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  1. Cześć Mam problem z renderowaniem zawartości w moim customowym module. Całość odbywa się w panelu admina. O ile sam moduł się wgrywa i pojawia się nowa zakładka, o tyle zmienne wydają się nie być przekazywane do widoku. Struktura modułu: modules/imagemanager/imagemanager.p...
  2. Hello, My boss needs me to create an application to control the stock of products and delivery of orders. I made a lot of progress with the API and right now im able to retrive all the data i need and show on the front-end whatever my boss asks for, but right now i need to actly change the values...
  3. Hola, bueno, como dice el título, necesito ayuda para crear un enlace de whatsapp en el carrito de compras, que cuando la persona lo cliquee, éste lo redirija a whatsapp con un mensaje predefinido tipo lista, del encargo: El nombre de cada producto que lleva. La cantidad de cada producto...
  4. the subject of order confirm email includes the shop name in prestashop system(8.1.2). in backoffice, the "PS_MAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX" config did set in disable. after that, In english frontend version, the subject of order confirm email don`t include the shop name. But in is not english,...
  5. Hi I have some problem with transferring new variables to a template. I wrote myself a small module that passes custom text to products in a category. I wanted these variables to appear in product-add-to-cart.tpl. <?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } class CustomTextCategorie...
  6. Hi I have a small problem with the Image_slider module. I wanted to rework it a bit to display some recently purchased items in the store. However, there is a problem. adding a new value to 'getWidgetVariables' returns 1 public function getWidgetVariables($hookName = null, a...
  7. Cześć Tak jak w tytule. Chciałbym dodać osobny szablon dla produktów do lewej kolumny, tej z filtrami, produkty na promocji. Edytowałem ps_specials.php dodając public function hookDisplayLeftColumn($params) { $this->_clearCache('*'); $this->templateFile = 'module:p...
  8. As in the title. I would like to add a separate template for products to the left column, the one with filters, products on promotion. I edited ps_specials.php adding public function hookDisplayLeftColumn($params) { $this->_clearCache('*'); $this->templateFile = 'module...
  9. Ahoi Devs! I want to add some specific prices to some products and their attributes in php but actually I can't find any method to do this? Is there is any function like $specific_price = New SpecificPrice($id_product, $id_product_attribute); $specific_price->discount = 10; $specifi...
  10. Hi, I want to make my shop access only for registered users in prestashop 1.6. Anyone please help me to get an idea to implement it? Please don't suggest any paid modules.
  11. Bonjour, Je rencontre un souci avec le format de la date de disponibilité qui s'affiche toujours dans le format yyyy-mm-dd malgré le changement de configuration dans le backoffice. La seule langue sélectionnée est le français. Quelqu'un saurait quel fichier php modifier...
  12. i have this error when any new customer try to register on my page, im using prestashop /public_html/controllers/front/AuthController.php(443): ObjectModelCore->validateController() /public_html/controllers/front/AuthController.php(256): AuthControllerCore->processSubmitAccou...
  13. This is a module for alternative view of indicative information about a server and additionally guidelines for evaluation of its status. Even though there is already a "Information" (in "Advanced Parameters") page with information about the server and there is also "Server Configuration" (by Mediac...
  14. Buenas tardes. Tengo el siguiente error al intentar entrar a traducciones en el backoffice: Warning: file_get_contents(): http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 Ya active en CPanel en PHP el allow_url_fopen= on Pero no soluciono. La dep...
  15. Hi guys I have this problem when try to admin I change the php version to 7.3 and 7.4 , and rollback and the same problem It always worked fine, I reuploaded the vendor folder and the same thing. (1/1) FatalErrorException Compile Error:...
  16. Does anybody know how to insert variables (non-html) code into the CMS pages? We are running a multishop with shared CMS-pages, but we want our sitename to be variable in these pages. One of the the variables should be $SHOP_NAME in a standaard CMS page with the privacy policy. Pages like these ofte...
  17. Bonjour à tous, Nous utilisons actuellement le module BeezUP. Cependant, nous rencontrons un problème avec l'e-mail de confirmation de commande. Il semble que cet e-mail affiche les prix du site plutôt que les prix du marketplace. Nous avons scrupuleusement vérifié la configuration du modu...
  18. Hola a tod@s Estoy buscando e intentando adaptar un script para importar productos desde un csv automáticamente, en un Prestashop He visto una para Prestashop 1.6: Script Importacion Automatica Prestashop 1.6 Me gustaría poder adaptarlo para Prestashop 1.7 y dejarlo aquí para comparti...
  19. nleft and nright values for new categories are 0 . They are not getting updated. the new categories that i create are not visible in the front office in the screenshit you will be able to see the last 4 categories have 0 nleft and nright values .htaccess file has not been changes images for othe...
  20. I bought the page builder Creative elements for prestashop 8.1.0. I use prestashop locally via a MAMP running on the latest MacOS and Apple Silicon with no Xcode tools installed. The php version is 7.4 and the mysql version is 5.7.39. Unfortunately some errors don’t allow me to use it. When I want t...
  21. Hello, I added a test_field in /src/PrestaShopBundle/Form/Admin/Product/ProductInformation.php public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { . . . ->add('test_field', TranslateType::class, [ 'type' => FormType\TextType::class, 'constraint...
  22. Bonjour, J'espère que vous allez bien. Je rencontre un petit problème avec l'envoie des mails. => Utiliser /usr/sbin/sendmail et paramètres SMTP ne fonctionnent pas. J'ai contacté infomaniak pour vérifier si le problème ne vient pas de chez eux et selon eux RAS. il me suggèr...
  23. Bonjour. J'ai créé un site web en local avec Prestashop 8 . Ma version de PHP est 7.1.30. Le site fonctionne bien en local. J'ai lancé le déploiement aujourd'hui en envoyant par FTP les fichiers sur mon hébergeur, puis en important la base de données sur l'hébergeur. J'ai déjà...
  24. Hello, I'd like to know how I can change the categories' page query parameter to be /page=2/. Example: http://website.com/1-category/?page=2 should be http://website.com/1-category/page=2/ I've tried making a htaccess redirect but it redirects back to using the query parameter. Rewrite...
  25. Good afternoon, I apologize for all the inconvenience, I would like to ask about an error that I am getting. AIt's my first time installing PrestaShop and I'm using Ubuntu for that, along with apache and MySQL. AAmong several installation guides including in several versions of PrestaShop...
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