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  1. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps to add whats app chat support on the online store and turn visitors into customers. This helps to build relationships with customers, provide personalized service and increase sales. WhatsApp officially announced that over 1 bi...
  2. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to integrate Database Management Tool Adminer in the back-office. This helps to run SQL queries, and database backups, and perform various jobs such as SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE database tables and columns in tables. Also, get infor...
  3. Hello, everyone: I need to show two new fields on the backoffice. I have them in the db on the customer table. I just need to know how to get the data from the db to de view, where I already could prepare de field presentation. I want to show it in the marked area in the picture....
  4. Hi, could you help me figure out which query I need to use to do this: assign quantity 0 to all products that have inactive status in the prestashop catalog. I use prestashop 1.6. Thanks to those who will help me
  5. Bonjour, J'essaie de faire une requête SQL qui permet de lister toutes les commandes avec les noms des produits commandés par client. ça marche, mais la requête m'affiche qu'un seul nom de produit quand il y a plus d'un produit commandé. Si on part du principe qu'un client achete 2 p...
  6. Hi, I would like to display a column with the product tags in admin (in product listing) : (On the screenshot, i’ve translated the column name "tag" by "artists" but it is the tag datas) I’ve created an override of AdminProductsController.php Then, I’ve extended the query in order to...
  7. Hello ! I'm trying to modify Manufacturer query for admin page in presta 1.7.6. For this i use this hook in order to alter $params['search_query_builder']. public function hookActionManufacturerGridQueryBuilderModifier($params) Its easy to add something into the query , but i'm try...
  8. SQL Query (group/customer): SELECT c.`id_customer` AS `id_customer`, `id_gender`, `firstname`, `lastname`, c.`email` AS `email`, `birthday`, `date_add`, c.`active` AS `active` , c.*, a.id_group FROM `ps_customer_group` a LEFT JOIN `ps_customer` c ON (a.`id_customer` = c.`id_customer`) WHERE 1...
  9. Hola comunidad, Vengo a solicitar un poco de ayuda en SQL ya que no es mi fuerte. He modificado esta query para que me muestre cierta información: ID, nombre del cliente, referencia, costo total, método de pago, estado, currier, fecha Me trae la información que necesito peeero necesit...
  10. Hi guys, do you know how I can adjust the menu positions on the lab mega menu module, If i drag the menu pages to different positions, there is no save button to implement the changes. Thank you for your help!
  11. Salve, Ho bisogno di avere in risposta a una query SQL una tabella con i dati di vendita e giacenza secondo un criterio. La tabella che la query restituisce deve avere: - sku o codice referenza (comprese le varianti) -descrizione. -prezzo vendita tasse incluse. -prezzo...
  12. Salve a tutti, mi sono avvicinato da poco a prestashop (versione 1.7.6) e sto cercando di recuperare i valori da una tabella aggiuntiva che ho creato, nel controller eseguo questa query: $sql = 'SELECT * FROM '._DB_PREFIX_.'aree'; if ($results = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql))...
  13. Good morning, I currently have a query to download the fields I need to connect to my facebook store, it isn't perfect but it works so far. The problem is that I need to automate it, because I am short on time to take care of everything. Right now I think I have two options, but I have fai...
  14. i am facing this error in shopping carts admin site
  15. Hi, I have a shop that's using the theme (leo alaska) and it's been doing fine, but all of a sudden I get a blank screen. I haven't touched it in a while, and this just happened all of a sudden. I get the following error on debug mode: the php version currently...
  16. Olá! Sou desenvolvedor, tenho algum conhecimento em MVC, mysql, etc. Sou novo no Prestashop e estou realmente quebrando a cabeça para fazer uma mudança simples. Eu estou tentando mudar uma query que devolve os PROFILES para os administradores. Alguém pode confirmar para mim, AOND...
  17. Hi, i have to make a query with gives me this structure. P=Array ( [0] => Array ( [id__dic] => 79 [id__shop] => 1 [id__lang] => 2 [symbol] => uoi [parent_symbol] => Mich [root_symbol] => 0 [folder] => 1 [oorder] =>...
  18. Hello, I use a prestashop 1609 and I have around 10,000 products. I received a message from the hosting company with a recommendation to optimize a mysql query on my site (sql log is in the attachment) This query consumes a lot of processor time. In prestashop, this request is located in...
  19. Ho questo problema, cercherò di essere riassuntivo: Ho scritto un script in php per analizzare un file csv prodotto da un gestionale. Questo script se, trova corrispondenza tra il csv e un prodotto su prestashop ne aggiorna prezzo e giacenza. Se non trova il prodotto lo crea e mi invi...
  20. I make a blog module and now comes the pagination issue where I need the rows count for the respective calculations. I have an idea to make a table lets say category_total where I will have 2 columns (category_id, total) where I will update the total once I add or delete something. I will delete...
  21. I have PS I have added: $this->fields_list['location'] = array( 'title' => $this->l('Location'), 'width' => 30 ); For the Location column to be visible in the Products list but the column is empty with no values. How exactly the syn...
  22. Hi my english is very poor I need a show to result on the search page add this lines for SearchController page and serach.tpl file 1 - SearchController.php : $myvalue= "xxxxx"; $this->context->smarty->assign('myvalue', $myvalue); search.tpl : {$myvalue} is...
  23. I use two functions in my custom code lets say function Query and function QueryLang The first one returns db::getInstance()->executeS($sql); In the second one after I prepare my query to include the respective _lang table, I call the first one but in bux fixing when I was doing var_dump($...
  24. Hey everyone, Here is my problem. I doing some queries to the database but I keep getting stuck on certain queries. For example: $query = new DbQuery(); $query->select('id_product') ->from('product_attribute') ->where('id_product_attribute ='.$id);...
  25. Hello everyone, How does one programmatically enable ASM with SQL query? Our store has 50k+ products and the ASM has stopped functioning. Event: 1. I disabled ASM temporarily in order to delete a product from BO. 2. When ASM was re-enabled later, all products did not...
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