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Hello, I want to open some link to cms page (for ex.shipping,payment on widget link footer) in a pop up windows ,is it possible? Thanks
Hi! I've spent hours looking for any info but i've found nothing so far! What I have is a checkout page, where customers input their address details and next step is shipping. What I need is, when in the address section of checkout, when "Country" United Kingdom is selected, at the top of...
Hi, I'm looking for a module or script that shows a pop up when an user open our website. This pop up must shows the cookie alert with 2 buttons. 1 - Accept button, so when the user clics he can navigate normally. 2 - Exit button. This button must redirects the user outside the web....
Hello I will need to create a new cms page (with a small html text) to add on footer (with widget link) but very important the new page must be open in a small pop up windows 400x300px. Is this possible? or is there any module to do that?
Da una settimana lo shop online è bloccato perché se si vuole aggiungere un qualsiasi prodotto al carrello, esce il pop up "Hai già la quantità massima disponibile per questo prodotto". Non è stato impostato nessun limite di quantità in nessun prodotto. Inoltre non sono visibili i prodotti di...
- pop up
- quantità massima
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Bonjour,J'ai installé le module pop up newsletter v1.5.0 et il créé quelques bugs : les messages d'erreurs suivants apparaissent en haut de la page d'accueil de mon siteNotice: Undefined offset: 1 in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/web/modules/smartcustomfooter/classes/smartfooterblockitem.php on line...
Buenas tardes, Necesito crear un pop up de newsletter para que la gente que visite mi web de mantenimiento/lanzamiento pueda dejar su correo para que les informe una vez lance la marca. Agradecería mucho vuestra ayuda! Gracias!
- 1 reply
- mantenimiento
- pop up
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I would like to open facebook share page in a lightbox? Is Prestashop using fancybox or thickbox by default? And how can I trigger it from a link in product-list.tpl?
Salve ragazzi, ho una domanda relativa ai carrelli abbandonati... Praticamente, ho tantissimi guest che creano il carrello e poi si fermano ed escono dal sito. Come posso fare per, ogni volta che chiudono il tab o il browser, farli comparire un pop-up che dica "hai prodotti nel carrel...
- abbandonato
- carrello
(and 3 more)
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Buenos días; me gustaría crear una ventana emergente en mi sitio para que cuando se pulse un botón, salga la ventana emergente y muestre una parte determina de un sitio web. Lo que quiero mostrar en la ventana es sólo una parte del sitio web y no que se vea toda la página web Pongo enlace a la web...
I need to know about a module which can do the following. On hovering the mouse on that pop up automatically a slide appears like on the web site: I have attached screen shot of the button.
Buenas tardes, Hace un momento estaba metiendo productos nuevos en mi tiempo y me ha dado deshabilitar el pop up que te sale cuando vas a borrar la imagen del producto. Claro está, me he ido de lista y no me fijé bien que ponía. El problema que tengo ahora es que no puedo borrar las imágenes de...
Hola, utilizo Prestashop y quisiera encontrar un modulo pop up para lanzar anuncios de dos tipos: 1) Un mensaje pop up para darle a me gusta en facebook (el contenido en ingles a la página de facebook ingles y el español al facebook de español). 2) Un mensaje pop up en el index para subscr...
Bonjour à toute la communauté, Je me permets de vous solliciter car je rencontre un problème avec le "layer_cart" qui ne s'affiche plus lors d'un ajout au panier. En effet, j'ai modifié le header.tpl pour déplacer le raccourci "Panier" de la section de menu à une section située dans une top...
Bonjour, J'ai installé le module mondial relay pour permettre aux clients de sélectionner eux-même leur relai préféré. Tout fonctionne correctement. La livraison mondial relay étant celle sélectionnée par défaut la plupart du temps, le widget mondial relay se lance automatiquement lorsqu...
- 2 replies
- mondial relay
- widget
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Hello everybody, I am trying to display a fancybox in contact-form.tpl the same way as checkout page for displaying TOS and Privacy Policy, at checkout page everything works fine, but in contact-form.tpl and other pages it is not working and can't figure what is wrong, anybody could help? The sa...
- 1
- terms of condition
- fancybox
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I am trying to develop a web page and have three different branches of the business. I am looking for a module/assistance in having a welcome page or pop up to direct traffic. The welcome page would include the logo of each of the businesses and maybe a short description. The user would the...
Hi i am using Prestashop 1.5.5 multistore. I am unable to remove the description text from popping up when hovering over the categories in the left column. I have tried all the steps recommended in other topic posts. I have...... 1. Changed (title="{$node.desc|escape:htmlall:'UTF-8'}") to (title...
- 4 replies
- category
- description
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Anyone know of a good age verification popup to use on the front end of my site.... Have one now,, but can't put in my logo, and it drops you off at the bottom of the site once you verify your age. Or does anyone know how to fix it... have tried to get the developer to help me, but he does not r...
Hi, we produce and sell alcohol beverages and must for legal reasons have a message before entering our website warning minors they are not supposed to enter. Plus, for safety reasons, I would like to be able to deactivate the registration form since we work exclusively with professionals, we do...
- 2 replies
- user registration
- pop up
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(solucionado) Eliminar pop up "producto añadido al carro"
pepe81 posted a topic in Discusión general
Hola a todos, me presento y ya empiezo pidiendo ayuda. Totalmente novato a ver si vamos aprendiendo que pueda ser con el tiempo yo el que ayude a los demás . Al lío: Cuando agrego un articulo al carrito me sale un pop up diciendo que se añadió correctamente y da la opción de seguir comprando... -
Bonjour, Alors voila je viens de m’apercevoir que depuis quelque temps mes CGV ne s'affiche pas quand on clique sur le lien du pop up durant la commande. Je m'explique, le pop est vide (blanc) et pourtant dans le HTML de la page il fait bien appel au CGV donc je ne comprend pas trop à quoi cela e...
Salve a tutti, mi piacerebbe che all'apertura del mio sito, ci fosse una schermata pop up che abbia le seguenti caratteristiche: immagine grande o possibilità di mettere video bottone per fare"i like" per chi ha facebook, e una iscrizione alla newsletter. Esistono moduli gratuiti con queste c...
- 3 replies
- facebook fan page
- iscrizione newsletter
- (and 4 more)