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  1. Hi, I have installed Prestashop 8.1.1 on my test server with PHP 8.1 and Mysql 5.7 The installation went successful. However when I visit the admin panel it shows blank page on "Home" screen and on "Setting" page as well. On turning on debug it throws following error. [1/2] ErrorExcep...
  2. Buenas, Tengo configurado Prestashop para que el tiempo de vida de las cookies en el front-office sea de 24h. Pero quiero que si el usuario tiene artículos en la cesta se guarden y pueda seguir con el pedido días despues. ¿Se puede hacer esto de alguna manera? Me serviría tanto u...
  3. Hi everyone. This is my first post on the forum. I'm happy to be here. I was wondering if there is a way to share cart content between sessions: I noticed that, every time I logout, I loose all items added to the cart. A further investigation on the database revealed that, when a user logs...
  4. Hello everyone, I have faced this issue when creating a module. It is forbidden to use @session_start(); in the code. My intention is to get session_id(); to the code Can you tell me what are the other methods I could try ? I have tried also tried to use as...
  5. Buenas, Me gustaría saber si es posible evitar que cuando un cliente añade las últimas unidades de stock al carrito, se le muestre despues el producto fuera de stock, ya se que es lo lógico, pero hay usuarios que les lleva a confusión y piensan que no lo van a poder comprar, aunque le haya deja...
  6. Ever typed a crapload of stuff into your pages only to have the system time out on you without notice? Yeah...happened to me. Total flaw in the system. It should have one or both of two things: Autosave draft (recoverable upon re-entry login) Notification of session ready to time ou...
  7. Hola a todos, tengo el problema que entro al backoffice de mi presta shops y cuando hago click en alguna función. Ejemplo: hago cl;ick en catalogo y despues producto, al hacer en producto me cierra session. lo mismo en todos los botones asi que entrar a parametros de la tienda o avanzado...
  8. In our Prestashop 1.6 module, we need to access a cookie that comes from an external tracking code, i.e., a cookie not created inside Prestashop. If I access it through the standard PHP global $_COOKIE, everything works fine; however, such a code does not pass through the Prestashop validator. If...
  9. Regards, my problematics is the following one: that tendria that to do in order that the user between first to the (buying) beginning of the session, before another thing is able to do in the shop?
  10. Bonjour à tous, afin d'améliorer et optimiser l'expérience utilisateur, je voulais savoir s'il y a un moyen sur Prestashop d'avoir une vue sur le temps que passe un client sur la boutique à partir du moment où il se connecte ? Une sorte de journal de logs avec la durée de session de chaque clie...
  11. Hi everyone, First things first, I'm giving you some background. We install/manage tons of prestashop instances and lately we are facing similar troubles along some of them. We tried debug mode and none of them showed any errors or weird things. First one of our shops started failing on BO l...
  12. i have a problem with the login and logout of my clients, when i write my email and my password the page should be redirect to my account page, but doesn't work only stay in the login page, also when i logout my name and data stills in the page when should be close the session. help me please
  13. Hello guys, i have a question: i have 2 stores on the same domain: 1. domain.de/store1 2. domain.de/store2 In the frontend i have a dropdown where user can switch between those 2 shops. Question: how can i make user loggedin in BOTH shops after sucess login? Right now i can login in one...
  14. I want to create a oauth client module for the prestashop. Here I can see in prestashop 'ps_customer' table, the password field (passwd) is a not null. If I want to implement oauth client, I will not get any password from the oauth provider, where I can get only the customer details. In that ca...
  15. hallo, I have a problem with my translations. you can switch between dutch and english, and it works, only if you go to another page it change back to the default language (dutch) so the webshop don't remember the language. I think it a problem with cookies or the session function from php....
  16. Bonjour à tous, j'ai effectué une mise à jour d'une boutique d'un presta à un fin août dernier. La fermeture du site à duré 12 jours et depuis son relancement, les stats Analytics se sont stabilisées sur des valeurs de sessions 60% plus faible qu'avec la mouture 1.4 et le positi...
  17. Hi everyone, I'm at my wits end trying to solve a problem and hope that maybe someone knows a fix. I'm finishing a site that has side by side installations of WordPress and PrestaShop 1.6.1. WP is on one subdirectory (/site) but set to show at the root; PS is in another subdirectory (/store)...
  18. I have a few questions regarding the shopping cart module on prestashop. I am using prestashop cloud. 1. When customers shop and add items to cart, are the items held for them for a certain period of time and prevent others from buying them? 2. If there is only 1 left for an item and custom...
  19. Bonjour à tous ! je souhaiterai dans le cadre de mes campagnes marketing tracker les appels telephoniques de mes visiteurs selon leur canal de provenance. J'ai pensé pour cela utiliser pour chacun de ces canaux un numéro de telephone different comme ceci visiteur provenant d'emailing :http:...
  20. Hello all, I was wondering how one would obtain the user agent of a newly connecting client. I googled around but could not find anything other than using the PHP code, _server 'http_user_agent' I'd rather use a more native prestashop approach. Anybody that knows if and how this would be pos...
  21. How to clean up the guest's shopping cart after the browser close (after closing all tabs of the browser). I want to always have empty shopping cart when I'm visiting the store web-page by first time. Do you have any ideas or working solutions?
  22. Bonjour, Quand je me connecte à mon compte sur ma boutique, j'arrive sur la page 'mon compte' et j'ai bien mes 2 boutons 'mon compte" et 'déconnexion', en revanche je n'ai plus ces boutons sur aucune autre page de ma boutique mais uniquement le bouton 'inscription ou connexion'. Je ne compre...
  23. Here is the situation: We have a dedicated (Linux) server with Prestashop Multiple users (at one of our customers) are logged in (front office) at the same time. They all have different accounts (mail addresses and passwords). Though they experience strange things like staying connected aft...
  24. Bonjour, Si vous cherchez désespérément à rallonger la durée de la session du BO voici la solution : http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/342546-solved-bo-login-session/?do=findComment&comment=1799070 Go to AdminController.php in classes/controller on line 2238 modify 900 to your time...
  25. Hello, How can I set the session lifetime of backoffice ? Thanks for your help
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