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  1. I have a product with different combinations/attributes, so one drop-down menu with different values. If you select a value, the price does not change and after 2 seconds the drop-down value change again to the default value. But in quick view it works, i can choose the value and the price chan...
  2. Hello everyone, How to select an active option in my module? checked options dont work return array( 'form' => array( 'legend' => array( 'title' => $this->l('Choose products'), 'icon' => 'icon-th-large',...
  3. I'm developing a configuration form using the Helper-form , my form has a <select> tag with list of <options> , all this is working my problem is i want to set a specific <option> selected, In another way i want to add an attribute selected to an option in condition of the value , Any Help ?
  4. Hi ! I would like to find a way to set the default value of my select input, from the one saved in database. Because when I edit something, if i don't re-set the value of my select input it just come back to default (first value of my select input) Editing it everytime I want to edit someth...
  5. [MODULE] Advanced product customization-Reuse attribute display Module Overview Expand the built-in product customization and add many form controllers: Select (Drop-down list), Radio, Color or texture, Email and other H5 elements. Supports the reference of product attribute combina...
  6. I'm using Prestashop When adding an address for members or those who want to place an order without being a member, for example, I want to show a warning on the screen if they choose Germany. Something like an information note. How can I do that? I'm new to Prestashop. Which file do I need...
  7. Hola a todos, espero contar con su ayuda para resolver: Estoy buscando la manera de que el cliente pueda seleccionar la zona asociada a su pais en el formulario de envio, para que luego puedan seleccionar la provincias asociada a la zona que seleccionaron. Ejemplo: Tengo Pais Chile,...
  8. Hola a todos, espero contar con su ayuda para resolver: Estoy buscando la manera de que el cliente pueda seleccionar la zona asociada a su pais, para que luego puedan seleccionar la provincias asociada a la zona que seleccionaron. Ejemplo: Tengo Pais Chile, este pais tiene 50 provinc...
  9. Witam Jak zbudować albo dodać select z kategoriami na stronie w .tpl Jest jakiś hook albo zmienna globalna? Bo coś nie mogę znaleźć. Muszę wstawić na stronie rozwijalny select i po wybraniu w nim kategorii aby mnie przenosiło właśnie do niej w sklepie. Z góry dzięki za podpowiedz...
  10. Hi to all, I created a method to construct an array of options like this: public function getListaNatureNew() { $tipiAliquoteIva = [ 'N0' => $this->l('Nessuna'), 'N1' => ['N1' => 'Escluse ex art. 15'], 'N2' => ['N2' => 'Non soggette', 'N2.1' => 'Non soggette ad IVA ai sensi degli artt. d...
  11. Buen día a todos, Acabo de instalar Prestashop en un Droplet de DigitalOcean con Ubuntu 20 y Php 7.4. Tengo configurado el el dominio comprado y SSL con LetsEncrypt . Mi problema está en que los desplegables no se están mostrando correctamente. Inspeccioné esos desplegables...
  12. Hello community! I'm creating a module and stuck on quite simple thing I couldn't find or figure out by myself. Let me explain. I have a dropdown in module configs: array( 'type' => 'select', 'lang' => true, 'label' => $this->l('Type list'), 'name' => 'type_list', 'des...
  13. Anybody know how to create a select with optgroup in function renderForm() and $this->fields_form? I have a multiple select, and i need create section in select to split products (split by store or category): $this->fields_form = array( 'tinymce' => true, 'legend' => array('title' =...
  14. Hi. I have problem with not working select in my prestashop admin panel. Just take look on screens. Why is this render like that? When I edit code it seems to be working properly.
  15. Hello, I would like to program a complete form with helperform on prestashop 1.7. with select, radio button and checkbox. My image attached. It would be an admin side module. And all the information will be stocked in an XML file. I’m in training course and I have 4 weeks to do...
  16. Hello I'm really stuck on this annoying issue. When I try to create a discount in the back office, I cannot search or select any products. I can click on the area to search and it goes yellow, but nothing happens and it is almost like it is not really a button. I can type in it, but nothi...
  17. Hi, i have to make a query with gives me this structure. P=Array ( [0] => Array ( [id__dic] => 79 [id__shop] => 1 [id__lang] => 2 [symbol] => uoi [parent_symbol] => Mich [root_symbol] => 0 [folder] => 1 [oorder] =>...
  18. Hello Everyone! When i open a product page on my website i can't select any of the attributes. I can't select the size or the color of a product , let's say i choose a size of a product ,for example M when i click proceed with the payment it shows always the default size for example in this case...
  19. I make a blog module and now comes the pagination issue where I need the rows count for the respective calculations. I have an idea to make a table lets say category_total where I will have 2 columns (category_id, total) where I will update the total once I add or delete something. I will delete...
  20. Bonjour, J'ai un petit soucis sur une déclinaison de produit car celle-ci saute lors de la première sélection... Je m'explique : J'ai un produit proposant des séances de coaching. En fonction du nombre de séance, l'utilisateur doit choisir celui qu'il souhaite (1 séance par défaut, s...
  21. Buenas. Estoy intentando mejorar el buscador de la tienda online https://www.almacendeoficina.com porque cuando busco, por ejemplo, "bic cristal", me muestra todos los productos que tienen una u otra palabra. De modo que, en vez de mostrar 20 productos, muestra 400 o 500 sin un orden pro...
  22. buenas estoy tratando de crear un Select en direcciones para las ciudades, pero debe cambiar cuando la persona selecciona el departamento, alguien podría decirme donde debo poner la función onchange o podría darme un ejemplo, las ciudades están en la base de datos asociadas a los depart...
  23. i wanna try a function on change on the input City, when the department change, someone could it help me with an example or telling me how can i add the function.
  24. Hello Prestashop Team, I want to modify the product page in the template "variant-product.tpl" to get only one selector for few attributes. I want the image product change when I change the selector. You can check the attached image. Thank you so much
  25. Howdy, I'm facing in Prestashop 1.7.3 (clean install) the following issue's: I'm not able to browse to local pc. When I click on the button nothing happens. So I can't change the logo even. I can't select the theme, I uploaded it by ftp and there it stops. It displays the thumbnail...
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