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  1. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to add popup image ads on the home page related to products, offers, promotions, etc & showcase them in the front office using interactive popups. Numerous studies show that conversion rates increase remarkably with the use of pop-ups. I...
  2. Hello, here is an essential module to improve your PrestaShop store and satisfy your customers with an improved shopping experience. I always wondered why this feature was not standard on PrestaShop, so after a while, I rolled up my sleeves and developed a complete module allowing a real c...
  3. Cześć Mam problem z renderowaniem zawartości w moim customowym module. Całość odbywa się w panelu admina. O ile sam moduł się wgrywa i pojawia się nowa zakładka, o tyle zmienne wydają się nie być przekazywane do widoku. Struktura modułu: modules/imagemanager/imagemanager.p...
  4. Bonjour, J'ai réussi à installer WordPress (6.7.2) sur mon site dans un dossier /blog a la racine de mon site Prestashop ( J'aimerais que ce blog reprenne le header et navbarre ainsi que le footer de mon site Prestashop. Pour cela, j'ai pris le thème twentytwentythree. J'ai créé un t...
  5. when i go to pages from prestashop i can't edit it with elementor. the button edit doesn't appear, can someone help me?
  6. Cześć wszystkim, Mam problem z logowaniem do PrestaShop Addons. Podczas próby zalogowania pojawia się błąd: "PrestaShop nie mógł zalogować się do Dodatków, sprawdź swoje uprawnienia i połączenie internetowe." Sprawdziłem już kilka rzeczy: Połączenia wychodzące są odblokowane (potwie...
  7. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps administrators to show interactive notifications regarding cookies used by stores as per EU Cookie Law compliance on bottom positions with a link to redirect the cookie policy page, management from the back-office with multiple opti...
  8. Hi All, Greetings of the day. The module helps to add snowfall on the front office with different customization options. Adding snow effects to a website can create a delightful, seasonal visitor experience. Here are some potential benefits: 1. Enhances Visual Appeal The fa...
  9. Shop Parameters -> Traffic & SEO -> Set up URLs -> Save Blank Page Error 500 Advanced Parameters -> Performance -> Clear Cache Blank Page Error 500 The error with Plesk 17.5.3 and 17.8.11 occurs with FPM served by Apache, using FastCGI, prestashop and does not generate...
  10. Hi, Greetings of the day. The module helps to show Facebook as a widget sidebar on all pages of the website to increase likes on the store's Facebook page, customer engagement, and relationship management. This module helps to increase exposure to potential customers lower marketing e...
  11. Hi, Greetings for the day. The module helps to add YouTube videos regarding offers, promotions, products, stores, etc, and showcase in home page popup based on selected languages from back-office. It helps to show different videos based on multilingual store language. This module he...
  12. the subject of order confirm email includes the shop name in prestashop system(8.1.2). in backoffice, the "PS_MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX" config did set in disable. after that, In english frontend version, the subject of order confirm email don`t include the shop name. But in is not english,...
  13. Hello i have a serious problem with my e shop and i cant take anymore orders because when u add a product in the cart sometimes shows zero price and total a bigger amount or sometimes add correct the price but again the total amount is bigger.Please if anyone could help me and get me out of this pre...
  14. Witam, Mam problem z bardzo długim ładowaniem się głównej strony sklepu, strony produktów i kategorii nieco lepiej ale również długo. Strona - https://daars.pl po sprawdzeniu _PS_DEBUG_PROFILING_ okazało się, że odpowiedzialne są trzy elementy - initContent , initFooter , display...
  15. Hola soy un desarrollador de software a medida para PrestaShop estoy creando un complementos para diferentes plataformas, ahora quiero crear un complemento para PrestaShop y estoy buscando una guía de como iniciar si alguien me podría ayudar, ¡muchas gracias!
  16. Prestashop version - also appeared in 1.7.3 I have scoured the forums and google looking at related posts with no solution. Description. When visiting a product page and adding the product to the cart the popup appears but no product is added. Useful url for you to quick...
  17. Hi everyone i am new to prestashop, i am using prestashop 1.7.7 i guess The probleme is i migrate the Client website to my server and change the domain name thebthing is that the JavaScript isn't working properly like clicking some buttons don't trigger any event like the searm or my account b...
  18. Hello, As you may know soon, or rather in July, all Addons that have not paid for moderation will be disabled. And in September they will be removed. I want to conduct a survey among developers. What do you think about it? Where do you plan to sell your modules next, if you plan...
  19. Bonjour à tous, Je rencontre actuellement un problème sur mon site PrestaShop 1.7.8 avec le module Stripe. Lorsque mes clients choisissent de payer via le mode de règlement "Checkout" (qui utilise des données préenregistrées dans le wallet), le montant du panier est arrondi à l'inférieur dans l...
  20. Hi All, Greetings of the day. This prestashop addon helps to add whats app chat support on the online store and turn visitors into customers. This helps to build relationships with customers, provide personalized service and increase sales. WhatsApp officially announced that over 1 bi...
  21. Hello, most probably I'm the culprit, but I've seen a lot of threads with people struggling to make it work. I come from Cs-Cart and I'm trying to switch to Prestashop. So, I've abilitated the the multistore, set a second store on a physical directory /us/ , but it's not working. Wit...
  22. Hi, Here is a new free module development for the PrestaShop community to help its beginners to easily integrate any JavaScript code on their stores. This module simplifies the integration of JavaScript code by avoiding the edition of TPL file of the template at the risk of forgetting thes...
  23. Bonjour Je poste içi un message sur l'agence ETHER CREATION prestashop, il s'agit d'une agence qui propose un panel de modules pour prestashop. Je suis à la recherche de retours sur cette agence, leurs modules et le sav qu'ils proposent. Je suis intéressé par 2 de leurs modules + véhi...
  24. Merhaba google etiketi eklerken site bi anda gitti hiçbir değişiklik yapmadım https://sanaozelqr.com/ admin paneli açılıyor bunu gördüm forumda Adım 1 : public_html/themes/TEMA ADINZ/templates/_partials/ Bölümünde header.tpl Alanımı Buluyorum. Adım 2 :...
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