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Found 17 results

  1. Hello Comunity of Prestashop, how are you? The reason for my contact is the following, I have already searched the internet for information on integrating your platform with another application, in the case of a customer here, we want to synchronize your software from your physical store (which...
  2. Hi guys, I'm have been looking all over havent had any luck yet, I'm looking for a module that will allow me to import daily updated csv stream from the supplier via a URL (SOAP), load the products on the store, and automatically add a percentage onto the amount (The CSV stream only has...
  3. Buonasera a tutti ho creato una chiamata soap al gestionale di un fornitore che mi controlla la quantità attuale dei prodotti in base all'id e alla taglia.. Ora vorrei che appena clicco su PROCEDI CON IL CHECKOUT nella pagina ordine mi controlli la quantità dei prodotti e mi s colleghi a questa...
  4. Hello everybody! I want to make a separate page for registered users and for a certain group of users. On this page there will be a search form for products from another server via the SOAP protocol. I found a lesson on how to implement limited access: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7eMotQyowpc But...
  5. Necesitamos un: Programador Prestashop para integrar en datos externos en formato SOAP que nos proporciona una aplicación web para proyecto TIC. También necesitamos otro Programador Prestashop para integrar 1.45 a versión 1.6. Incorporación inmediata. Indicar procedimientos de traba...
  6. Hello, I use Mickael Cabanas "PrestaSoap" and it works fine. Except the create function. When I try to create a categorie via SOAP webservice, I get following error: <SOAP-ENV:Body> <SOAP-ENV:Fault> <faultcode>400</faultcode> <faultstring>Other error : This call to PrestaShop Web Services...
  7. Buenas a todos, necesito comprar o encargar un modulo para prestashop con la API de delcampe www.delcampe.net que ofrecen en Soap o Rest, para hacer un modulo similar a ebay Acepto propuestas para la programacion del mismo o si existe ya la compra del modulo Tambien disponen de un si...
  8. Bonjour, Voila déjà un petit temps que j'ai ce genre de soucis avec Kiala : KIALASMALL error - [sOAP]: Problem authenticating the request [faultCode]: AUTHENTICATION_ERROR [message]: Unknown sender : ***@hotmail.be Résultat : page blanche lorsque le client clic sur " confirmer ma command...
  9. Hello, I am hoping someone can help me with some challenges I am having integrating a SOAP action within PS that will send transactional data like "customer first name", "customer last name", "customer address", along with "product item number", "product short description", "quantity", "subtotal", "...
  10. Hai I have the following request... How can i execute this? Sample request <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:urn="urn:xmethods-delayed-quotes"> <...
  11. Hi all, I have an issue that has been plaguing me for over a month now and I have had some progress but very little. I have the module for Merchant Warehouse installed and everything is configured properly however I have this error at the top of the page when I load the configuration page for...
  12. Hey guys... I would like to know if the prestashop 1.5.5 supports code https://code.google.com/p/prestasoap/wiki/README (Simple Prestashop Soap) ¿How can I do for integrate it? Beforehand, thanks for your answers.
  13. Buen día, Estoy utilizando el ejemplo de https://code.google.com/p/prestasoap/wiki/README sobre la creación de un simple SOAP para prestashop, desde luego quiero utilizar un web servicers. Tengo algunas dudas sobre este desarrollo. Es compatible con la versión actual de prestashop...
  14. Hello, I am needing to update the shipping cost to my carrier's cost during checkout. 1. I don't know where to begin in Prestashop to inject the code. 2. I have no PHP experience (I believe this is a matter of taking the code and applying it in the header section) 3. I REALLY need help....
  15. Hello I started use prastashop to see what it could.. now I want to start business - open a shop.. I found wholesaler which could give me all data about items thru SOAP. I wrote the PHP script to it and now I can see all items with descriptions and etc. on my computer when I run a script....
  16. "Prestashop cannot connect to FedEx webservices. No error description found." Account, Meter, API password and key are all set up. Prestashop reports that SOAP is not enabled but my host (Netfirms) claims that is is enabled. Below is the SOAP part of my PHP.ini file. [soap] ; E...
  17. Hola a todos! Busco un programador Prestashop responsable y profesional que desarrolle un módulo para integración con e-books (estándar ONIX3). Adjunto requerimientos. Les agradezco a los postulantes, si pueden adjuntar experiencias previas en este tipo de trabajos sobre todo con SOAP, p...
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