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  1. I’ve installed PrestaShop, and everything seems to be set up correctly. I’ve already changed the name of the admin folder, and I can access the back office just fine. However, when I click on "View my store" in the top-right corner, the page doesn’t load, and I receive the following message:...
  2. Prestashop Module Shop Reviews + Avatars and Rich Snippets from a satisfied customer is the most persuasive means that you have at your disposal to convince a customer that you are legitimate and that you have a track record for success. A website is an online business card and it is astounding h...
  3. This is my shop and on some products the price is not been visible, I comproved that the products are configured correctly, and the price should been visible. (1st photo) On the template I've tried to var_dump the $product.price variable every line to see how far this variable goes (2nd photo)...
  4. Hi, I'd like to change the display of my backoffice. Indeed, when I log in it's the button "All Shops" which is selected at the top right. But I'd like to come to a specific shop and not to "All shops". For information, I have already selected my shop as a default shop in Advanced Paramete...
  5. In multistore mode, different shops have same template, but slightly different settings like colors, logos, etc. This is easily accomplished by adding shop-specific classes to the templates. Like when adding a shop id to the class-names in layout-both-columns.tpl. However only the shop-name, sh...
  6. Witam serdecznie. Poszukuję małego bądź jakiegokolwiek skryptu, który pokaże mi w widoku produktu dymek z informacją ile osób przegląda ten dany produkt. Może to być sztucznie wygenerowana liczba by zachęcić klienta do zapoznania się z produktem bardziej. Coś takiego mają sklepy np. NIE DLA IDIOTÓW...
  7. Hallo zusammen Mir ist im Presta Shop aufgefallen, dass die Rechte vom Artikel zur Kategorie nicht ganz gehört. Im Presta-Shop 1.6 hatte ich es auch so und da es es. Es geht um den Zubehör-Artikel hier als "BLENDER FLASCHE ..." in der Kategorie Zubehör. Was habe ich gemacht:...
  8. Social Shop Integrator Module Social Shop Integrator module allows the store admin to sync the store products and categories to the Facebook Page of the business. By creating the Shop section on the Facebook page the store admin can display the store products on the Facebook Business Page. This...
  9. Hi there, I need a way to only activated on a shop products with pictures. This is because I'm using an import system and I get over more than 7000 references. Thank you so much in advance if you have a solution, a plugin or anything else. Wishing you a great day and good health...
  10. Hallo we gebruiken prestashop (& emagic's manager) plotseling hebben alle artikels een korting gekregen van 10%. - bij 'specifieke prijzen' vind ik niets terug (leeg), behalve bij een aantal artikelen waar we dit expliciet willen. onze kennis is niet zo groot, maar overal rondgek...
  11. Salve a tutti, possiedo un webshop in modalità catalogo con prezzi nascosti. ho la necessità che un nostro venditore dovrà accedere con account abilitato a visualizzare i prezzi (già impostato) e dovrà simulare un acquisto che finirà nel carrello. la lista dei prodotti finiti nel carr...
  12. Hola tengo La version de prestashop y nadie puede comprarme ya que no se puede registrar los customers ni los invitados, nunca puedo pasar del paso1 y cuando intento crear el cliente desde el administrador me tira el siguiente error: Se ha producido un error al crear un objeto. <b>cust...
  13. Salve ragazzi. Come ormai saprete Facebook ha abilitato la posibilita' di collegare l'ecommerce allo shop della pagina social. Per farlo in modo automatico si raccomandano moduli come Google shopping. Io ho la versione Prestashop 1.6 ma con il modulo di Google segnala troppi errori. C...
  14. how to add additional shipping charge per quantity in prestashop
  15. Hello! i wanna ask something, anyone can help me? When i try to export my product to CSV report, the base price become to0 damn high. like, with six zero and become million. How to fix that? When i try to change the currency and delete the six zero in retail price. It cant change.
  16. Hi, I am struggleing to get my webstore working on PayPal. I am no IT person but it is that the PHP cURL needs to be enabled on the server and then I end up hitting a brick wall. Can anyone please shed some light on what needs to be done but in layman terms? Many thanks,...
  17. Hi all ! I'm setting up my prestashop store right now and I have a problem. I need that after the buyer selects a product, clicks on ''place an order" and moves to my Amazon page and not in the shopping cart Thank for any help!!!
  18. Hallo, ich möchte einen ganz NEUEN Shop installieren und benötige ein wenig Unterstützung. Der Neue Shop sollte für mehr als 1000 Produkte sein und einen Blog mit besitzen. Es müssen vor ab folgende Fragen geklärt sein: 1. Welchen Hoster? 2. Welche PrestaShop Ver...
  19. Hola que tal estoy trabjando con la versión de prestashop Tengo un problema y es que al agregar nuestras tiendas físicas (Shop parameters->Contact->Stores), estas aparecen ordenadas en la tienda según su ID, que lo crea prestashop automáticamente según vayas creando tiendas. La cuestión es...
  20. Bonjour, Je suis actuellement sur Prestashop J'ai un Presta configuré en multi-sites. J'avais déjà 2 boutiques et j'en ajoute une troisième. Le problème est que lorsque j'active les modules de virement bancaire et chèque, il m'affiche un message me disant : J'ai cherché su...
  21. There is a SOLVED thread guiding how to add a SOLD OUT image when an item is no longer available. it works smoothly. What about implementing this to the mobile default template? I've tried to add the same line {if $product.quantity<=0}<img src="https://www.yoursite...d-Out-small.png" sty...
  22. Hallo, ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich habe in meinem Bestellvorgang einen Link und möchte diesen im neuen Fenster öffnen, jedoch steht der Link in einer Variable drin. Anbei einen Screenshot. Der Link steht in "$condition nofilter" drin und ich kann dies aktuell nicht verändern....
  23. Hey guys, I'm trying to get my head around the suitability of Prestashop for my needs, hopefully someone can help shed some light on things for me? What I want to set up is a shop with the following features; People can select a number of items on the screen at the same time before addin...
  24. Hello! I need help. I want to integrate my PrestaShop online shop to my facebook page - to show all my products there. But i need it to be FREE. Please if someone know how to do that to write. I saw so many other platforms to offered this option for free..
  25. Hej. Hur gör jag för att byta namn på min butik. Har ändrat mig och vill inte att den skall heta så som jag valt från början. Har precis installerat och arbetar nu i backoffice med att installera moduler och lägga in produkter mm... Är litet frustrerad, går det inte att byta namn på den??...
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