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  1. Hi, I am getting errors when trying to reset the password. I change some changes as per suggestions in the ps_configuration table and others but had no success in solving the problem. I found code in below file related to error message. prestashop\controllers\front\PasswordControll...
  2. Hi All. I am new on this forum and I hope I can solve this rare problem I detected today. I have installed a fresh prestashop on my hosting via a manager called Softaculous. The installation were without errors. I was checking the entire functionality and I fount that once I a...
  3. I am newcomer here, I dont have a lot of experience in dev prestashop, but it is heavy system for maintaining and dev. My questions is: why after enter to concrete category in left menu(filter) it is disappeared? And where can I translate left menu in Prestashop, including filter?...
  4. Hello guys, I'm new in prestashop and i want to learn. I have a problem, i trying to reset a random module from my shop when i access a front controller(when i acces the link, the selected module will be reset), but i don't know why the controllers and hooks are not installed and i don't know w...
  5. Hello, in my Prestashop all returning customers will see an empty shopping cart even if they put items in it the last time they logged in. I can see those carts as "abandoned" in the cart list. Is this a known problem? Who has any solution or even a hint what or how I can inve...
  6. I could not log in and had to redo my password and then all the shop content was gone, I still see it on my homepage but inside prestashop all the configurations are gone. Is it possible to reset my prestashop state to how it was p.e. at 31.12.2017?
  7. Hi, I need to reset the entire Prestashop Database using the Cleaner module provided with version 1.5.4.x When i use the Cleaner Module all Database is reset correctly but the Category ID continue from the last category i've entered before the Cleaning. I need the Category ID is reset to...
  8. Olá Gente boa. Como faço para resetar o tema padrao da versão do prestashop. Fiz alguns ajustes e algo deu errado e precisarei resetar o tema padrao da versao 1.7. Grato a todos.
  9. Bonjour Comment nettoyer toutes les statistiques ? Dans la documentation relative au stats (http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Statistics) il est écrit qu'on peu utiliser "Auto-clean period" mais je n'arrive pas à la trouver : you can use the "Auto-clean period" Qui a une idée sur ce "Aut...
  10. Hi all! I have a created a test-account for my website, the e-mail belongs to me and I am trying to reset the password using the password-recovery feature from my website. Step 1: I choose forget your password, a link is succesfully sent Step 2: I select the link, I am redirected to m...
  11. Hi. I have created a script that can make it possible for users to create a store frontend. But when i create the stores most modules are shown but modules like: top menu, image slider, products on frontpage and so needs to be reset to show up.. Anybody know why?
  12. I've accidentally enabled Product Customization on some products and despite configuring the two fields to zero ('0') they still show a "Product Customization" tab when viewing the product. HOW TO I DISABLE THIS?!? All I can think of is to edit the database directly, but that's can't possib...
  13. Hi, Am searching for SQL commands to completelly reset/delete all stock transactions, warehouses and other related records. We have enabled advanced stock before, but are having issues now. Simply disabling a'advanced stock' doesn't solve our issues. So: Besides truncating some tables (...
  14. Hi to everybody, I already posted this question in another thread (italian forum), but apparently nobody has got an opinion/solution. Weel, to update the quantities available and prices for sale I override some existing products through the csv import. Csv file contains only the id, product name,...
  15. Problem: Prestashop password reset fails. Once it fails, Prestashop password reset breaks all employee passwords. Solution: Instructions on how to manually reset prestashop employee password using PHPMyAdmin Tested on Prestashop (confirmed to work on earlier versions to 1....
  16. The my-account login button in the front office has gone missing . It should appear next to the contact us button however it suddenly dissappeared. I have reset , uninstalled and reinstalled several times and also hooked it in the header . please help. www.designinfo.in
  17. Buongiorno a tutti, Un cliente ha dimenticato la sua password, ha seguito la procedura per il recupero della password, ma non è riuscito comunque a resettarla. Ho provato a seguire la stessa procedura: Clicco su Hai dimenticato la tua password?, metto l'email e vedo la conferma di invio Ricevo l'...
  18. Merhaba Arkadaşlar, müşteriler şifremi unuttum kısmında e-posta adreslerini ekleyip yeni şifre istedikleri zaman; 1 adet hata var Eposta gönderirken hata oluştu. yukarıdaki hata oluşuyor. Mail gönderiminde problem yok ama nedense böyle bir sorun var. Lütfen yardımcı olur musunuz? 1.5....
  19. In order to get to the bottom of a problem with Cash on Delivery (CoD) I figured I'd try resetting the module, or even uninstall, delete and reinstall it. Regardless of the two approaches, I get a prestashop database exceiption: Take a look. The module installs, but doesn't seem to show up d...
  20. E' da alcuni giorni che non riesco assolutamente a lavorare con prestashop . Una volta connesso all' applicazione riesco a lavorare per qualche minuto poi la connessione viene resettata con i messaggi: 1) inizialmente "Alcune schede non sono state caricate correttamente, vuoi ricaricarle?" 2) q...
  21. I need to reset the statistics of my shop before you go online? How can I do?
  22. Ciao Ragazzi, come posso resettare/cancellare/eliminare i dati presenti nel pannello di controllo? Ovviamente fanno riferimento a fare in modo che possano ricominciare da zero? Grazie Michele
  23. Hi, I use prestashop In the modules > "position" settings I just deleted by mistake all modules. Now the whole appearance of the shop is wasted and I'm pretty angry with myself. Is there a way to reset the bootstrap-default-template. I cannot just delete the shop and set it up fresh, b...
  24. im new to prestashop and i explored lot of things, then after destroying the default theme.. i need to restore the settings or positioning of each modules.. i googled it but i didnt find any thread..
  25. Bonjour, À défaut d'avoir trouver ma réponse dans la documentation du guide du développeur Prestashop, je viens vous la poser ici. Comment puis-je contrôler ce qu'il se passe quand l'administrateur d'une boutique réinitialise un module ? On peut relever l’existence des fonctions install(...
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