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Found 13 results

  1. [MODULE] Powerful and custom short URL link generator for SEO Overview You can shorten URLs to make them easier to share using the URL shortener. A URL shortener built with powerful tools to help your customers easily remember you and analyze user behaviors to improve order conversi...
  2. Hi. I need you to help me eliminate the short description of some areas of my store. I do not want it to be shown in the "Products of the same category" module or in the "Combinations" module that are the page footer of the products. I also want it not to be seen when the slider is opened with...
  3. Подскажите, как можно сделать colapse длинного short_description в котором присутствует стили и теги, к сожалению все css примеры найденные мной упирались в nofilter, а без него все ломается... {block name='product_description_short'} <div id="product-description-short-{$product.id...
  4. Bom dia Pessoal, Estou criando o site lightingstore.com.br e como sou iniciante estou com uma dificuldade na pagina do produto. o site esta em modo catalogo versão Após cadastrar os produtos verifiquei que a descrição curta não aparece na página do produto, como mostra neste...
  5. Hello fellow Geeks, so I finally upgraded from 1.4+ to 1.6 and learned a lot. It's a bitch for sure, but worth it. It should be easier, integration shouldn't be that difficult and I know some fellows will loose some customers but whatever. So on the process of upgrading, the products are fine (most...
  6. Hello, Does anynone know how to write it down in a shorter way? Tu put those ID into arrays or something? {if $product->id|intval == 1478 OR $product->id|intval == 2063 OR $product->id|intval == 3608 OR $product->id|intval == 3511 OR $product->id|intval == 5644 OR $product->id|intval == 5655 O...
  7. Hi my shop has many items with numbers after the same title. For example, hamberger 1, hamberger 2,........, hamberger 111, hamberger 112... So the product name does not change, only the numbers. but but when I search for the item with 2 digit numbers, different results will come up. But it...
  8. I swear I haven't touched the admin section (ftp wise). Still I have this problem where trying to add a (short) description to my product the text field is a white font on a white background which makes adding or modifying the description 'slightly' difficult. How can this be fixed?
  9. Hello, I'm having some troubles with my website sweet5.kg I'm using default theme if you visit this page: http://sweet5.kg/index.php?controller=authentication&back=my-account you'll see that a bottom of the page, it's kind of short . When I visit this page from laptop every...
  10. Hi there, i need to include product's description in emails. We have product name, example "Nissan 350Z" and in description there is "FREE new tires, FREE shipping, FREE full tank". I have also an module mailalerts, which sends an email to us about order. In both mails, there is product id,...
  11. Hello everyone. I hope you can help me once again with the site I'm building and I thank you in advance for all the support you give us everyday. Now to my problem. The products on the site I'm building often have the very same name and they differ from some details explained in the short and lo...
  12. Hi, I have a problem with my short description, my short description is supposed to pop up as an overlay on the product image, the overlay does work but the only text is "..." and its supposed to be " GEL-1170 är en mycket populär och prisvärd sko i structured cushioning-kategorin." (I...
  13. Hi. I have problem with some (not all) products short description which do not display in product's category in the front page. But when you click to the product details, the product short description shows. See attach. Here's the problem link: http://dbsi.lcd-sour...p?id_category=6
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