.html We’ll try to keep updating this information.
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