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  1. Hi, I have a problem that I cannot understand. According to Google, the field "brand" is missing, but I see that it is there. How can I fix this? The description field is empty. There is also a missing "review" field even though I have the module Revws - Prod...
  2. LINK MODULE Purpose of the module The primary aim of the module is to optimize your website by using the creation of rich cards from Google in its recommended format (LD-JSON) and from Twitter, thus fulfilling the recommended actions to improve the positioning and visualization of y...
  3. Hello. Help me with this: I have productcomments module V4.0.1 and Prestashop 1.7.6. How can I specify the all criterions and grades in each comment from each customer? The module does not show criterions by default but only the overall rating.
  4. Prestashop Product Comment Filter Module allows for filtering of bad words used during commenting. When the comments get displayed, the module will replace the bad words with asterisk. Benefit for Merchant Filter bad words in product page Make your store become a professional store,...
  5. Hi. I have some problems just after upgrading my website from version 1.7.5 to In backoffice whenever I click product reviews and store reviews, 500 error occurs. " Oops! An Error Occurred The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken....
  6. Google Search Console wyrzuca mi błąd dla praktycznie wszystkich produktów. Jak i gdzie to uzupełnić. Może Rich Snippet załatwi sprawę?
  7. Advanced Customer FEEDBACK Collect Vital Information The most complete Feedback module that allows you to engage your visitors and captures their Feedback along with contact details. Turn your store into a lead generation powerhouse, build stronger customer relationships and increase conversion...
  8. Hello I have presta and I don't have free review module. I saw there should be free module for review, but it doesn't exist on my prestashop. Could someone upload files for this module or maybe I can downlaod it from other site? I want upload it by FTP
  9. Hey everyone, I allow me to contact you directly in this section, as I made a topic on French section, I'm trying to post here to get help on a subject that could help more than one, i'm pretty sure ! This kind of topic has been already mentionned in several others posts, but it hasn't been...
  10. Hello, First Of All I Would like to thank you for helping me out. I just wanted to know if there is a way i can add PRODUCT LINK IN ORDER HISTORY so that it will become easier for customers to leave a review. Anyhelp would be appreciated. Thanks
  11. Hey everyone! I just reviewed a module developed by Dh42 (moderator here in the forums). It's named Algolia Search, and I thought it would have been great to show it to everyone, since its performance is just amazing Here is the video http://nemops.com/algolia-prestashop-search-module-review/#.Vwz...
  12. On my website people have the option to write a review but these are not being published. How can I read the reviews and publish them? Thanks for any help.
  13. Please see attached image. This has suddenly vanished for all my pages. What can be the possible reason. Earlier all the google rich snippets were visible. ProductComments 3.5.1 Default Module. GSitemap 3.5.2 Default Module. Please advise what is missing or what mistake is there. Website - http...
  14. Bonjour, Probleme Ecrire un commentaire (productcomments) J'utilise un module qui s'appele "configurateur de produit par etape" et depuis je ne peux plus ecrire de commentaire. Sur les pages ou il n'y a pas le module, lors d'un clic pour ajouter un commentaire, just l'url change (ajoute...
  15. Bonjour à tous, Je suis en cours de création d'un site de référencement d'institutions spécifiques, et Prestashop me semble le CMS le plus adéquat pour commencer mon projet. Pourtant, j'ai du mal à trouver LE addon (même payant) qui regroupe l'ensemble de mes contraintes, et j'aimerais avoir vot...
  16. Buongiorno a tutti, avrei bisogno di un aiuto: sto cercando un modulo per recensioni ai prodotti e al servizio in generale. La mia versione di prestashop è la Ho provato ad utilizzare 'recensioni verificate' che è un modulo molto ben strutturato ma ha un costo che ritengo eccessiv...
  17. I installed the yotpo-module to enter reviews of the products. The reviews are in gray : see attach. I found with firebug which parameter is resp. (param. color) But I do not find the corresponding parameter in the file (I suppose form.css in modules/yotpo/css) Can anyone tell me how I accomplis...
  18. Hi I have had a customer review sent to me by email for a product. I have had their permission to add it to the site and would like to add it as a product review on the product page. How can I do this via the admin area? Thanks for any help!
  19. Hallo, wenn bei meinem Shop ein Produkt bewertet wird, erscheinen auf der Produktansicht Sterne mit Review(s) statt Bewertung(en). Bei Lokalisierung/Übersetzungen/Modul productcomments/ unter productcomments_reviews ist der Ausdruck "%s Review(s)" übersetzt mit "%s Bewertung(en)". Kann mir...
  20. Hi all I've been online 6 months and I receive maybe 5 visitors a day. Few sales. Where am I going wrong? Bit confused regarding SEO and using .....com/fr or .....com/gb Any advice much appreciated. Really. Anything. My site: www.laboulang eriepou rchiens.com/gb/ (without the...
  21. Hi I have a technical problem that cannot be solved by the forum, by the forge and by my hosting company. Thinking of taking a paid support plan. Anyone had a good/bad experience with that? Are they helpful? Is it worth? Thanks for your comments. Rene
  22. Hello. I have a problem with my homepage. On the product tab i have a tab where my customers are supposed to review an item. however it is not possible to enter any information. I have tried reinstalling the module through prestashop and by removing the folder in the FTP and replacing with th...
  23. Hi guys, My product review/comment module isn't working. Here's a screenshot: You can try it for yourself via this link: http://tiny.cc/sjga8w Just pick out a product and try the "Commentaar" feature. Thanks for the help! Sam
  24. I've made a test review but i can't find it in the back office for me to moderate. Where do i find it? thanks
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