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Bonjour, j'ai créé une boutique sur une plateforme prestashop et j'ai activé dans cette boutique des produits existants sur la boutique par défaut. Depuis je rencontre un problème avec les champs de personnalisation des produits sur toutes les boutiques. Lorsque que je crée un champs de personnalisation depuis le backoffice, tout fonctionne très bien, j'enregistre, les champs de perso apparaissent en front-office sur les 2 boutiques. Mais si je change quoi que ce soit sur la fiche produit après coup mes champs de perso disparaissent pour toutes les boutiques. Cela est vraiment bizarre et énervant, quelqu'un a déjà été confronté à ce problème ?
- 6 replies
- Prestashop
- Produits personnalisés
- (and 2 more)
I have a small Prestashop at None of my product pages are coming up. Whenever I click on a product to see it - I get This page isn’t working is currently unable to handle this request. HTTP ERROR 500 I tried to install a free responsive theme, which didn't work and I removed. After which none of my product pages come up
Bonjour, Je suis sous prestashop et je suis en train de configurer une nouvelle boutique. La traduction en français semble incomplète comme vous pouvez le voir sur le front office : http://bois-chauffag...bois_chauffage/ Dans la barre de menu du haut, il y a en anglais "promotions" , "delivery" , "contact" Dans la barre du footer tout en bas, il y a tous les liens sous "information", "our offers", "my account". Ma question est comment mettre tous ces liens en français ? Merci beaucoup !
Salve a tutti quando faccio "Duplica" oggetto, mi comprare un errore di creazione. Quindi quando clicco sull'icona delle due finestrelle sovrapposte, ho il messaggio: <<Si è verificato un errore durante la creazione dell'oggetto.>> (evidenziato in rosso). Sia nel caso gli dico di copiare le immagini che senza ! Percorso: Catalogo > Prodotti > ________________________ Copiare anche le immaagini? OK | Annulla ________________________ Però, ho notato che l'oggetto me lo duplica correttamente. Ovviamente poi io entro dentro la scheda dell'oggetto per fare le dovute modifiche (modificare titolo, prezzo, ecc), e poi salvo. A oggetto salvato, ho verificato che viene pubblicato correttamente. Ma non vorrei che poi al momento dell'acquisto, ci siano dei problemi in Front Office, e il cliente non riesca a concludere la transazione. Oltre che leggere e vedere questa scritta rossa di allerta, mette sempre preoccupazione. La mia versione di Prestashop è **** A cosa è dovuto questo errore? Come posso rimediare? E' dovuto a qualche file mancante e che quindi devo trasferire tramite FTP? In questo caso quale sono i file e in quale cartella devono essere trasferiti? Oppure è dovuto al database? a qualche modulo installato? Spero che qualcuno mi possa aiutare. grazie mille a tutti. ******************** Nota: Ulteriori informazioni Utili sempre riguardo a product. (non so se centrano qualcosa) Ho fatto una verifica in Parametri Avanzati > Informazioni E in fondo alla pagina alla voce: Lista dei files cambiati Sono stati rilevati file mancanti/cambiati . Ho rilevato dei file, in particolare: .../ ... / .../ uploadProductFileAttribute.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/cart_rules/product_rule.tpl .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/combination/index.php ... /.../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/combination/helpers/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/combination/helpers/list/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/form/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/helpers/list/index.php .../ .../ .../ themes/default/template/controllers/products/multishop/index.php classes/CompareProduct.php modules/mailalerts/mails/en/productcoverage.html modules/mailalerts/mails/en/productcoverage.txt modules/mailalerts/mails/en/productoutofstock.html modules/mailalerts/mails/en/productoutofstock.txt modules/productcomments/js/jquery.textareaCounter.plugin.js
- 3 replies
- creazione oggetto
- duplica oggetto
- (and 4 more)
Initially I upgraded my Prestashop version from to the latest version but post upgrade I got a lot of errors and issues hence I simply removed that version folder from my hosting server and re-uploaded back the version that I had backed-up before the upgrade. I also had to delete the complete DB as that also got upgraded and had to restore the DB from the backup so that the version that I re-uploaded works fine. As of now everything else seems to be working fine in Back-office except for the 'Modules' tab. The moment I click on the modules tab I get the following message: 'The controller adminnotfound is missing or invalid.' I would appreciate if someone could help me find a solution/fix for this issue. I have checked the ../controllers/admin/ folder to make sure all the files are there. There is no file missing in that folder.
- 2 replies
- prestashop
- modules tab
- (and 2 more)
Hi, Can anybody help me to hide the out of stock products in categories and featured products in prestashop ? I have searched so much but I do not get better solution of it. Here is below link of my site where I want .... http://purmoservice....egory&id_lang=1 Thanks, Mux
- 71 replies
- hide products
- out of stock
- (and 7 more)
Каким образом реализуется обновление цены и количество товаров на Prestashop Кто что подскажет?
Bonjour, Je viens vers vous car après avoir cherché sur Google, cherché sur ce forum, désactivé les modules 1 à 1 je n'arrive toujours pas à résoudre un problème très embêtant. Lorsque je réalise une commande, le temps d'attente entre le moment ou l'utilisateur clique sur "Je confirme ma commande" (sur la page "Récapitulatif de commande") et la redirection vers "Confirmation de commande" est très très long. Si pendant ce temps d'attente on va voir, en tant qu'admin la commande réalisée dans le dashboard>commandes, on constate que si l'on rafraichi la page les produits s'ajoutent à la commande au fur et à mesure... J'ai fait une mise à jour de Prestashop vers la dernière version 1.6, et là ça fonctionnait mais j'ai du revenir vers la version car énormément de bug à d'autres endroits... Info utiles : Site :
- 1 reply
- prestashop
- confirmation commande
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I have a store running on prestashop with 2000+ products and 2000+ visitors everyday. Suddenly the no of visitors got reduced dramatically and I found out that my store was very slow. Further to my investigation I found out that there were many unclosed MySQL connections. All unclsed MYSQL connections were there because of stats modules. This issue was identified and fixed in Prestashop ( I disabled stats, reset the connections and tested the store. Now the speed is up by 400%. I personally don't use any of the stats because I use Google Analytics extensively and I can pull stats by writing my own SQL query. So I disabled all stats. You can also disable stats from Modules->Modules. Click on Analytics and stats and disable the modules that you won't use. Hope this will be helpful for other store owners.
Olá, está acontecendo algo estranho mo meu site (Ainda em desenvolvimento): Ele utiliza a ultima versão do PrestaShop disponibilizada (, e as configurações do servidor estão de acordo com as minimas exigidas (Aqui e Aqui): Problema: O usuário no consegue loga no site, após preencher o email e a senha, ao pressionar enter ou clicar no botão Entrar, a pagina simplesmente recarrega sem retornar nenhum erro. Estou desenvolvendo essa loja para sair do VirtueMart+Joomla do site atual. Me ajudem Edit Foram os cookies, desculpe
- 5 replies
- problemas no login
- não loga
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Hi guys, I'm using PS and my site is getting a Grade F using Yslow (Firebug) regarding the HTTP requests. But i don't know what this means. Below is a screenshot of my test results. Questions: 1) how to combine 7 external Javascript scripts into one? 2) How to combine 5 external stylesheets into one? 3) How to combine 24 external background images using CSS sprites? FYI i don't know what javascripts, external stylesheets, css sprites means :-) So if you do have a possible answer for me. I'd be much obliged if you'd use baby-steps in your communication . Does anybody (or King Vekia) have some tips for me to solve this problem? Thank you in advance. Sam
- 13 replies
- seo
- prestashop
(and 1 more)
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Hallo, ich habe ein kleines Problem: Ich habe die Tage etwas am Backoffice gearbeitet und dort einige Module installiert. Nachdem ich aber feststellen musste es ist nicht das richtige, wollte ich ein Backup Restore durchführen. Gottseidank habe ich dafür ein Backup getätigt vom Home, Mail und SQL Server vor ein paar Wochen. Soweit so gut. Ich habe dann ein normales Restore durchgeführt im Adminbereich meines Hosters, wurde auch erfolgreich durchgeführt. Und nun: Als ich dann meine Shopseite aufrufen wollte, kam ein Http ERROR 500 im Browser. Ok dacht ich mir. Ich öffnete den Adminbereich des Shops (BackOffice) und dieser ging einwandfrei mit allen Sachen. Was könnte es sein? Ich habe auch schon mal die versucht den DEBUG Modus zu erzeugen und zu guckn wos hängt und dann folgendes bearbeitet /home/www/config/ und dort den "false" Wert auf true gestellt: define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true); dann anschließend browser nochmas aktualisiert und folgende Nachricht bekommen: Fatal error: Call to undefined method IndexController::isRestrictedCountry() in /home/www/modules/pagecache/pagecache.php on line 1433 So jetzt bin ich mit meinem Latein am Ende ^^ Evlt hat jemand ne Idee oder hatte das Selbe auch mal. Ist mein erstes Restore und ich wollte eigtlich nichts verändern, deswegen war das Backup auch so wichtig. Mein Prestashop ist das Vielen Dank für Hilfe.
- 1 reply
- prestashop
- frontoffice down
(and 2 more)
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We have a problem with Google Analytics Module Version 1.6 We have update the version 1.4.3 of the ganalytics module using prestashop ( backoffice to the new version 1.6 Analytics now doesn't work, we have tried to reinstall, disable, reset the module but nothing changes. It seems that the analytics code is present in our pages ( )but it is not correct. How can we solve ? We need to create a new ticket in prestashop forge ? Best Regards.
Prestashop Detailed information for a Product is not shown when clicking "view" for a Product on the shop's main FrontPage. When one clicks "View", to see details for a Product, on the shop's main front page, one is transferred, but the page reads "The web site cannot show the page". How could I correct this error? What is causing this to happen?
Итак, знак # появляется при включении модуля фильтра. Ссылки меняются сами собой, видимо дело в скрипте модуля, я пока не нашел эту фичу. Суть проблемы: из-за смены URL с abc.html на abc.html# хлебные крошки путают адрес, выводя родительскую подкатегорию товара (от 3 уровня) в span, а не ссылкой. Критично, ибо сдать проект я не сдам из-за этого. Потому продолжу искать. Если кто-то уже нашел и исправил, либо знает как исправить, подскажите. PS: Может быть просто редиректить страницы с # на конце, на канонические как вариант?
- 45 replies
- blocklayered
- prestashop
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Using Prestashop and Paypal 3.7.1 module Website Payments standard. Issues: 1) Shop's default currency is EUR but costumer sees Paypal order summary in USD. Settings in attached image. 2) After payment costumer is not redirected back to shop. In Paypal account settings auto return is off and there is not a return URL set, is this the reason for it and if yes what would be the return URL? 3) In Back office the order status stays Pending payment confirmation.or some other message but certainly not payment confirmed or accepted, i get informed about payment from Paypal emails only, not from Prestashop and then manually change order status to payment accepted. Thank you in advance.
Al tratar de crear un nuevo producto aparece la siguiente frase "Algunas de las fichas no se ha cargado correctamente, ¿quieres volver a cargarlos? Por mas que se coloque "ok" sigue apareciendo Adicionalmente el boton de "Salvar y Permanecer" desaparece, por lo que no se puede guardar la informacion que se haya colocado en el producto. Quisiera saber si alguien tiene este mismo problema, para descartar que sea problema del hosting. La version del Prestashop es la
- 22 replies
- prestashop
- error
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Bonjour, Sur mon bloc panier mis dans la colonne de droite de mon site, le bouton supprimer le produit de mon panier ne fonctionne pas et renvoi l'utilisateur vers la page d'accueil sans supprimer le panier. J'avais déjà eu ce cas de figure en raison de l'incompatibilité de certains modules, mais là impssible de trouver le module qui génère le problème. Si quelqu'un a une idée, je suis preneuse de toutes les suggestions qui me permettront de résoudre ce problème. Cordialement, Agnès BH
- 1 reply
- bloc panier
- supprimer
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Hi, Do you know how can I reposition newsletter module like the one in this site? (Orange button on the left side) Any help or hint is highly appreciated.
- 4 replies
- newsletter module
- repositioning
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Hi, I am using prestashop and when I am in 404 page the search does not work. (The one in the middle of the page.) You can try by visiting this page: and then in the middle of the page type "دستبند", you will get incorrect results, but if you type this word exactly in the search in top of the page, you can get the correct result. Could you please tell me what should I do to solve this problem? Thanks
- 1 reply
- search
- prestashop
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Hi, I am using prestashop and I have followed all the instructions from the following address: But it did not work! Could you please check my website? Thank you very much ------------------------------------------------------------ I found the solution: Just replace the last line with this one: return $this->display(__FILE__, 'homeslider.tpl', $this->getCacheId());
- image slider
- prestashop
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Hi, Could you please tell me how can I make a fancy box like this one? (orange button on the left side)
Hi, I am using prestashop and I want to remove one of products from top-seller block. I have defined a test product and now it is showing there. Do you know how can I remove it? Thanks
- 3 replies
- top seller block
- prestashop
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I am using Prestashop with default module 'Mail Alert 3.2.8'. When ever there is an order placed, there is no email being sent to the customer or to the merchant. I have setup the configuration under Advanced Parameters > E-mail. I am using smtp settings. When I do the 'Send an email test' I receive the test email successfully. Please help as it is really hard/frustrating to login and keep checking if there is any orders or not. My Prestashop site URL: Thanks for helping in advance.
- 10 replies
- Prestashop
- Mail Alert 3.2.8
- (and 3 more)