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Found 17 results

  1. Hello, I get these error after disable smart cache for css. I'd try to searching for solutions but it's not exist. Thank you in advance for the answer. This is an errors in BO (2/2) InvalidResourceException Unable to load "/home/ove...
  2. Buenas tardes me gustaría hacer una consulta respecto a las opciones de rendimiento que se encuentran en prestaShop como son "Smart cache" para las hojas de estilo (CSS) y Mover JavaScript al final, cuando se colocan estas dos opciones en si genera algún problema en la página web o algún cambio impo...
  3. Hi, I'm on Presta After I activate the smart cache css, the front-end is completely broken. It's like some css files are missing. No error message is given in the console. Any idea where I should look for the issue? Thanks
  4. Bonjour, Je suis Presta Après avoir activé le smart cache pour css, le site est cassé. C'est comme si certains fichiers css manquaient, mais il n'y a pas d'erreur dans la console. Est-ce que quelqu'un aurait une idée où pourrait se trouver le problème? Merci
  5. More of a minor annoyance than a major issue but when I enable Smart Cache for CSS in the performance section of Prestashop ( I get an annoying 404 error pop up in my console for all pages on the main site: GET https://static2.ruroc.com/themes/theme1241/cache/back.css 404 () Despite displa...
  6. Hola muchachada! Tengo un problema que es un poco "coñazo" Cuando activo el Smart Cache para los CSS me desaparecen los iconos de la web, como había leído que podía dar problemas tenía a mano este post: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/442945-solucionado-no-salen-los-iconos-del-te...
  7. Bonjour, suite à une mise à jour de prestashop, lorsque je veux relancer mon cache serveur 'Xcache', depuis l'onglet 'performance', il me dit que les droits sur le dossier smart cache ne pas suffisant. Je précise que j'ai bien sélectionné 'ne jamais recompiler', "activé cache' et 'ne pas ouvrir...
  8. I just made a fresh install of Presta Bought a theme and installed it. Now I want to turn Smart Cache For CSS off to develop the theme, but it's not working. It's constantly ON even when turned to OFF. So buttons in backoffice are working, but in the front end nothing changes. Smart...
  9. Hello fellow prestausers I'm tasked with enabling CCC/smart cache for CSS/JS on an existing site that I did not build myself. CSS works, but Javascript is causing issues. Mainly "$ is not defined", but I also get a couple of other errors. Probably because of the many modules that are in...
  10. Hi guys, All is in the question. I have built a module witch display a google map. To do so, I load 2 external scripts "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/js?sensor=true&region=FR" and a other. I would like that external scripts are load before the file generate by the smart cache. Is...
  11. Hi guys! I have just upgraded my Prestashop 1.5.6 to the latest stable build Several modules (minic slider, language block) stop working correctly once I activate the Javascript Smart Cache option in: Performance -> Smart Cache for Javascript Apparently the jQuery libraries...
  12. Hey guys, I'm brand new to PrestaShop and I'm working on a project where speed and optimization are the key points. When I enable "Smart Cache for Javascript", I receive errors in my Chrome Dev Tools Console (Firebug for Firefox as well). A lot of elements on the page break as well, such as...
  13. Hello, I'm getting an error when I enable Smart Cache for CSS. Looks like it's missing a trailing slash before the 'themes' after host name: Working fine with javascript cache BO won't let me add a trailing slash to CDN definition, so it must be adding it somewhere. Any ideas...
  14. Got problems with Top Menu not showing the Sub Dropdown Menu, I thought it maybe the module so I have un-installed a couple of times and re-installed, clearing Cache. To find out that if I turn the "Javascript Smart Cache" OFF that it all works fine. But when I turn it on The sub-menu disappears a...
  15. When I enable Smart cache CCC for CSS, the background image of my theme is replaced by giant question marks. Please see images attached showing before and after enabling CCC. I am using Prestashop with the default theme. I added the background image url on line 111 of theme/css/globa...
  16. édit : ce post n'est peut êtres pas dans le bon forum il serait surement mieux dans rapport de bug si un modérateur passe par la merci de le déplacer si vous êtes d'accord avec moi bonjour je suis entrain de mettre en place sur ma homepage des sprites css jusque la rien de bien compliqué mais q...
  17. Merhaba Değerli Prestashop Kullanıcıları, VPS olan web serverim üzerinde Cache system olarak Memcached'i yüklettim. Yüklemeden sonra iki sitemin ikisi de açılmıyor. Site cachini, browser cachini silerek kontrol ettim, .htaccess dosyasını yeniden oluşturttum Prestashop'a. Sonuç değişmedi. 1...
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