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  1. Hi, I want to use a new VPS as media server to put my static content on. the problem was I had too many image files on my shared hosting on bluehost (700,000+ images, including thumbnails etc) So as a result, I have to delete the images after I've copied them to the new server, but in the Pre...
  2. Hi everyone ! I could use some help. I'm using Prestashop, and since a few weeks, I'm experiencing a really slow back office (10 to 20seconds between pages). I have no issues with the front office. I upgraded to a faster server (doubled the CPU/RAM), but nothing changed. Trying to...
  3. Hello! I'm new to PrestaShop and I'm evaluating if it is a good product for my needs. After reading all the documentation I've found, there are two topics that rise some doubts about PrestaShop: scalability and high availability. I have some concerns regarding those topics, and I would be very...
  4. Bonjour, Je viens de voir que ma note google speed est fortement descendue (42), alors que mon site ma parait toujours rapide. D'autant plus que je ne comprend pas les améliorations à apporter ni comment faire... De mon côté, le site me parait rapide, même si je le teste en nav...
  5. Performance Pro - All in One Performance Pro includes image optimization (WebP), page-cache, cleaning tools, lazy loading, page optimization, HTML optimization, analytics, and more! READ MORE / PURCHASE HERE: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/website-performance/86977-performance-pro-all-in...
  6. Hello, I need some help. I've been struggling past few weeks with improving SEO of my shop, including technical side as suggested by PageSpeed Insights. I've managed to improve a lot, but it's still far from good, especially on mobile. Links: PageSpeed Insights - Shop's main page Page...
  7. Hi all, Just in case anyone needs, here's a tiny python script to warmup prestashop cache. It fetches all the links from the sitemap page of your site and downloads them. Usage: python warmer.py http://example.com/sitemap where example.com/sitemap is the address of your site's sitemap page....
  8. Hi, I'm upgrading my shop from 1.6 to I'm on the last phase of the process (working locally and on a test server) and I was trying to optimize a performance issue in the loading of some products. Looking at the profiling data for those product pages I found a huge amount of repeated sq...
  9. [MODULE] Advanced product customization-Reuse attribute display Module Overview Expand the built-in product customization and add many form controllers: Select (Drop-down list), Radio, Color or texture, Email and other H5 elements. Supports the reference of product attribute combina...
  10. Saya mau berbagi apa yang saya lakukan untuk mendapatkan performa prestashop yang optimal. Berikut skor google page insight web saya: Mobile score: Desktop score: *Untuk skor mungkin bisa berbeda², untuk memastikan real score lakukan 2X test (karena ada faktor page cache)...
  11. We have a shop that runs on Prestashop v1.7.5.1 and the site becomes extremely slow once we add a product to the cart. Also, when we apply a coupon it takes about 10-20 seconds to apply it. What we tried We enabled CDN (cloudflare) , we also enabled server side caching. In the Prestashop the...
  12. Hi there, on sunday we are launching a prestashop with around 50.000 products. We will grade up to around 150.000 products within the next 12 weeks. All products have around 5-15 attributes. We have heaps of variants, but do not use the variant functionality of prestashop. It is disabled. We ha...
  13. Hi guys, I am struggling to fin the maintenance under the performance page while I am trying to disable shop in order to perform upload back_up version of the DB. I ma using PrestaShop 1.7.3 That's what it says in documentation on the PrestaShop when creating the back_up...
  14. I have my own server, with 26 Gb RAM dual Xeon and what it will be a small bakery site and some small sites (WP). Not really significant traffic, but I want to be as fast as possible in serving the pages. Many info I've read are for previous versions of Prestashop, I have the newst version (1....
  15. Why is my site running soooo slow?!? I have a custom theme on the site, but even with the default Prestashop theme it's so slow to load in every page – including basic pages such as about page. I know that I can benefit from adding a good caching module, but would site really be this slow...
  16. Hi, Recently my hosting provider has added the new version of PHP 7.0. I tried it. So, here are my feedback (can be individual in your case). Performance: The site began to work better in form of speed. A bit faster response. Faster back office performance, product saving, etc. Problems:...
  17. Hi, Most of the tools like GTMetrix show our site www.absolution-cosmetics.com running and loading at a good speed at around 1 to 3s from their London server for https://www.absolution-cosmetics.com/fr/ pages. However we have numerous visitors who are letting us know about serious slow loading...
  18. Hi, i wanna use media servers on page www.lezecky.sk. http://www.webhostinghub.com/help/learn/prestashop-15-tutorials/performance-and-security-15/setting-media-servers-performance I created 3 subdomains: http://sub1.lezecky.sk/ http://sub2.lezecky.sk/ http://sub3.lezecky.sk/ On eve...
  19. Hello everybody, I tryed to transfere my prestashop website for a server to another server (I followed some tutorials to do that and it worked well). All is OK except one thing, I can't access to "Advanced Parameters / Performance" page, it says Error 500. But when I activate manually De...
  20. I make a blog module and now comes the pagination issue where I need the rows count for the respective calculations. I have an idea to make a table lets say category_total where I will have 2 columns (category_id, total) where I will update the total once I add or delete something. I will delete...
  21. Hi, We are trying to web performance with Presta There is a error " The Setting files cannot be overwritten". (Plz see img attached) do have any help? How can we fix this? Tks so much
  22. Salam sejahtera untuk semuanya. Izinkan saya bertanya untuk memperbaiki error ketika membuka halaman advance parameter > performance pada halaman admin seperti screen shoot berikut: Hal ini terjadi setelah saya mengaktifkan debug mode saat menambahkan google analytics k...
  23. Bonjour, Je n'arrive pas à sauvegarder les changements au niveau de la page Paramètres avancés > Performances Merci de m'aider à trouver une solution
  24. Bonjour à tous, J'ai créé un petit tutos expliquant comment optimiser son site : https://www.nemesis-tech.com/optimiser-les-performances-et-chargement-de-prestashop N'hésitez pas à me dire si vous avez des "trucs et astuces" et vos retours d'expérience afin d'aider la communauté ! Me...
  25. Secondo voi Prestashop riesce agevolmente a gestire e visualizzare dieci/quindicimila articoli con un piano hosting condiviso o consigliate vivamente un VPS. La domanda sarebbe: rischio e continuo col condiviso (in U.S., ping 130 ma SSD) e poi si vedrà oppure passo fin da subito al VPS? Mi...
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